My Minor All-Ireland Running Medal by Niamh Maher.

Hi my name is Niamh Maher. I live in Ballycullen Mullinahone, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. I am ten years old. I am going to tell you about my favourite hobby, running.

Chapter 1.Mullinahone Running Club

I was a member of the Mullinahone Running club. Every Tuesday and Friday at six o'clock we had running training. Our trainer's name was Maggie Coady. Training lasted for an hour each night. I had been doing this for about two years.

One Friday night last winter our trainer announced that the club was splitting up.

Chapter 2. Carrick Running Club

After a while I decided that I would join another running club so I picked Carrick-On-Suir Running Club. So I asked Mammy could I join and she said, 'Yes'. Mam got the number and rang Emby Walsh. Emby said that I would be welcome to join the club. I was delighted. I asked my Mam when was training. She said Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday you can pick one of the days. We decided that we would go on Wednesday because we could share lifts with my friend Doireann and her brother Donal who are also members of the Carrick-on-Suir Running Club. Training normally lasts for about two hours but lasts longer if we have competitions on. But sometimes we have to go down to Waterford just to get an extra bit of training for competitions. The first day when I went training I was really nervous. Emby told us to gather around and listen. She announced that the County running finals were to be held in Templemore, Co. Tipperary in February and there were lots of events. The events were running, shot, long jump, ball throw, javelin, hammer and walking races. I decided to take part in long jump, ball throw and running. I started training for the County Running Finals in Templemore. We had to train two nights a week, one night in the track in Waterford and one night in the field in Carrick-on-Suir. I had to train extremely hard for the County's. We had to do a lot of training like hopping on your leg and stretching out. The exercise that I hated doing was jumping up in the air and clapping your hands. I liked doing all the other exercises.


I was lining up at the starting line for the U9 running race and I was really nervous. But then the man blew the whistle and we started running. I was getting tired near the end but I kept on running as fast as I could. Eventually I came to the finish. I had won. I was delighted. The organiser called out my name on the microphone to come up and collect my gold medal. When I came home my trainer told me what a race I ran. Then she told me that I should go to the All-Ireland Finals in Tullamore Co. Offaly. I was so delighted. I couldn't wait. Mam told me that it was on the 15th of May. I had a lot of training to do.


The All-Ireland Finals I woke up at half past seven on the morning of the Finals. I felt really nervous. I ate a bit of breakfast but not all of it. I went to Nine-Mile-House and I got my lift from there. Tanya Hickey was the mother of a girl that was competing in the All-Ireland and she brought Mam and me. We finally got to Offaly. Before the race I felt really nervous. I thought that I had no hope of winning. Everyone looked so big and strong. I went for a jog around the track and did some exercises. Finally my race was called out. I lined up at the starting line and the starter blew the whistle. All through the race I was coming third. Near the finish I was getting tired but I took a big deep breath and sprinted to the finish. I passed out the two girls in front of me and I won! I couldn't believe it! Mam came out to me and said, "Well done." I collected my gold medal and I went home. I felt excited, delighted and proud. I showed my gold medal to my family. My dad and my brothers were delighted for me. I enjoyed my year with Carrick-on-Suir Running Club and I am going to go back and try and win the All-Ireland U10 Running Finals next year.