This is some of the text of the advisory leaflet issued by the Central and Regional Fisheries Board.


The Department of the Marine and Natural Resources has introduced a carcass tagging and log book scheme for commercial and recreational salmon catches.This scheme is to be administered by the central and regional fisheries boards.

From January 1st 2001 all Salmon rod licence holders shall affix a tag to all salmon and all seatrout over 40cm.

These tags will Identify salmon and seatrout over 40 cm which have been caught legally, and will therefore allow for an enumeration of the catch.

The angler will be able to obtain their licence from Regional fisheries board headquarters and Rod licence distributors.On payment of the rod livcence fee, hte Angler will be given

The relevant rod licence,A logbook or a one day angling return,five gill tags for an annual licence, or twenty one day licence, three tags for a one day licence. A business reply envelope will be provided for return of the log book and unused tags to the relevant fisheries board. A plastic wallet for the log book.


The tag to be used by anglers is a blue plastic self locking device.Each tag is embossed with a code identifying the region in which the tag was issued and a tag number.Tags issued to the holder of a rod licence may be used in any region where the licencse is valid. Fishermen should carefully note the following concerning these tags.

Each rod licenses holder will be issued tags for his /her use only Tags are not transferable between license holders or licenses held by the same person.
Tags shall not be reused.
One tag shall be attached to each salmon and seatrout caught and retained.
Tags must be attached immediately on landing the fish.
Tags shall be attached through the gill opening and mouth and securely locked around the gill cover as shown in the illustration.
Lost and accidentally destroyed tags may be replaced opon presentation of a signed declaration completed by the angler and signed by an authorised officer of a regional fisheries board. Additiooanal tags shall be issued on presentation of logbook information showing that the holder has used all their issued tags.

Gill tags shall only be removed from the fish at the time of processing in accordance with the tagging scheme regulations.For the purposes of this scheme processing includes: Smoking,gutting and freezing,marinating or cooking cutting any steaks,cutlets or portions of the fish.