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Michael Faraday had a good life and became very famous.
He did different things in different dates and years.
Here are some his dates and things he did:

In 1791 Michael Faraday was born in London.
Then in 1805 he was apprenticed to Mr. Riebau as book binder.
In 1812 Faraday became Humphrey Davy’s assistant at the royal institution.
In 1813 he went on a European tour with Davy.
After a while in 1821 he married a young woman called Sarah Bernard.
Then in 1825 he was appointed director in the lab and he started a weekly Friday discourses and children’s Christmas lectures.
In 1831 he discovered the electromagnetic induction.
In a couple of years (1838) Faraday got his first bout of mental illness.
Then in two years (1840) Faraday recovered temporarily.
Nearly twenty one years later (1861) Micheal resigns as lecturer at the royal institution.
In 1865 he retired.
And in 1867 he sadly died.

One or two other things Michael Faraday did was that based on the experiments he did himself on electromagnetic rotation, he was the first man to build a practical electric motor.




C. P.

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