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The Liam O'Keeffe Guide to Java

Copyright 1999-2000 by Liam O'Keeffe. All rights reserved.
This is a work in progress. If you have any comments on this guide or would like to contribute to this guide then e-mail me .

What is Java?

Java is a object orientated programming language. A Java program should be able to run on any computer as
long as that computer has a Java Virtual Machine. Normally the operating system of the computer runs programs but with Java, another program (named the Java Virtual Machine) which the operating system runs, runs the Java programs

The Java 2 Sofware Develpment Kit version 1.1 and the documentation for the Java 2 Sofware Develpment Kit version 1.1 is free.
If you don't have the Java 2 Sofware Develpment Kit version 1.1 then download (use a program named Go!zilla to do this. Get Go!zilla from the installation program for it  from here...

The Java 2 Sofware Development Kit contains, all the tools you need to compile and run Java programs, sample Java source code, and sample Java programs which you can run.

Install the Java 2 SDK version 1.1 on your computer by running the instalation program.
Once you have installed the Java 2 SDK version 1.1 on your comppter you should install the API documentation which you can download here...

The documentation is in HTML format.

A Java source code file must have the file extension of .java
A Java class file must have the file extension of .class

You compile Java source code files into Java class files with a program named javac.
To compile a java source coe file, go to the MS-DOS Command Prompt, cd to the directory the java source
code file is in, type javac
and then press the Enter key on the keyboard of your computer.

In order to run Java class files you use a program named java.
To run a Java class file named MyJavaClassFile.class then you type java MyJavaClassFile at the
MS-DOS Command Prompt, and then you press the Enter key on the keyboard of your computer.
No doubt you will have heard of Java applets. Applets are Java programs which are run by a World Wide Web Browser such as Netscape Navigator. Applets are covered later in this guide. Some Java programs are both applets and applications.
Some Java programs are applications and not applets. Some Java programs are applets and not applications.
java cannot run Java programs which are not applications. No World Wide Web Browser can run a Java program which is not
a applet.

Classes, methods, fields, constructors.

A class is like the plans for a car."Accord" is the name of a car which is made by Honda.

Here is an example of a class...
class MyClass {
The name of the class is MyClass.

If you were to instantiate an object of class Accord then you would make an Accord.
You would probably not do this, since Accords are made in a factory.
If you wanted to instantiate an object of class Accord which had only 2 doors
and no sunroof and was colored black then you would write this in Java...

boolean 2_DOOR = true;
boolean SUNROOF = false;
Accord myAccord = new Accord(, 2_DOOR, SUNROOF);

or you cold create the myAccord this way...
Accord myAccord = new Accord(, true, false);

Here is how you write a constructor...
class MyClass {
    MyClass() {
       //some code goes here.
A constructor should initialize the object and do nothing else except that.
See this page for more:

A car can do various things. It can accelerate, it can decelerate, it can brake, it can
change gears, it can turn left, it can turn right, it can turn on its' headlights, etc.
How the car does these things will be defined in the class definition of that car.
The things that a car can do are named methods.
In the class definition there will be a method named accelerate, another named
decelerate, another named brake, another named changeGear, another named
turnLeft, another named turnRight, another named turnOnHeadlights.

If you wanted to turn your Accord right then you would write this in Java...

There are certain items of information about a car at any one time. For example, the
speed of the car, the tire pressure, how much fuel is in the gas tank, what gear the car
is in, etc. In object orientated programming these items of information are known as
A constructor is a method in a class which creates an object of that class. If you
don't define a constructor method in your class definition then you can still create
an object of that class by doing the following:

MyClass myObject = new myClass();

Even if you don't define a constructor method you still get a constructor method.
If you define a constructor method which does take 1 or more arguments then you will
not get a constructor method that takes 0 arguments. Constructor methods are usually
know as constructors.

