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A Cry For Help!!

by Laura Mockler

My name is Brittany. I am thirteen years old. I hate school. My brother Eric is so annoying and disgusting. Mom is really calm like Dad. I am going to tell you a story about when I moved to a new house:

Chapter 1
"Mom can I bring my laptop?" I asked.
" If you take care of it," Mom replied.
" Mom did you see the house already?".
" Yes dear.".
" Mom will you tell me about my room?".
That conversation lasted until nightime and then I went to bed. I was so tired I got to sleep in one minute.
Chapter 2
The next morning I had to get up at five o' clock because we had to be at the airport at seven o' clock.
Mom asked " Are you ready Brittany?"
" Nearly Mom" I said.
Finally I got into the car and we drove off to the airport. The plane nearly left without us but we just made it in time. The seats were really comfortable on the plane. The airhostess was bringing around food and drink. I was very nervous the only thing I wanted was a glass of water. It was a very short flight to America. When I got off the plane I went to look for Mom, Dad and Eric.
"There you are I've been looking for you every place"
I said. A taxi brought us off to our new house. Our house was beautiful it had a big window in the front but you couldn't see the room from outside. It had a lovely front porch. We walked around the back and went inside. Inside you saw the kitchen. Then we climbed upstairs. The hall was very long. We went to my room first. I was so excited. I opened the doors
" Ugh!" I screamed.
My room had wallpaper with sharks on it.
" Mom I hate this wallpaper!" I roared.
"Calm down Brittany we'll get new wallpaper for your room tomorrow" Mom promised.
That night I didn't get to sleep very well.
Chapter 3
The next day we had an early start because we had to go shopping. We went shopping at half past ten. I picked out lovely wallpaper with flowers on it for my room and Mom got some groceries. I asked,
"Mom can I go to the nearest library because I've read all the books at home?" Mom answered,
But meet me at the car park at half one".
So I went to the library. There was this old lady who was very grumpy. She never had a smile on her face. She was looking at me every minute while I was picking out my books - it was like I murdered one of her relations. So I forgot about her and tried to pick out a good book. I saw this really good book it was called: The Discovery of Magic. So I went up and got my book stamped and went off to the car park. Mom was waiting there patiently in the car.
"What took you so long in the library".
So then I told mom the whole story. When we got home I told Dad and Eric about my whole day shopping. They thought it was an adventurous day. Then I went up to my room. I was playing with my laptop but then I heard a noise outside my door.
"Who is it?" I asked.
The voice said "Eric".
I said "Come in but don't be annoying".
So he came in and started talking to me about things. After a while he started talking to me about the book I got in the library that had spells in it.
He challenged me, "I bet you won't be able to drive people out of the cemetery."
"I bet I will be," I replied.
I had to get a good few things - frogs, snails, a pot and toothpaste - for my spell, before I went to the cemetery. I put the pot on the stove and cooked it up and after that I put in brown paint. At eight o' clock I sneaked out of the house, carrying the pot and walked quickly to the cemetery. I shouted the words
"Hubble Bubble toil and trouble fire burning, cauldron bubble!!"
And then suddenly the mummies rose out of their graves. They drove out of the cemetery and started walking like sleepwalkers in a daze, towards the village. They had rags of clothes on them. They started running after me. I ran and ran until I got home. When I got home I ran up to my room and looked out the window. They had destroyed the village already. ----------------
Mom said " What's going on outside".
I said "I'll tell you the whole story later on".
I tried everything to stop the mummies. I started to cry. Suddenly I heard this voice say " What's wrong?"

Chapter 4
" Who said that?" I asked shakily.
"It's me, the cupboard".
"The cupboard is able to talk I wouldn't believe that in a million years".
"But all the furniture in this house is able to talk".
"But how?"
"Before your family had came to this house a really spooky man lived here. He was always down in the basement making new experiments to try out on things. But one day he tried out an experiment on all the furniture in the house and that experiment made us talk" said the cupboard.
"But why didn't you talk before?"
" We just didn't feel like talking" the cupboard said.
"Can you help me stop the mummies?" I wondered.
"Yes we will," all the furniture shouted together.
The furniture told me that I had to look at the back of the book of spells first. So I looked at the back of the book and it said
"Go to page seventy - four to see how to stop your spells".
So I looked through the book but there was no page seventy - four. Page seventy-four was torn out of the book. I had to go back to the library and see was the page there. But I had to get back before the mummies killed my family. I ran as fast I could to get to the library. It wasn't closed - that was very suspicious. So I went in. A different lady was on for the night shift. She was a very nice lady. I asked
"Did you see a piece of paper on the floor.
"Yes I did," she replied.
"Here you go, is this it?"
"Yes, thank you" I said.
I ran back home as fast as my legs could bring me. I had to make another experiment. Nearly everything in my next spell was in the kitchen. When I had all the things in the big pot I cooked it up for a couple of minutes. I put a bit of my spell on a spoon and left it on a table for one of the mummies. I waited…..and waited. When the village was destroyed the mummies came down the laneway, they smashed down a bit of the house, then smashed down the door, and started destroying our house. One of the mummies went over to the spoon and drank it all up. He turned back around and headed towards the cemetery. I couldn't believe it! My spell had worked! So I started making pots and pots of it for the rest of the mummies. I left them upstairs and downstairs for the mummies to drink.
Chapter 5
After a while all of the mummies had gone back to the cemetery. I said Thank You to the furniture. After that I told Mum, Dad and Eric about the spells, the mummies and the talking furniture. Eric thought it was cool but Mum fainted. She got over it after a while. I liked the way the furniture was able to talk because they helped me a lot with my homework. The End