L to Z.

LIGHTON’S INN. (See Royal Mail Inn).

MAIL COACH HOTEL. (See also Royal Mail Inn)
2.5.1804 To let, concerns in Rose Inn Street, lately the Mail Coach Hotel. [LJ]
26.2.1806 To let, house & concerns in Rose Inn Street, late the Mail Coach Hotel. [LJnl]

M’CARTHYS ARMS, Walkin Street.
2.2.1772 William Shee taken the hotel M’Carthys Arms in Walkin Street to carry on innkeeping business. [[FLJ copy @ Clubs]

MEIGHAM’S[?] HOTEL, Patrick Street.
25.7.1838 New Hotel, Patrick Street, Austin Meigham late of Club House. [Mod]

THE MILL, John Street.
1.10.1803 To let, well established public house, the sign of the Mill in John Street, held by William Lee. [Jnl]

THE MUNSTER ARMS, Walkin Street.
Contemporary with the Sheaf. [1]
1683 Waste in Walkin Street set to Mr James Drysdall, since built and now the sign of the Munster Arms. [RoD]
13.8.1768 To let the noted house where Joseph Julian dwells in Walkin Street, stable, brewhouse and yard. [FLJ] [Possibly Munster Arms, copy @ Builders Arms]
17.3.1770 In Walkin Street, the old Munster Arms Inn. [FLJ copy @ Thomastown]
18.7.1770 Munster Arms, Walkin Street, Kilkenny. [FLJ]
12.1.1771 Two houses in Walkin Street, formerly the old Munster Arms Inn. [FLJ]
? A second-rate establishment kept by Malone. [1]
3.10.1832 Richard Malone, Walkin Street, hotel keeper. [Mod et seq]
1862 Decayed with the Frieze Fairs and has long ceased to exist. [1]

OLD GLORIOUS, Rose Inn Street.
1765 Edward Oldfield, Kilkenny, innkeeper, free. [City Records]
1.4.1767 To let, for 51 years or less, house lately held by Henry Cooke known by the name of Old Glorious in Rose Inn Street, between the two capital inns, upper apartments in St Mary’s churchyard late in possession of Edward Crofton. Apply Edward Oldfield. [FLJ]

19.5.1773 Patrick Whelan, The Orange Tree, Kilkenny. [FLJ]
7.7.1773 House of Patrick Whelan, at the Orange Tree, Kilkenny. [FLJ copied]

Robert Evans, an eccentric, followed Keogh at Red Lion, changing name to Ormonde Arms. [1]
1.8.1792 Ormonde Inn, Coal Market. Evans thanks his friends for past and future trade. [FLJ]
13.5.1797 The Ormonde Inn, Coal Market. [FLJ]
30.5.1801 Sale at the Ormonde Inn, Kilkenny. [FLJ]
26.9.1804 Ground for building on in Coal Market where the house called the Ormonde Inn lately stood. [Jnl]

OWL AND IVY TREE, Irishtown.
28.3.1767. Bird Room at the Owl and Ivy Tree in Irishtown. [FLJ]

PIED HORSE INN, High Street.
1727 Lease of house in High Street near Old Tholsel, where Patrick McMurray formerly dwelt, to John Costikin. [RoD]
1728 Spent at house of John Costigan, on anniversary of Coronation. [City Records]
1735 Sale of house in High Street, near Old Tholsel, wherein Patrick McMurray and John Costikin formerly dwelt, formerly known as the Dyed Horse Inn. [RoD 81.340.57804]

1731 Lease of house in High Street adjacent to Ald Birches, formerly called the Plume of Feathers, in possession of Henry Whitehead, apothecary. [RoD]

POWER’S HOTEL, Rose Inn Street. (See Bush Tavern)

QUEEN’S HEAD, High Street.
23.1.1771 Apprentice carver and gilder wanted, apply Samuel Bourke at the Queen’s Head in High Street. [FLJ copy @ Trades]

RAILWAY HOTEL, Rose Inn Street. (See Rose Hotel).

