Mary Ward

In 1585 a miracle was born
She did not carry a sword
She fought for the well being of women
Her name was Mary Ward

She did not want to marry
Anyone her parents chose
She was a bit rebellious you see
Like a prickly, but beautiful rose !

She traveled to Europe to go to school
She was looked down upon by all
When she started a religious order
Even the Pope wanted to see her fall

She was put in prison in England
She walked over the Alps three times to show
Just how dedicated she was
So the Pope finally let her go

She set up schools everywhere
In all five continents as well
But sadly, she died in 1645
Her schools were shut down as well

Her friends kept them going
Followed the faith that she first found
She was born ahead of her time
But I think that now she would be proud

By E. O Connor St Fintans

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