

Size: 15-20 cms
Obvious marks: You could notice the female duck with its loud quack longer and deeper than other ducks. You could notice male ducks with their white tail edges contrasting with black. The male has a glossy green head with a white collar. Some other ducks have a heavier body, long wings and a long bill. The male has a curlier tail then female ducks.
Colour: The female has a sandy brown coat with deep orange legs. The male is a variety of colours.
Where it lives: Near rivers and lakes. It can in found in all continents except Antartica.
What it eats: They eat grass, grain and bread.
Flight pattern: Their flight pattern is straight.
Wing span: A ducks wingspan is about 50 cms.
Colour of eggs: These are light brown in colour and hatch in 2/3 weeks. Most ducks lay 4-12 eggs.
Nest: The nest is made from reeds, grass and moss.
Beak: The beak is yellow.



The feathers underneath the duck are made water-resistant by an oil that comes from underneath the tail feathers.

Mallards are the most common type of duck


Some ducks are very shy so people must hide and wait quietly to see them




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