Variables in a class are known as fields.
There are 2 types of variables. Variables of the first type are known as instance variables.
Variables of the second type are known as class variables.
There can be more than one object of class HondaAccord in exsistence.
So there will be more than one copy of some variables in existence. For example every
object of class HondaAccord will have a variable named currentfuellevel because it is
possible that one object of class HondaAccord will have a different amount of fuel in
its' gas tank to another object of class HondaAccord.

//Every object of class HondaAccord will have 1 steering wheel. Let us assume that there
//is a variable named
Every object of class HondaAccord will either be allowed to be used in the Republic of
Muntak or not. So every object of class HondaAccord will have a variable named
allowedinMuntak. If allowedinMuntak is true then any HondaAccord may be used in
the Republic of Muntak. If allowedinMuntak is false then no HondaAccord may be used
in the Republic of Muntak. No matter what the color of the object, no matter how many
doors the object has, if no object of class HondaAccord is allowed to be used in the
Republic of Muntak then the variable allowedInMuntak will be false for every object
of class HondaAccord. The variable allowedInMuntak is a class variable.
If a variable will always have the same value for every object then that variable is a
class variable.

You define instance variables this way:
int myInstanceVariable 55;

You define class variables this way:
static int myClassVariable 33;
When you see a class cannot be instantiated it means that no object can be
created from this class.
If you cant instantiate an object from a certain class then that class is an
abstract class.
If you do this...
AbstractClass abstractClass  = new AbstractClass();
you will get an error when you compile the Java source code file using javac
or any other Java compiler.
The point of having a class that you can't create an object with, is that any
subclass of that class can implement the methods of that class.
An abstract class can provide the programmer with a list of method names that the programmer can use.
For example...

//This is the 1st line of the Java source code file named
public class Greetings {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
       EnglishVersion englishVersion = new EnglishVersion();
       SpanishVersion spanishVersion = new SpanishVersion();
       ItalianVersion italianVersion = new ItalianVersion();
       italianVersion.printGreeting( );

abstract class FooBar {
   void printGreeting() {};

class EnglishVersion extends FooBar {
     void printGreeting() {
class SpanishVersion extends FooBar {
     void printGreeting() {

class ItalianVersion extends FooBar {
     void printGreeting() {
         System.out.println("Bon giorno. :-)" );
//This is the last line of the Java source code file named

This is what the program named Greetings prints on the screen after you run it with java (by typing java Greetings  )...
Bon giorno. :-)

The is is an unimplemented method...
public void myMethod (int parameter1) {
In the above piece of code, the word public is a access specifier. See the section entitled "Scope".
In the above piece of code, the word void is a return type. Every method has a return type. The return type of this method is void, so if you have the following line of code in a Java source code file and attempt to compile that Java source code
file with javac you will get an error message and javac will not compile the .java file into a .class file.
int x;
x = myMethod(88);

class MyClass {
    int myMethod(int parameter1) {
       return parameter1;
    int myMethod2() {
    return 56
    void myMethod3() {
    System.our.println("Hello. How are you today???");
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;
   x = myMethod1(55);
   x = myMethod(y);
   y = myMethod2();
   z = myMethod3();   //not ok!!!!

This is an implemented method...
public void myImplementedMethod(int parameter1) {
   String myString = new String();
   myString = parameter1.toString();
   System.out.println( myString);

This is how you declare a variable...
String myString;

This is how you initialize a variable...
myString = new String("Hello. How are you today?");
i = 88;
myFloat = 456987F;
anotherFloat = 43.8945f;

the this keyword

In Java if a word is a keyword then no class, interface, variable, method may have the same name as
that word.
Instead of writing the name of the class, you can write this.
For example, the following...

class myClass {
   int x;
   this.x = 88;

is the same as writing the following...

class myClass {
    int x;
    myClass.x = 88;

