Theory of effective spellcasting: by Tealte Macha

Oroginally for the Irish traditional Website Club





Drawing energy from polarity, and setting up spells to have this

The object and subject of any attempt to spell-cast, create between
them a dynamic polarity, which in itself provides much of the energy
and tension required to cast a spell.

Don't panic!! It's just a fancy way of saying……

You have an "object" in casting a spell i.e. a purpose for which you
are casting, a change in the current reality you are trying to create
for your own ends.
You are trying to effect this change upon a "subject".

For example: you have a piece of Land (the subject) that has been
previously barren (the current reality) which you wish to make, by
casting a spell, more fertile (the object)

So the Land's current condition (barren) is in direct opposite to the
effect you wish to produce (one of fertility) This oppositeness has
its own energy which helps any spell along greatly.

If you were trying to make a spell and decided to use the
term "healthy" or "profitable" instead of "fertile" your spell would
lose much of its intrinsic power and energy. "Fertile" is directly
opposite "Barren", so herbs, stones, incantations centered around
fertility will be most effective.

This is the most simple and effective rule at the heart of writing
your own spells and one which will serve you very well. Mull over
the effect you are trying to create, considering first the current
reality, and then what you want to make that reality.

Most simple spells that rely on complete polar oppositeness can be
effected without anything other than will, but at this level many are
more reliant on external aids and prefer to "back up" their efforts
with candles, colours, incense and herbs. At this level it is
important to make sure these herb correspond to the opposite state
you are trying to create.

Timing can also reinforce this energy, using decisive times New Moon,
or Full Moon. Anything that reinforces your belief in your spell is
acceptable and appropriate.

However, the more complex your work and the more complex the ends you
are trying to serve the harder it may become to clearly identify an
object and subject in direct polarity to each other,( but you should
always try to get as near to this sense of oppositeness as
possible. ) You may not wish to reach an opposite effect, you may
wish merely to mildly affect reality. After working with direct
polarity for a while it is time to move onto more subtle shades of
effect and how to achieve them.

Shading reality.

I like to think of it as "shading reality", changing it any amount
from a tiny almost imperceptible change to a considerable but not
actually polar opposite change.

directly opposite current reality
degrees of change
degrees of change

Current Reality

This comes with practice and many people naturally progress to it
without ever thinking formally about it. It is the ability to
produce a smaller change than a complete Opposite or reversal, , and
as such will draw its energy from another source than the beginning
simple spells above. At this second level one should (by
meditation) be more in tune with the world around us, Nature and
physical reality and also with the wolrd we cannot see – energy
forces and nature, sprites, spirits, gods and places or power and

This is the energy one will usually draw from at this level: think of
it as seeing and feeling all around one, the natural rhythm and flow
of life, and at the same time being aware that one is linked to a
higher plane. You wish to effect a change in reality : "colour" it
to suit yourself, either a little or a lot…so you turn your mind
towards the spell, using words and rhythm that match your needs,
(usually chanting rhythmically ) and visualize the world changing to
your desired effect. Think of it as though you were inserting a
lever into the world and heaving on it, turning the world slightly in
whatever direction you wanted. Or think of it as listening to the
rhythm and music of both the mundane and the hidden worlds tuning in
to them, singing along, then changing the beat and melody to your own
tune. There are many different visualizations that will help at this

One is usually less reliant on aides at this level, usually
preferring to use one item, herb or candle or stone, using a simpler
space in which to work and by now calling on one or two regular
spirits or gods. However, one is less reliant on aides but still
reliant on routine ritual familiarity comfort zones etc. Level three
is where we begin to move forward more boldly.


A wider understanding of magic

At this level, and again for many it is a natural progression, we
begin to feel that other gods, or spirits or sacred places call to
us. We feel a deeper and more complete understanding of our world
and the otherworld, we are more adept at soul journeying, and we
meditate more naturally and for longer periods with better effect.

The effect of this on spell casting is to free us up, literally. At
this level we can either use ingredients for a spell or we can
visualize, and many make that choice based on instinct, what feels
right for any given situation. At this level a serious practitioner
can effect spells simply by tuning into the mood of people around
them, or by raising energy as they walk or work. However it is rare
to find a practicing witch who doesn't enjoy making healing potions
and culinary magic, or who won't still make use of any other natural
magic such as stones and candles…the great effectiveness of magic
among grass roots practitioners has always been its practicality.
Without these traditional activities the entire art would lose much
of its charm. Also continuing to chop, labour, toil and fret over
these products of nature, and to try to bring healing into the world,
stops us becoming narcissistic and self obsessed: the further we
explore the fourth level of magic the realm of pure visualization and
empty handed magic, the greater the temptation to be cold, and
ruthless and unconnected to the very source of all power, nature and
the natural world itself

The above three levels are merely guidelines, broad-stroke pictures
of various milestones on the traditional witches journey. Some may
hit them all one by one like clockwork, others will experience one
and not another: it would be impertinent and wrong to try to
state "this is how you should progress, and this is the timescale you
should do it on" There are no "degrees" to be earned here, no titles,
no status…you are your own judge and examiner and you cheat yourself
only. Better to spend ten years at a basic level, and move on
properly prepared, and at your own rate of growth than to plough
through "levels" as though they were school exams:)


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