RED LION INN, Coal Market.
Red Lion in Coal Market, contemporary with the Sheaf. First Masonic Lodge in Kilkenny, No. 642, opened in apartments at this inn. [1]
To rear of 38 and 39 Parliament Street are the remains of the Red Lion Inn, of which they may have been a part. [Lanigan & Tyler]
1757 The Red Lion Inn, Coal Market, on Rocques Map. [KAS Jnl 1861]
1763 Died, Mrs Meagher, the Red Lyon. [Carrigan St Marys PR]
14.3.1767 Red Lion Inn, Coal Market, formerly kept by Widow Maher and which these last three years has been occupied by Michael Keough. He has renewed his lease. [FLJ]
3.2.1768 House of Michael Keogh at the Red Lion Inn. [FLJ]
17.2.1768 Gregory Newman, tanner, assigned goods, selling lease of the Red Lion Inn, lease of 1.9.1765 from Rev George Evans. [FLJ]
30.7.1768 The lease of the Red Lion will be sold. [FLJ]
12.10.1768 Michael Keogh, publican, at sign of the Red Lion, Kilkenny. [FLJ copied]
16.9.1769 Red Lion Inn, Coal Market, accupied by Ml Keough. [FLJ]
20.3.1773 Mr Michael Keough, Red Lyon Inn. [FLJ]
29.9.1773 Mr Michael Keough, Red Lion. [FLJ]
19.8.1778 Opposite Red Lion in Coal Market. [FLJ]
Robert Evans followed Keogh, changing name to Ormonde Arms. [1]
1862 Long since converted into private houses. [1]

RED LION, Irishtown.
3.8.1768 John Bowden, Red Lion, Irishtown. [FLJ]

RED LION, John Street.
1762 John Hely, innkeeper, admitted free. [City Records]
30.1.1768 Robert Johnstone at the Red Lion in John Street has opened and completely fitted up house in John Street wherein John Hely Esq. Lately dwelt. Johnstones house to let. [FLJ]
1768 Red Lion in John Street kept by Robert Johnstone. [1]
5.7.1769 Mr Johnston’s booth on the racecourse. [FLJ]
11.11.1769 Robert Johnstone, Red Lyon in John Street. [FLJ]
30.6.1770 Mr Johnstone’s Red Lion Inn, John Street. [FLJ]
[NB Johnston was involved with Kilkenny Races.]
2.3.1775 Robert Johnston, John Street, innkeeper, free. [City Records]

ROSE HOTEL, Rose Inn Street.
1.8.1789 Andrew Holohan thanks for support since commencing in business in Kilkenny. Now taken the Rose Inn in Rose Inn Street. Stabling for 30 horses. [FLJ]
1790 Mr Hologhan, keeper of the Rose Hotel. [Between the Flags]
1824 Established by Mr Thomas Hewitson. [1]
11.8.1830 Rose Hotel, opposite Bush Hotel. [Jnl]
16.3.1831 Thomas Hewetson, Rose Hotel. [Jnl]
3.10.1832 Thomas Hewetson, Rose Inn Street, hotel keeper. [Mod et seq]
1833 Social Club of Kilkenny had club room at the Rose Hotel, Hewetson’s. [Mod 1874 racing article]
11.5.1839 Rose Hotel. [Jnl]
1841 Rose Inn, Commercial Hotel, Thomas Hewson, Rose Inn Street. [Directory]
30.12.1846 Thomas Hewitson, Rose Hotel.[Jnl]
5.8.1848 Railway Hotel, Rose Inn Street, Thomas Hewitson thanks for support for 25 years. [Jnl]
17.3.1849 Thomas Hewetson of Rose Hotel opened new auction mart –auctioneer and valuer. [Jnl]
22.11.1850 Rose and Railway Hotel, Rose Inn Street, Thomas Hewitson. [Jnl]
24.9.1853 Thomas Hewitson, Rose Inn Street, hotel keeper. [KAS Grand Jury Presentations]
24.9.1853 Rose Hotel. [Jnl]
31.5.1854 Thomas Hewitson, Railway Hotel. [Jnl]
27.6.1855 Mr Hewitson, Railway Hotel. [Mod]
19.3.1856 T Hewitson, Railway Hotel. [Mod]
1862 Still owned by original Hewitson. [1]
1867 Rose Hotel. [KK Deeds]

ROYAL ARMS, John Street.
Bore the date 1800. [1]

ROYAL MAIL INN, Rose Inn Street. (Also known as Lighton’s Inn and Mail Coach Hotel)
In property which subsequently became a private house and then again the Rose Hotel (qv), Lighton the name of the proprietor. [1]
15.2.1804 To be let, the Mail Coach Hotel, Kilkenny, at present occupied by James Leighton. [Jnl]
29.9.1804 To let, he large dwelling house and concern in Rose Inn Street, late the Mail Coach Hotel, apply Edward Kelly, Sheaf Inn. [Jnl]