You can pass in a parameter to a method which has the same name as a variable of the class the method
belongs to. You can use the this keyword to refer to the hidden variable,
The this keyword is used when a
super is also a keyword. Instead of writing the name of the classes immeadiate superclass
you can write super.
You use the this keyword as in the following example...
 class MyClass {
    int x;
    int y;
    public void myMethod(int x ) {
      this.x = x
      y = x;

If you had the following code in a Java source code file and attempted to compile it with javac then javac
would tell you that you had an error in the code and javac would not compile the code into a class file.
 class MyClass {
    int x;
    public void myMethod(int x ) {
      x = x


Here is an example of an application
//start of Java source code file named
public class MyExampleApplication {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        System.out.println("This line of text ws printed by the Java application named MyExampleApplication");
compie the Java source code file into a Java class file by typeing javac
run the Java class file by typeing java MyExampleApplication

You must have this method in the class of a Java applciation...
public static void main(String args[]) {
//The code that you want your program to do goes here.
How do you decide what to name a class?
//start of Java source code file named
public class Class1 {
       public static void main(String args[]) {
           Class2 class2 = new Class2();
           System.out.println("Printed by Class1");
class Class2 {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
             int x = 1;
             System.out.println(Printed by Class2");
//end of Java source code file named
To compile and run, type the folowing at the MS-DOS Command Prompt...
java Class1
The following text will apear on the screen of your computer...
Printed by Class1
By typing javac you also compile another class file named Class2.class
If you type java Class2 at the MS-DOS Command Prompt then nothing will happen because Class2 is not a public class.
If Class2 was a private class then javac would display a error message on the screen of your computer and not compile
Class2 into a Java class file. To make Class2 a private class put the word private before the word class in this line...
class Class2 {
No class may be declared to be a private class.
For example, this class is declared to be a private class...
private class APrivateClass {
If you compile it by typing javac then you get an error message and javac does not compile the class.

//start of the Java source code file named
public class Example33 {
private class Class331 {
//end of the Java source code file named
If you attempt to compile into a Java class file with javac then you will get a error message and javac will not
compile into a Java class file.

//strat of the Java source code file named
public class Class44 {
//last line of text of the Java source code file named
If you attempt to compile into a java class file then you will get an error message from javac because the name
of the Java source code file is different from the name of the class which is defined in the Java source code file.

Remove the word public from the 2nd line of the java source code file named
Type javac
javac will compile Class44 into a class file despite the fact that Class44 is defined in  a Java source code file named

You can only have 1 public class defined in any Java source code file.

If you have a public class defined in a Java source code file then the name of the public class must be the same as the name of
the Java source code file apart from the file extension .java

So if you have a public class defined in a Java source code file, and the name of the public class is MyPublicClass,
then the name of the Java source code file must be

If you have a publci class defined in a Java source code file, and the name of the public class is JumpingText, then the name of the Java source code file must be

anonymous class






abstract class

we say that, for example, "that thing is a car", but what we really should say is "that thing is a member of the set
of all the cars in the world". You can't see the set of all the cars in the world. If you can't see something then
that thing is abstract. Every car can do certain things. Every car can accelerate, decellerate, turn left, turn
right, brake, turn on it's headlights.

So we can define a abstract class named Car and have our HondaAccord class be a subclass of that class.
abstract class Car {
    boolean headlightsOn;
    boolean isReversing;
    public void turnRight() {}
    public void turnLeft() {}

public class HondaAccord extends Car {
   public void turnRight() {
      //method implemented here
  public void turnLeft() {
      //method implemented here


if a class is a sublcass of another class then that class can use the methods of the super class.
For example:

class SuperClass [
    public int superClassMethod(int x) {
              return x++;

class SubClass extends SuperClass {
    public int subClassMethod(int y ) {
              return y--;

public class ExampleClass {
     public static void main(String args[]) {
           SubClass mySubClass = new SubClass();
           int z;
           z = mySubClass.superClassMethod(8);
           //the value of z is now 9 because 8 + 1 = 9.


