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We're Trapped.

by Eoin Egan.

Chapter 1.
One day I decided to ring my friends James, Richard, Sean and Niall. I asked them if they wanted to go on a camping trip with me. They all said "yes". By the way my name is Eoin and I am 11 years old. I like going on adventures. We decided to go up into the forest. We were going for a long weekend. I was to bring a small gas barrel - we needed this to cook and to boil water. Sean and James were to bring food like cereal, sausages, rashers, milk, sweets, crisps and fruit, and Richi was to bring plates, knives, forks and pans. The day of the trip came and it was nice and sunny. I made sure I had everything, especially the tent. We had to walk about 3 miles to the camping field. James and Richi were falling down with tiredness. The field was huge, green and full of colorful flowers. We set up camp right beside a ditch so there was a lot of shelter. We each got a job. Mine was to light the fire. James and Sean did the cooking and washed the dishes. Richard was in charge of inside the tent and Niall was in charge of collecting sticks I helped him with that. After setting up the camp Niall and I went off and gathered lots of sticks, enough for the whole week. I lit the fire and we told each other ghost stories and ate marshmallows. At about 11 o clock we got into our sleeping bags. That night I had a dream that wolves ate us all. I thought it was stupid. I woke up and heard a noise. At first I thought it was Richi letting off but then I saw a shadow. I got a knife and walked outside. Next thing I saw a horse so I tied it up against a tree until the morning. Then I realized that it was the horse that let off.
Chapter 2
When we woke up the horse was there. We let him graze the field. He seemed happy with us. We brought him for a walk, in the woods. We came to a clearing and decided it was a good place for a game of football. The only problem was that there was a small cliff nearby. Richi ran near the cliff and Niall passed the ball to him and Richi slipped and fell a few feet. He hurted his leg. We carried him back to the tent and I took out my first Aid Kit and I put spray on his leg. He said he felt better. The day was not over. We still had lots of games to play. We played hide & seek first. Then we played tip the can. It was great fun and after the games we were all very tired and hungry. James and Sean cooked beans and sausages. After dinner we helped James and Sean to wash the dishes. I lit the fire. Niall had brought a book and he read it to us. We also ate marshmallows. We fell asleep at about midnight.

The next day it was very cloudy. We went for a walk anyway. We came to a cave. We crept in. It looked cool. There were lots of stalagmites and stalactites in the cave. It was very dark and long. We could hear water. James, Sean and Niall started running around and shouting. Niall took out a ball and we all kicked it around. Suddenly rocks started to fall around us. We had to dodge the rocks. If we didn't we would have been killed. There was lots of dust around. When it settled there was no light or no way out. We realized that we were trapped! James had a cut leg and bruised arm. I had a cut leg and arm. A rock was after falling on my leg but I was O.K. I had to be helped around by Richi who was A O.K. Sean and Niall had lots of bruises all over. We were stuck in the cave. Richi was going mad being cooped up like that. The time was 5 o clock. We searched our pockets to see what food we had. We had a sandwich, a bar of chocolate, some penny sweets and a drink of orange. We divided everything 5 ways. Luckily for us we were alive. The cave was dark, damp and huge. One bit of the cave glittered like little stars. It was amazing. During the next few days we thought we were going to die. Two days later Richi went off exploring. He heard water. It was near him. He found an under ground spring and he drank lots of water from it. Then he came back and told us there was water. We struggled to get to the stream. Niall had to be carried to the stream because he was dehydrated. When we drank the water we felt a lot better. We were still weak.
Chapter 4
Back home someone rang the police to report 5 missing people because we were 3 days late. The head of the station sent out a search party of 4 policemen, lots of volunteers and a helicopter to the area that we were camping in. There were a few ambulances standing by. Back in the cave Niall passed out because he was so weak. I nearly passed out as well. Suddenly we heard some voices outside the cave. So we started screaming and shouting for our lives. The people outside heard us. We were saved! All I saw was black and rocks. I heard an ambulance outside and a digger. The digger dug out the big rocks. I heard some big thumps. Suddenly I was blinded by the sun. I was overjoyed when the sun blinded me because I knew the people were in the cave. Lots of people ran in to help us. Niall was first to hospital because he was unconcscious. Richi went with him. James, Sean and I shared an ambulance together. I was a bloody mess. We were in hospital for 2 days. When we came out of hospital we were all bandaged up. Even though it was a terrifying experience thankfully none of us were seriously injured. The lesson to be learned is to be more careful around caves and old buildings.