ROYAL OAK, Back Lane.
7.3.1770 Patrick Smithwick taken Royal Oak, Back Lane, formerly occupied by George Fullerton, and lately by Michael Molloy, now known by the sign of the Kavanaghs Arms. [FLJ copied]
11.8.1770 To let, Kavanagh’s Arms, formerly the Royal Oak, stabling, garden leading to river, apply Walter Devereux, next door. [FLJ]
20.10.1770 To let, house in Back Lane formerly held by Michael Molloy, name of Royal Oak. Walter Devereux, cabinet maker.[FLJ]
18.10.1794 To let, the large commodious house in Back Lane, known by the name of the Royal Oak, in complete repair with stabling for 20 horses. Lately occupied by Mr Plunkett. [FLJ]

1702 Ald. Thomas Blunt took a lease of premises from Duke of Ormonde which he probably proceeded to set up as a tavern. [1]
1705 Thomas Blunt, innkeeper.[KK Deeds]
1715 Mr Thomas Blunt senior, his house being a public ale house. [1]
1720 Elizabeh Blunt taking mortgage on the Wheat Sheaf, late dwlling house of Ald. Thomas Blunt in Rosen Street. [Deed]
1730 Admin Bond for Thomas Blunt, innkeeper. [Ossory Index]
1731 John Blunt, eldest son of Thomas Blunt selling the Wheat Sheaf, a slated stone house in Rosen Street to Ald. Robert Shervington. [Deed]
1740 John Blunt, innkeeper. [City Records]
1750 Mrs Reynolds purchased the interest of the tavern from the Blunt family. [1]
7.2.1767 Mrs Reynolds, the Sheaf. [FLJ]
28.2.1767 Thomas Reynolds at the Wheat Sheaf. [FLJ & 25.4.1767]
11.3.1767 The Friendly Brothers of St Patrick to meet at Wheat Sheaf. [FLJ]
10.2.1768 Thomas Reynolds of the Wheat Sheaf. [FLJ]
10.2.1768 The Friendly Brothers of St Patrick of the Principal Knot of the City of Kilkenny to meet at the Sheaf on Tuesday 16th to dine and attend the President to the Play. [FLJ][1]
21.1.1769 Mrs Reynolds, the Sheaf. [FLJ]
6.6.1770 Widow Reynolds, Sheaf. [FLJ]
30.6.1770 Mrs Reynolds, the Sheaf. [FLJ]
28.11.1772 Mary & Thomas Reynolds of the Wheat Sheaf Inn. [FLJ copied]
14.7.1773 Thomas Reynolds, Wheat Sheaf. [FLJ]
4.9.1773 Thomas Reynolds, Wheat Sheaf. [FLJ]
29.1.1774 Widow Reynolds and Thomas Reynolds at Wheat Sheaf Inn –theft of silver spoons. [FLJ copied]
20.8.1774 Mary & Thomas Reynolds of the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Kilkenny, advert; post chaises. [FLJ copied]
1775 Dr Thomas Campbell lodged at Sheaf of Wheat. [OKR 1984]
1776 Francis Reynolds, Sheaf, Kilkenny, free. [NLI P1567]
1778 Mrs Reynolds, the Wheat Sheaf. [FLJ]
c1790 On Leinster Circuit, the first member to arrive in town would advise the innkeeper how many to expect for dinner. Sometime prior to 1790 the host of Sheaf was told to expect about 20: only 4 appeared and he charged the one who had ordered the full sum. They locked the door of the room, opened the windows and treated the citizens outside to all the contents of the table: beef, turkeys etc. [KAS Jnl 1862]
1790 Mr F Reynolds, Sheaf of Wheat, Kilkenny. [Between the Flags]
18.6.1795 Sheaf Inn. Previous partnership of Francis Reynolds and sisters, proprietors of the inn, dissolved; now Francis Reynolds. [FLJ]
2.3.1796 Arthur Gore, late of Kings Arms, John Street, has moved to the Sheaf Inn, late Mr Reynolds. [FLJ]
16.7.1796 Arthur Gore, Sheaf. [FLJ]
31.8.1796 Arthur Gore, auctioneer. [FLJ]
18.3.1797 Sheaf Inn. [FLJ]
1800 The chief inn of the city down to this date. [1]
29.9.1804 Edward Kelly, Sheaf Inn. [FLJ]
17.8.1805 To let, house fronting the Parade, next the Sheaf Inn. [LJ]
21.9.1805 Mr Kelly, Sheaf Inn. [LJ]
2.10.1805 Mr Kelly, Sheaf Inn. [LJ]
1810 Edward Kelly, (Sheaf) admitted freeman. [City Records]
18.1.1813 Died yesterday morning, Mr Edward Kelly, proprietor of the Sheaf Inn –an honest man and a good citizen. [Chron]
31.5.1814 Mrs Kelly’s Sheaf Inn, Parade. [Mod]
4.5.1815 Mr Evans at the Sheaf Inn. [Mod]
13.5.1815 Mr Killree at the Sheaf Inn. [Mod]
5.8.1815 Sheaf Inn, Rose Inn Street. [Mod]
3.10.1815 The Sheaf Inn, Mrs Kelly. [Mod]
1816 The last great and dying effort of the house was a great public meal in 1816. [1]
1817 Last mention in local paper. [1]
20.1.1818 Sale of furniture and stock of old established Sheaf Inn, the old establishment will be let whole or in tenements. [Mod]