An interface is something that a class can implement. If a class implements an interface then that class must implement
all of the methods and fields in that interface.

You define an interface this way...
interface NameOfInterface {
  int i;
  void myMethod1(int j);


inner class

A inner class is a class which is defined inside another class. That class can be an inner class but it does not have to.





Packages are a way of organizing class files. (An interface will be in a .class file even though it is not a class). They are also a way of making sure that no 2 classes in the world have the same simple name.

Here is how to name a package.
Take the name of your domain name and reverse the order of the words in the domain name.
So if you domain name is then the first 2 words of every package you create will be
You should not have www in your package name because it is not part of your domain name.

Then decide on a simple name for your package. For example, hello.
To put a Java source code file into a certain package then put the package statement in the Java source code file. Every .class file created from the types defined in this Java source code file will belong to that package.


class A {

class B {

The qualified name of the class A is
The qualifeid name fo the class B is
The simple name of the class A is A.
The simple name of the class B is B.
The class A is in the package whose name is
The class B is in the package whose name is

Send the writer of this guide feedback.


Let us say that you know someone whose name is Bob Aristophenes Barabamasta-Matarabam.
Would it not be much  easier for you to call him Bob instead of  Bob Aristophenes Barabamasta-Matarabam?
(Yes, it would, Liam.) Bob is his simple name.  Bob Aristophenes Barabamasta-Matarabam is his qualified name.

In the same way,  classes have simple names and qualified names. The simple name of the class Introspector is Introspector.
The qualifed name of the class Introspector is java.beans.Introspector .

When you are writing the source code for a package named, do the following...

  • Step 1: create a directory named com
  • Step 2: create a directory named ibm in the directory named com.
  • Step 3: put your Java source code files in the directory named ibm.
  • Step 4: to compile the Java source code files cd to the ibm directory and type javac *.java at the command line.
  • Step 5: to run your files type javac com/ibm/MyApplication at the command line, if the name of the class file that contains the main method is named MyApplication

    The package named has nothing to do with the package named is not a subpackage of, even though the source code files for the members of are in the folder named wing in the directory named airplane.

    A package can not have a package as a member. A package can only have 2 kinds of members. The 1st kind of members are classes. The 2nd kind of members are interfaces.

    If you use an import statement in your source code file then you do not have to use the qualified name of the class.
    For example...
    import java.beans.Introspector;

    class IntroClass {
       Introspector i = new Introspector();
    will compile ok, but
    class IntroClass {
       Introspector i = new Introspector();
    will not compile ok. The compiler will give you an error message, because there it does not know what class you are referring to when you use the word Introspector.

    You can import all the classes in a particular package if you want.
    For example...
    import java.beans.*;
    will import all the classes and interfaces in the package named java.beans into the Java source code file. You can use the simple
    name of any class or interface in the package named java.beans.

    The import statement must come after the package statement (if there is a package statement) and before any class declerations or interface declerations in the Java source code file.

    The package java.lang is automatically imported into every Java source code file.
    For example...
    class Ab {
      Integer i = new Integer(88);
    will compile ok, as will
    import java.lang.*;

    class Abb {
       Integer i = new Integer(88);

    You cannot import 2 classes or interfaces into a Java souce code file if they both have the same simple name. You can import only one class or interface and you will have to refer to the other using its' qualified name.


    When we alk about 'scope' we mean what variable or methods can be used in a certain class. Look at the
    following example...

    public class ScopeExample {
        public static void main(Strings args[])  {
                 FooClass myFooClass = new FooClass();
                 int x = myFooClass.privateVariableOfFooClass;
                 // at this point, the value of x will not be 9. When you compile this code(bytypeing
                // javac at the MS-DOS Command Promt), you will get an
                // error message.
    class FooClass {
         private privateVariableOfFooClass = 9;

    If a variable is private in 1 class yhen you cna't assign the value of that varialbe to any
    other variable in any other class.

