First Class: Ms. O'Reilly

For Mayday, our class decided to talk about " Listen to the voices of the Elderly". We have done lots work and drawings. We sang the song "Help" by The Beatles and we did a poem called "The Little Old Lady". We really like that day.

You can see some of our drawings here. They were about old people that we know.


My uncle has white hair. His favourite thing is to read the newspaper. He is 71 years old. He likes to play football with my two brothers. He does not have a walking stick. He does not have glasses. He gives me sweets all the time. He lives in America. He visits me when it is summer.
She loves gardening. She waters the flowers everyday. She puts flower seeds in the soil to make it grow. Then she takes the lawnmower and cuts the grass. Next door there is a dog and the dog comes out and then he barks at you.

My great-aunty likes shopping.

She likes sitting down.

I only see her at Christmas and Easter.

She always gives me Disney teddies for my birthday.

She likes sleeping.

My nana has grey hair.

My granny is 82 and she will be 83 in September.

She likes to feed her cats.

Sometimes she comes to my house.


My granny likes gardening.

My granny likes shopping.

My granny likes reading books.

My granny has grey hair.

My granny likes to go shopping.

She has a dog.

His name is Sam.

She is a nice lady.

My granduncle has grey hair.

My granduncle has got wrinkles.

My granduncle smokes.

My granduncle is 70.

He lives in London.


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