"Welcome to Kill o' the Grange National School. Ours is a vibrant, active school where the staff work as a team to ensure the children in our care are given the best possible all round education.
We are given tremendous support by the Board of Management, P.T.A. Committee, parents and Community Employment Project.
Even though our building is unsuitable for modern educational requirements it doesn't hinder us in providing up to date education for the children. We eagerly await our new extension and all classrooms being refurbished. Proposed plans have been drawn up and we hope that these will become a reality in the very near future. The next few years will be exciting for us with our new building plans and the introduction of the New Curriculum.
I hope you enjoy reading the pages from each of our classes and we look forward to receiving any comments you may have."
Elizabeth Fitzroy (Acting Principal)
School Administration
The school is administered by a Board of Management comprised of two representatives of the Patron - the Archbishop of Dublin - two representatives of the community, two parents' representatives, one assistant teacher and the Principal. The Chairman is the local rector, Rev. Ferran Glenfield. The board is elected every three years.
The cost of running a school such as ours is quite considerable and despite support from the Deptartment of Education, over half of our total income comes from parents of children attending.
The school covers the full range of curricular subjects under the Curriculum of the Department of Education. It endeavours to cater for the spiritual, emotional, social, academic and physical well-being of every child.
Remedial Provision
One of the aims of the school is to provide a genuine chance for all children to learn in accordance with age, ability, aptitude and interests. A combination of early screening and teacher vigilance identifies 'at risk' pupils early in their learning. The remedial programme is fully integrated into the general organisation of the school and its activities.
Enrolment Procedures
Children usually enter Junior Infants in the September following their fourth birthday. Application forms are available, on request, at the school and these should be completed well in advance of the proposed date of entry. Places are allocated before Easter by the Principal and Chairman. An Induction Day for parents and guardians and their children is held in the June prior to entry.
School Times
Doors are open at 8.30a.m. and it is imperative that parents are aware that supervision is from that time onward. Class begins for all children at 8.50a.m. and we like them to be in attendance in the classrooms from 8.40a.m. The school day for Junior and Senior Infants is shorter, ending at 12.45p.m., while First - Sixth Classes end at 2.15p.m.
School Uniform
- Grey Trousers (boys or girls - not tracksuit bottoms) / Skirt Pinafore
- Grey Cardigan / Jumper / V-neck Sweatshirt (with School Crest)
- White / Grey shirt with School Tie or White Polo Neck
- Tights / Socks - White, Grey, Navy or Black
- Black, Navy or Brown Shoes (Runners with uniform are not acceptable)
P.E. Uniform
- Navy School Tracksuit with School Crest (only available from the school)
- Plain White / Navy / Yellow T-Shirt or Polo Shirt
- Runners
Parent Teacher Association
We have a very active PTA which assists the school in many areas of activity. It provides for educational and social evenings for parents and teachers as well as engaging in fund raising to enhance the provision of equipment and materials in use by the children. The Annual General Meeting of the PTA is held in September each year.
Community Employment Scheme
There is a very active Community Employment Project operating between the school and the parish. At present the project includes a supervisor, secretary, and sixteen assistants - seven classroom assistants, two community administrative assistants, two caretakers and a newsletter co-ordinator. The scheme provides a wonderful support for the teaching staff and the children benefit greatly from the extra care and attention of the project personel.
Late in the autumn term a personal consultation is arranged between parent and teacher. An Open day is organised for all parents in June which is intended to provide an opportunity for parents to view their children's work. Annual school reports are issued to all classes at the end of June.
Recycle your Cans!
In Ireland each year we consume the contents of over 100 million cans of soft drinks, beers and wine. Almost 60% of these cans are made from aluminium and are therefore 100% recyclable.Aluminium drinks cans, being made of only one metal, may be recycled repeatedly into new cans. In 1988, Ireland's first aluminium can recycling plant opened in Tallaght and was soon followed by other recycling centres. Within nine years, the recycling rate for aluminium cans has risen from zero to 26% in 1997.
Recoverable Resources Co-Op Ltd. have helped to recycle millions of these cans and helped promote recycling - until then aluminium cans were being dumped. Ireland, however, still lags behind the rest of Europe in the recycling stakes.
Kill o' the Grange N.S. became involved in recycling cans some years ago as part of a Sixth Class project. Through can-recycling, our children have learned about the benefits of recycling and how it can improve the environment. We have also raised very useful funds for the school.
Not all cans are aluminium, though. A number of drinks companies have changed their cans from aluminium to steel. Steel has no commercial value whatsoever. Test your can with a magnet - if it sticks, the can is made from steel. The aluminium content of our bags of cans is now weighed and we are only paid for aluminium. Last school year (1999/2000), we collected 171.9 kgs of aluminium and the school has just been issued a cheque for £51.57! This is down a little on the 1998/'99 total of £85.13. A breakdown of last year's collections and result can be seen below. Congratulations and continued thanks to all parents and children for your support.
32.9kg of aluminium @
30p per kilo
26kg aluminium @
30p per kilo
48kg aluminium @
30p per kilo
40kg aluminium @
30p per kilo
25kg aluminium @
30p per kilo
171.9kgs aluminium