    If a method is declared as private in 1 class then you can't use that method in any other class.

    cursor at end of top line, type bak space, it is as if yoo mooved the cursor to before the word and typed enter.

    Every variable defined or declared in a class is a member of that class.
    Every method defined or declared in a class is a member of that class.
    Every constructor defined or declared in a class is a member of that class.
    If a member is declared to be private then the following statements are true...
    You can't access that member from any other class except the class that that member was defined in.
    You can access that member from any method of the class that that member was defined in.





    Some methods can throw exceptions. If a certain thing happens then a method can throw an exception.
    An exception is an object of class java.lang.Throwable, an object of a subclass of class java.lang.Throwable,
    an object of a subclass of a subclass of class java.lang.Throwable, etc.
    Only objects of class java.lang.Throwable can be thrown.

    Look at the following code
    //1st line of the Java source code file named
    public class ExceptionDemo {
     public static void main(String args[])  {
        String[] myString = new String[10];
        myString[90] = "hello";
    //last line of the Java source code file named


    public class Foo {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
            try {
            } catch (ParameterIsBiggerThan10Exception e) {
                System.go.println( e.getMessage() );
            } finally {
                System.out.println("this gets printed whether x is bigger than 10 or not");

        int throwException (int x) throws ParameterIsBiggerThan10Exception {
           if (x > 10) throw new ParameterIsBiggerThan10Exception();

    class ParameterIsBiggerThan10Exception extends java.lang.Throwable {
       public String getMessage() {
          return ("ParameterIsBiggerThan10Exception was thrown");

    The declared name of an exception

    In the following code...
    try {
    catch (ExcepitonName e ) {
    ...the exception's declared name is e.


    String[] myStringArray = new String[20];
     myStringArray is an array of 20 Strings.
    myStringArray[9] = "Fido is a dog."
    String someString = new String( "big" );
    myStringArray[5] = "My head " + someString + " cat.";
    myStringArray[20] = "This is an eror!!"; //If you have this in your code then you will get an error message when you compile
     //your souce code file with  a Java compiler.

    So you create a array this way...
    Class[] arrayName = new Class[how many elements you want your array to have];

    What is the number of the last element of an array in Java.
    The number of the first element of myStringArray is 0.
    The number of the last elemtent of myStringArray is 19, not 20.

    The concatation operator is +
    String carString = new String( "car" );
    String sentenceString;
    sentenceString = "My " + carString + " is red.";

    When you use 2 numeric types with the + operator, the + operator changes from a concatentation operator to a plus sign.
    So the following code is ok...


    /** This is how you do comments in Java
    * thiis is a comment
    *this is a comment.
    * this is a comments. this is a coment.

    //This is a comment.
    int x = 8; // This is a comment. int x = 8; is  not a comment
    //This is a comment.


    Here is how you find out whether the it is ok to overload a method or not.
    Does the 1st method have the same name as the 2nd mehod?
    Does the nth parameter to the 1st method have the same type as the nth parameter to the 2nd method, for all n?
    Does the nth parameter to the 1st method have the same name as the nth parameter to the 2nd method, for all n?
    If each of the following condiations is met then you will get a error when you try to compile the source code file.

    You can have a public method in one class with the same method definition as a public method in another class.
    For example, the following is legal...
    //1st line of Java source code file named
    class Hello {
      public int sayIt (int x) {
         return 55;
    class GoodBye {
        public int sayIt (int x) {
           return 55;
    //last line of Java source code file named

    The following is ok, whether or not and are both in the same directory
    //1st line of Java source code file named
    public class Hello {
      public int sayIt (int x) {
         return 55;
    //1st line of Java source code file named

