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The Invisible Girl

by Jennifer O Brien

The Invisible Girl.

Chapter 1

It was a cold winter's day. Sinead's family was driving to their grandparents' in Carlow. The roads were very icy so her daddy was driving slowly. They were about 10 miles from Carlow and they could see this car coming towards them speeding. She heard her mammy and daddy shouting because the car was heading straight for them……
That was the last she remembered until next thing she knew she was standing beside the car looking in at her parents, her brother and herself. She thought it was very strange. Suddenly she could hear sirens coming down the road. It was the gardaì .She thought they could see her but they couldn't. She looked in the car mirror but didn't see herself. Then she knew there was something wrong. She had left her body and now she was invisible. She went home and stayed for the night and didn't know what to do.

Chapter 2

The next morning she said she would head for the City. So she went up to Dublin by bus. She didn't have to pay the bus driver because she was invisible, so he couldn't see her. She chose that city because it was her favourite. She went up to Garden Street. She saw this boy on the street. She thought to herself. Would she go over or not? She wasn`t sure.
She thought: "the guards didn't see me, why should he?"
She wanted to go over because she needed a friend. So she chanced going over.
She said. "Hi, my name is Sinead. Can you see me?
"Of course I can stupid"
"That's amazing.
I was just asking because nobody else can see me. The guards couldn't see me .
What's your name?"
"Go away"
"Ok" she said and walked away.
"Johnny!" he shouted. "Johnny" "Yes" She told Johnny about the car crash. Johnny had brown hair and blue eyes. He slept in a card board box down a lane. "Come on, we'll go and get something to eat. I've money I hope," said Sinead. When Sinead and Johnny were walking down the street they overheard this gang of boys up a lane talking about breaking into O Connor's Corner Shop. She said, "Johnny hide behind the box and I will see what the plan is". She came out a few minutes later with the plan. The plan was that when Mr. O Connor was closing up about 9:00, they were going to sneak in and rob lots of things. So Sinead and Johnny went straight to the guards. When they got to the station they knocked on the big yellow door. A big tall man, Garda Murray, opened it. "What's wrong?" he asked Johnny. "There is going to be a robbery at O Connor's Corner Shop." "How do you know?" "My friend told me." Garda Murray looked around and asked "what friend?" "My invisible friend Sinead". Garda Murray was annoyed. "O-------k! Look boy just go home to the fire or you will……." "But" And he slammed the door. "That's the thing, I don't have a home" "That makes two of us," said Sinead sadly. "They didn't believe us"

Chapter 3

That night they heard sirens coming from everywhere.
"This is going to be a nice night! " said Sinead.
Monday morning they saw a police car passing. In it was the man that slammed the door on them, Garda Murray, and it was like as if he was looking for somebody. Then he spotted Johnny. He stopped the car and came up the laneway where Johnny slept. "Well look I'm sorry that I didn't believe you," "OK, we forgive you," Johnny said "Come on." "What about my friend?" "She , or he …what ever it is can come to" "It is a she , her name is Sinead." "Ok" "Where are we going?" To the police station to find out more, like how you knew there was going to be a robbery." When they got to the police station they told the police how they know about the robbery, and about Sinead being invisible. Garda Murray decided that they would have Sinead and Johnny help them to fight crime Sinead and Johnny agreed. So when the next robbery took place the police were there on time. Garda Murray found them a lovely home in an orphanage and for years and years they were very happy. They helped the guards until Sinead retired and Johnny died.

The End

By Jenifer o Brien.