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My Worst Nightmare.

by James Mockler


Eoin, Ciaran and Richard were up at my house during the summer. We were watching telly in the sitting room. Ciaran shouted, "Look!" There was an advertisement on telly that said 'You and four People can win a trip to Australia.' Ciaran said "Lets ring." We started laughing. "No chance!" Richard laughed. I said "I'll ring, OK?" I dialled the number. How to win was you had to go up to Dublin and answer questions in a general knowledge quiz. We all put our names in a hat to see whose parents would bring us up to Dublin. It was Ciaran's mother who had to bring us up. The quiz was held in a building called the RDS. The last and hardest question was 'Who invented Coca Cola? Was it (A)Bill Gates (B)John Pemberton or is it (C)Edward Birmingham?' It took a while but we finally got it. It was (B) John Pemberton. We had won the quiz!!! The quiz master told us to be at the airport at four in the morning on Wednesday of the next week.

It was the day of the holiday. It was a stormy day. We all went in our own cars because our parents wanted to see us off. We got to the airport at two in the morning. The airport was a big crowded building. We had to go through the security check. We had to put everything metal in our bags because if they found any metal in our pockets they would think it was a gun. We said goodbye to our parents and then we got on the plane. We bought a deck of cards and Gameboys. After about twelve hours on the plane, when we were nearly at Australia, the airhostess said calmly to put on our seatbelts because we were coming into a storm. The plane was swaying from side to side. We were going to crash!!!!! We all put our heads down and hoped for the best!!


I woke up after being unconscious. I was stuck behind a chair. I called "Help!!"
But then I thought no one would be alive. But I heard someone moving. He moved slowly over to me. It was Ciaran. He helped me up. We looked around for anyone else alive. I found Richard and Ciaran found Eoin. The pilots were dead and there was a person alive that I didn't know but I made friends with him. I asked him his name and he replied, "Niall." We all got off the plane. We had landed on an island. We explored the island. We had to build a tree house so we could sleep in it. Ciaran and I went with Niall to gather sticks for the tree house and Richard and Eoin went the other way. I was walking along when I saw three people in a boat in the sea. They were coming ashore. I shouted, "Look!" The lads were really excited.
Niall said, "I'll go and tell the others." We went down to the shore to see the strangers. When we got closer to them they looked like pirates. We noticed this because they had a camp at the shore, and guns were scattered around the camp. When we got close to the camp they caught us. The leader's name was Hook. He had a patch on one eye and had a wooden leg and looked very cross. He had two friends with him. They both looked like twins and they did what he told them to do. If they didn't he would hurt them. They told us they would keep us hostage. They tied us with rope and wouldn't leave us go. Suddenly I saw Richard, Eoin and Niall hiding in the trees. They knew we were caught. They had to think of a plan fast. Niall made a noise. The two twins went over to see what it was while Richard and Eoin threw stones at Hook. Niall ran over to us and untied us and then we all ran. We hid in a cave so the pirates wouldn't catch us. The cave was dark and had bats in it and Niall was screaming. They walked past us and we ran back to the tree house that Richard, Eoin and Niall had made. The lads had made a good job of the tree-house. We slept in the tree house that night.


I woke up early next morning. The sun was shining. I didn't think we would ever get home. The rest of the lads woke up. We were very hungry. I had an idea. I said if we built a raft out of sticks we would be able to fish. It took an hour to finish it. Only three could fit on it. I picked Eoin and Niall. We made a fishing rod and dug up some worms. We sailed out to sea. Niall said he would fish for a while. Eoin and I were talking when suddenly Niall fell off the raft. One of the fish must have dragged him in. We saw the dorsal fin pointing up in the water. Luckily nobody was hurt. We went back to shore. Niall was nearly crying. The lads sobbed, "We can't stay here for ever.
" Richard suggested, "Let's build a boat." I went over to the aeroplane. There were lots of useful things. Two weeks later we were finished. The boat was big and could hold a lot of people. We sailed out to sea. Night-time came and it was Richard's and my turn to row. After an hour we saw light. We woke up the lads. It was like a city. We sailed as fast as we could. We landed in Australia. We got off the boat. We got a taxi and told him to bring us to the nearest airport. We still had our tickets. We asked the ticket checker would he contact my mother. I told him the number. He gave the phone to me. I told my mother the whole story. We got the next plane home. Our mothers were waiting for us at the airport. I will never go on a plane again.


