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Mac's Story

Fiona Maher

Chapter One.
News flash just in. "Horrific head on collision. Joel Nash is on the scene.
How is it down there?"
"To tell you the truth Martin it is hectic with police cars and ambulances around. There was a lorry and a car involved in the crash. The man in the lorry was ok but had minor cuts to his head and face. The police haven't found anyone for the other vehicle. They are still looking for a body. Joel Nash CNN News."
"We'll talk to you later Joel.'

Later the police got a call from Miss Catherine Reilly.
Catherine had blonde long hair. She was very thin and attractive. She said her husband could have been in that crash. Pat O' Connor, the local policeman told Miss Reilly to calm down because she was mumbling. She gave a description of her husband Mac. She said he had brown tight hair and medium build. She said he should have been home 5 hours ago but never arrived. She thought he could have been at his mother's house but he wasn't.
Policeman O' Connor said, "We would like you to come in for questioning tomorrow. The police are still looking for the body".
An hour later she got another phone call from the police. It was Pat again.
"We have found a body half a mile from the scene of the crash."
She dropped the phone and ran to the car. She immediately went to the police and they told her that the body they had found was in the morgue. When Pat brought her to see the body she broke down in tears because it was her husband. He had bruises around the head and had a broken arm and a fractured leg. Pat asked her what was his name and she declared it was Mac.

Chapter Two
A week after the funeral a stray dog turned up on Catherine's doorstep. He was covered in muck. Underneath the muck there was golden hair. He was a golden Labrador. Catherine came out to the door because she heard a dog bark. Catherine had a good feeling about this dog. She thought it was Mac but she couldn't tell anyone because they would think she was mad. She brought the dog into feed him. She didn't want to put up notices in shops because she didn't want to give away the dog. She wanted to keep him. She even called him Mac Junior. She kept the dog that night and the next day she brought Mac Junior to her husband's grave with her. Mac Junior knew the grave she was going to. He sprinted across to her husband's grave and sat beside it panting for a while. As soon as Catherine got over to her husband's grave, the dog started digging up the stones on the grave. She then knew that Mac's soul was after reincarnating into a dog. She didn't tell anyone about the dog because she didn't want the dog to be taken away from her and given to the pound. She felt so close to the dog and he always kept her company. Chapter Three Two months later Catherine's mother became sick. She had cancer and had only a month to live. Catherine was with her in the hospital holding her hand beside her bedside. Every evening at home Catherine felt very lonely, even with her dog. Catherine was devastated. One morning the hospital rang Catherine to tell her that her mother had passed away. Catherine went in to the hospital to see her. She looked very peaceful in her bed. Mac Junior was feeling very lonely so he went to his grave. He lay there for an hour. When he went home Catherine wasn't there. The news was on the television. There was after being an accident. It was Catherine. She lost control of her car and it hit another car. She had died. Mac hid in the closet in case the police found him. The police came to the house. They heard him. He had no where to stay. The police gave him to the pound. He was very lonely but he made friends still. A year later he died in the pound. The End.