Visual Awareness:

For those of you in the U.K. or Ireland Argos stores has a page full of different lights - mirror balls, fibre optic lights, lava lamps. It is not tremendously expensive and can make a wonderful sensory addition to your baby's/child's room.  Make sure you have dark curtaining / blinds on the windows to block out additional light and maximise the brightness of the lighting. Most lighting stores however will have a great deal of these type lights. Christmas lights are also brilliant to put all over your baby's wall.

I put tin foil all over one wall in Ciarán's room and hung Christmas lights over that - it makes a great, shiny and visual effect. (My seven year old LOVES going in to her brother's room as it's a very "cool place".)

A mosquito net (sold in camping shops) is great as a projection backdrop. Shining lights onto a fine white net gives a great visual affect. A projector light or strong spot light is great for this.

Drape a blanket over a high chair with child pulled close to the TV screen - Baby Einstein/Baby Mozart DVDS/Videos are excellent for this. Darkening his area will assist in brightening the television screen for him.

If you are stimulating a child with poor vision, darken the room first (black it out if possible) and use a solitary light source, like a torch, and try to get the child to track the light, moving it slowly from left to right as well as up and down.

A lot of the experts test children with black and white objects or pictures but where these aren't successful sometimes shiny objects are. Yellow and Red are good colours.