
Size: Ranges from 41 cms ("Little Blue Penguin") to 120 cms ("Emperor Penguin")
Obvious marks: Many have red, orange or yellow patches on the head and neck. Because their short legs are very far back on their body, penguins are always in an upright position.
Colour: Most penguins have a white breast and a black back and head.
Where it lives: They are found in Antartica. Some can be found in Australia and South Africa.
What it eats: They eat fish.
Flight pattern: Penguins are different to most birds as they cannot fly.
Wing span: Their wings are very short.
Eggs: The male penguin hatches the eggs but the female lays them. After the eggs are laid, the male takes over so the female can bathe and feed. During this time, the male has been known to fast during the entire time.
Nest: They nest in the rocks.
How it catches food: They swim to catch their food. They swim with great speed. Their flippers are their only means of movement, the feet are used for steering.
Special Information There are many different types of penguin -King penguin, the Emperor, the Little Blue, the Yellow-eyed, Adellie, Jackass and the Humbold




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