SHEAF INN, Vicar Street.
1841 Sheaf Inn, Denis Phelan, Vicar Street. [Directory]

SMULKIN TAVERN, Castle Street (The Parade).
A corruption of Smoking Tavern? [1]
1615 Lease, messuage in Castle Street next to the Smulkin Tavern. [1]
1639 Rent of house called Smulkin Tavern in the Castle Street held by Peter Archer. [1]

SPREAD EAGLE, Colliers Lane.
15.2.1769 To let, for 13 years from March, the Spread Eagle Inn at Colliers Lane, wherein John Whelan dwells, stabling for 26 horses. [FLJ]
13.5.1789 To be let, commodious house behind the city gaol, commonly known by the name of the Spread Eagle –apply Edmond Butler. [FLJ]
31.8.1796 Large dwelling house and concerns called the Spread Eagle at rere of the old City Gaol. [FLJ]

STARR (or BARR ) INN, Irishtown.
169- Nicholas Brennan, innkeeper, St Kenny’s Ingate. [City Records]
1730 Lease from Oliver Roth to Nicholas Brennan senior, Irishtown, innkeeper of the Barr Inn. [Deed]
1730 Oliver Roth grants rent charge out of house known as the Starr Inn in Irishtown where Nicholas Brennan dwells. [Deed]
The Starr Inn, Parish of St Kennys. [RoD index 1789-1810]

SWAN INN, William Street.
21 William Street, said to have been the Swan Inn in the 18th century. [Lanigan & Tyler]
1717 Lodged at the Swan, Thomas Date, Master. [1]
1725 Swan Inn, Kilkenny, to be set, enquire at Ald. Thomas Dates’. [OKR 1968 ex Dalton’s Weekly]
1736 William Bolton, late of Waterford, let to William Palmer, house known as the Swan, formerly in possession of Ald. Thomas Date, dec’d., in parish of BV Mary, for 35 years. Now Palmer, Kilkenny, gent., assigns his rights to William Watters junior, Kilkenny, merchant. [Deed]
24.5.1806 To be sold, the dwelling house and concerns in William Street known by the name of the sign of the Swan wherein late Dudley Kelly lived, held by lease from 29.9.1801 for 66 years. Also stable yard and concerns kept for use of such public house. [Jnl]
31.5.1806 Sale by auction, household furniture of Dudley Kelly and concerns in William Street where he lived, known by the Sign of the Swan, held on 66 year lease from 29.9.1801. [LJ]

5.2.1774 To set, house in Coal Market known by the sign of the Thatched Cabin. [FLJ]

1842 Victoria/Flude’s Hotel. [See masoniic]
5.10.1844 Flude’s Victoria Hotel. [Mod]
1.5.1850 John Callanan’s Victoria Hotel, Parade. [Jnl]
31.5.1854 John Callanan, Victoria Hotel. [Jnl]
7.2.1855 John Callanan, Victoria Hotel. [Mod]
1879 Billhead –Ann Callanan. [KAS in Mod file, March 1813]
1920s. Knocked down; last owner Fogarty. [2]


WHITE HART INN, High Street.
1722 House in Walkin Street (on corner) opposite White Hart Inn. [KK Deed]
1730 House wherein John Oldfield lived known as the White Hart in High Street. [Deed]
1749 House at corner of Walkin Street opposite the sign of the Hart. [KK Deed.]
1816 Shown on map, extended up Walkin Street in an L shape to Pennyfather Lane, [2]

WHITE SWAN INN, Vicar Street.
C1860 About 100 years ago No 24 Vicar Street was the white Swan Inn. [OKR 1956/7]

WOOL PACK INN, Vicar Street.
7.10.1846 Wool Pack Inn in Vicar Street. [Jnl]

THE WOOL PACK, Walkin Street.
14.6.1794 Patrick Burke at the sign of the Wool Pack, Walkin Street. (May not be an inn) [Jnl]



Page revised 22 June 2001