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Lost On An Island.

by Ciaran O Shea

Lost On An Island.

Chapter 1
Joseph is eleven years old. He lives in Cork City. His best friends are Dwayne, Andrew and Max. His brother is Tom and his mother's name is Mary. One-day Joseph's mother got a message in the mail. It said: "Congratulations. You and your family might win a free trip to Florida. All you have to do is get this question right: "What is the scientific name for Oxygen?" Joseph's brother Tom shouted, "It's O2." Joseph's mother posted the letter with the answer. The next week they got another letter and it said, "You won the competition and you can bring your family and the pupils of your class to Florida!" Joseph couldn't wait to tell his friends in school.

Chapter 2
Joseph asked the pupils of his class " would you like to come to Florida with my family and I?" When they knew it was free they said," Ok I'II come." Everyone came on the bus. They were playing cards, their gameboys and talking to each other. When they were at the airport Joseph and his friends got sweets at the shop. They got their tickets at the ticket desk. They were playing cards on the plane when suddenly they heard an explosion. Everyone on the plane was screaming. Joseph and his family were really scared. They heard the pilot announcing that the fuel was low and that they would not have enough fuel to get to land. So the plane was going to crash!! There were only 10 parachutes and the youngest people could use them. Luckily Joseph and his three best friends, Dwayne who was brave, Max who was a good friend, and Andrew who was very scared, and some other pupils of his class were the youngest. Tragically Joseph's parents had not parachutes so they were left on the plane to die. Joseph was really sad that his parents had no parachutes. The pilot showed them how to use the parachutes. So Joseph and his classmates jumped off the plane. Dwayne shouted, "This is so cool!" Luckily they landed on an island.

Chapter 3
They searched the island. There were no people on the island. But there were lovely waterfalls and there were plenty of animals there, such as deer, tiger, bears, birds and lizards. Also there were lots of trees and plenty of fruit on the trees such as bananas, apples and oranges. Joseph and his best friends Andrew, Max and Dwayne decided to build a cabin. They looked for twigs and branches for the house. Max and Andrew built the cabin while the rest got the supplies for the house. When Andrew and Max had the wall of the cabin done, they went to look for leaves for the roof. They brought plenty of leaves back to building site. Joseph worked hard to build the roof. All they needed now was a door and some windows. Finally the cabin was built.

Chapter 4
They went to find fur from a dead animal. Luckily they found a dead tiger. They tore off the fur of the animal with stones. They used the fur for their bed. It was getting dark and they had nothing to eat. They made a fire by rubbing two rocks together. They caught the dead tiger and roasted it on the fire. Max joked, "That was the best tiger I ever ate!!" Joseph laughed, "That's the first tiger you ever ate!!" Andrew said, "Let's go to bed, it's really late." All the beds were bunk beds made from wood. They used the tiger fur for a cover. It took the children a while to go to sleep because they were so scared. But they finally fell asleep. Chapter 5
The next day they got up really early. They decided to go for a swim in the water near the waterfall. Joseph jumped from a really big rock into the water. He went straight down to the bottom of the water and suddenly he saw piranhas! He swam as fast as he could to the surface. He got out of the water and then he screamed, "There are piranhas in the water!" Joseph and his friends swam as fast as they could out of the water. The piranhas ate everyone except Joseph, Dwayne, Max and Andrew. They all started crying. Then Andrew said in a sad worried voice, "We got to get out of here". Joseph suggested, "Let's build a boat to get out of here." They were just about to get wood when they heard a loud noise.
The noise was coming from the sea. They rushed out to check if the noise was coming from pirates or police. They checked. It was pirates! They rushed to a cave to hide. The pirates followed the children into the cave. They caught Andrew. They brought Andrew to a hill. The rest of them followed the pirates. The pirates tied up Andrew against a tree. The other boys waited until the pirates fell asleep. Then Dwayne and Max tied the pirates up, while Joseph rescued Andrew. The four children stole the pirates' ship. Luckily they found food and water on the ship. Joseph went to steer the boat while the rest sailed the ship. The ship rocked dangerously from left to right because of a terrible storm. The children climbed down the stairs to get to the kitchen and stayed there till the storm died down. After a couple of hours the wind blew down. So they climbed back to the deck of the ship. They went back to their jobs and they finally got to Florida. At the harbour a nice old man gave them food. When they were finished they got a taxi to the police station. They told the Florida police about the island and about the pirates. The police told the Florida Mayor and he named the island after the four boys. The island was called "The Four Kings." Joseph and his friends Dwayne, Max and Andrew flew back to Ireland and said they would never enter a competition again.
The End