Liam O'Keeffe's Business News Commentary

Copyriht 2000 by Liam O'Keeffe. All rights reserved.
The next edition of Liam O'Keeffe's Business News Commentary will be here after 01:00 UTC Tuesday, 15th February 2000.
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Mannesmann takeover bid

Shareholders in Mannesmann should accept the Vodaphone offer. Mannessman has too many workers and has a backward
management culture. Vodaphone would get rid of the excess workers and install a better management culture. This would
deliver better value to shareholders.

Time-Warner-AOL merger

Time-Warner has too many interests. It has music, movie, publishing, and other intersts. It is too diversified. Any AOL stockholder  who got Time-Warner stock should sell it.

NatWest takeover bid

Nat-West is so badly run (in my opinion) that, it does not matter whether Royal Bank of Scotland or Bank of Scotland takes it over.

France Telecom bid

Someone submitted France Telecom's bid for a privatised company 2 minutes late and the bid was disqualified by whoever was accepting the bids. This is surprising for a country famous for corrupt business practices.

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