    //1st line of Java source code file named
    public class GoodBye {
        public int sayIt (int x) {
           return 55;
    //last line of Java source code file named

    public class Example333 {
           int Method1(int x) {
               return x;

           int method1(int x) { // not ok
                return x;
           int method1(double x) {
               return 44;
           int method1(int x, int y) {
           return y;

          int method1(int y, int x)
           double method1(int x) {
            return 1.2;

    If you try to compile the above source code file then you will get an erro.
    You can have 2 or more method definitions in 1 class as long as those methods do not have the same
    You can have 2 or more method definitions in 1 class as long as what is in the parentheses part of the method definition is different.

    return_type  method_Name ( parentheses_part ) {
              //code goes here

    It does not matter what the return type of the method is.
    If you compile the source code below you will get an error message despite the fact that method1 has a different return type
    from method2.

    public class Example666 {
           int method1( int x, int y) {
                return x;
           void method1(int x, int y) {
                System.out.println("hello htree.");

    If you compile the above source code, then javac gives you the following error message... method1(int,int) is already defined in Example666
    void method1(int x, int y) {
    1 error

    If you compile the following piece of code then you will not get an error message from javac.

    //1st line of text of Java source code file named
    public class MyClass {
        int method1(int x, int y)
            return 44;
    class SubClassOfMyClass extends MyClass {
          int method1(int xxx, int hello) {
               return 34;
    // last line of text of Java source code file named

    If you compile the following piece of code then you will get an error message from javac.
    //1st line of text of Java source code file named
    public class MyClass {
        int method1(int x, int y)
            return 44;
    class SubClassOfMyClass extends MyClass {
          double method1(int xxx, int hello) {
               return 34.0;
    // last line of text of Java source code file named

    This is the error message you get from javac if you attempt to compile the source code file
    named into a class file... method1(int,int) in SubClassOfMyClass cannot override method1(in
    t,int) in MyClass; attempting to use incompatible return type
    found   : double
    required: int
          double method1(int xxx, int hello) {
    1 error

    the super keyword

    Look at the following example

    //first line of the Java source code file named
    public class Example22 extends JFrame {
        Example22 {
          super("My JFrame");
    //last line of the Java source code file named

    No Java class can be a subclass of more than 1 class. Instead of writing
    super("My JFrame");
    you could write
    JFrame("My JFrame");

    Wherever you see the keyword super, you can replace it with the name of the superclass of the class in whose class definition the keyword super appears.

    So you could write the class definition for the class named Example22 in the following way...

    //first line of the Java source code file named
    public class Example22 extends JFrame {
        Example22 {
          JFrame("My JFrame");
    //last line of the Java source code file named

    ...and the class file that javac compiled from the version of the Java source code file named
    which is shown just above, would be exactly the same as the class file that javac compiled from
     the Java source code file named which had super instead of JFrame.

    Here is another example..
    //1zt line of the Java source code file named

    the instanceof keyword

    If an object is an instance of a class then it was created using that class definition
    For example, the White House is an instance of Building, a Honda Accord is an instance of Car, a Dell computer is an
    instance of Computer, a Boeing 747 is an instance of Airplane, an orange is an instance of Fruit.

    To find out wheter a certain object is an instance of a certain class, you can use the instanceof keyword.
    Look at the following piece of code...
    if ( johnsHondaAccord instanceof HondaAccord )
        System.out.println( "The object named johnsHondaAccord is an instance of the class named HondaAccord");

    If an object (lets name this object "myObject") is an instance of a certain class (lets name this class "Class1"),
    and Class1 is a subclass of another class (lets name this class "Class2"), then myObject is an instance of Class 2.

    If  Class2 is a subclass of yet another class (lets name this class "Class3"), then myObject is an instance of Class3.

    object declarations

    class FooClass {
      JMenu myJMenuItem;
      myJMenuItem = new JMenu("File");
      myJMenuItem = new JMenu("Edit");
      myJMenuItem = new JMenu("Help");

    object reference

    public void myMethod(int yipee) {
       System.out.println("myMethod printed this");

    yipee is a object reference