3rd Class Jokes Page

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Here are some of our jokes!!

Why didn't the skeleton go to the ball? Because it had no body to go with.
How did Captain Hook die? He picked his nose with the wrong hand.
What has one horn and gives you milk? A milk truck.
Why does a lion have a fur coat? Because he would look silly in a plastic mac.
Why did the chewing gum cross the road? Because it was stuck to the chickens foot.
How do you hang up a phone? You put it down


...and here are some of our riddles!!

John and Paula came home to their apartment. Henry and Grace were lying dead on the floor. There were three things around them. ..a cat, bits of broken glass and water. The three things around them tell you how they died. How did they die?

Henry and Grace were goldfish!!!


Two fathers and two sons went fishing. They each caught one fish. They came home with all the fish they caught. They only had three fish altogether. How did that happen?


There was a grandfather, a father and a son (you figure it out!!)


There are two rooms. One room has three light switches. One room has three lights. You can only go into each room once. How do you figure out which light-switch is for which light?


You go into the room with the switches. You turn on one light. You leave it on for ages. You then turn it off and turn another one on. You only leave that one on for a little while. After this, you go into the room and feel the light-bulbs. The hottest bulb is the one you turned on first. The coldest one is the one you turned on last. The remaining bulb is the one you turned on second!!



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