ShipWrecked By Ian Healy.

Hi. My name is Ian Healy. I am ten years old. I am going to tell you my story of when I went on a trip on a boat and it sank. I was trapped on an island for a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


One summer day my parents told me we were going on a trip. I asked my parents where we were going but they just told me we were going on a long trip. They told me that I could bring three friends. So I thought of whom I should bring. Their names were Sean Curran, Niall Cronin and his brother Gary. I rang them and they said they would love to come. The next day we drove to my friends' house. Their bags were packed and they were ready to go. We drove to Waterford Harbour and there was a huge ship tied to a pier. I asked my parents, "Are we going on this ship". They replied, "Yes we are". I was so excited.


We walked aboard the ship with our suitcases When we walked on the ship there was a huge long hall. There was a reception desk there. The receptionist got a porter to carry our bags to our cabin on a trolley. We followed him to our cabin. We unpacked our clothes and put them into drawers. Then my parents brought us to the deck because the ship was setting sail. We waved goodbye to everyone. Then we went to the restaurant and ate dinner. After dinner we explored the ship. We got tired and went back to our cabin to go to bed. In the middle of the night I looked out the porthole and I saw it was very stormy. The ship was getting tossed around on the rough waves. The captain announced to abandon ship. We all ran to the lifeboats and climbed in. Sean, Niall, Gary and I were lowered down on the ocean but my parents were not on the boat. I felt really sad and unhappy. We were the only people on the lifeboat. We rowed the boat away from the ship. After a couple of minutes we saw the ship sink with a final splash. We waited in the boat for the storm to stop.


We fell asleep and when we woke up we were on an island and it was huge. Everyone had made it. We could not see my parents and we said they must be dead. They were probably left on the ship and drowned. So we went to look for big leaves and branches to make a hut. We built a hut. We used some big branches to make beds and used leaves to use as covers. The hut looked pretty steady. Then we searched for food in the forest. We didn't find anything so finally we searched the beach. We found food that washed ashore probably from the restaurant. We carried it back to the hut. Then we went back to the beach and we saw our suitcases. We carried those back as well. Then we found a flare gun. I said why don't we bring it back to the hut. Maybe we could use it if an aeroplane or a ship comes by the island. When night fell we ate a huge feast .



I woke up during the night and saw a snake and woke up Sean, Niall and Gary. We all ran out of the hut and slept in a tree. In the morning we walked back to the hut to see if the snake was gone. We looked around the hut and it wasn't there. Then we went back to bed. When we woke up all that was left was fruit. So we ate some fruit for breakfast but it was very sour. We ate it because we were so hungry. When we were finished eating we went to explore the island. We walked along the beach for a long time. Then we saw something small beside the shore. We ran over to it and saw it was a mobile phone. We were very excited because we would be able to phone for help. Someone must have dropped it off the ship and it washed ashore. We brought it back to the hut and rang 999 on it but it was broke. Probably from a lot of water in it while it was washing ashore. It was useless to us so we threw it in the ocean.


The days passed one by one. We were running out of food and were getting hungry. We were starting to lose hope. One night we heard an aeroplane flying over us. We jumped out of bed quickly. We grabbed the flare gun and ran to the beach. We saw the aeroplane and shot the flare gun up in the air. We thought the pilot of the plane saw the flare but flew off. We were very disappointed. We walked back to the hut and sat down. A couple of days later we saw a boat. We were sitting on the beach and it was the middle of the day. The boat sailed over to the island. The men on the ship said that the pilot of the aeroplane told them that we were on this island. We got aboard the ship and sailed back to Ireland. My granny and my granddad were there to meet me. When we got back we were on the news and the front page of the newspaper and the radio. We went to my parents' funeral. I will never forget that trip . THE END