

Dave's Shop



Balrothery Tennis Club

Club night every Wednesday night at 7.30 for anyone who is interested.

Beginners are most welcome.
We will also be running Tennis for juniors in the very near future.
Thanking you
Liz Sheil

Mobile: 0863938794




Parks Tennis 2007 programme for all provinces can be found here » »

A Tennis Coaching programme takes place this Summer at various venues around the country. It caters for boys and girls between 6 and l7 years. Hourly classes are divided according to age and standard.
This is a low cost programme subsidised by various sponsors. The only cost is a small once off registration fee - and that's it.. All equipment supplied, racquets and balls - Free T-shirts for all.
Children ! Come and enjoy this fun programme with your friends while learning tennis. Dates and times vary according to locations but are mostly during July or August.

The KitKat Parks Tennis League is a low cost nationwide programme that teaches boys and girls in Tennis Lessons between the ages of 6 and 17 years to play tennis during the summer months.

Since its inception 26 years ago, it is estimated that over 200,000 children have learned to play tennis in a variety of community centres, clubs and public parks. Participants need only a pair of runners as racquets and tennis balls are provided where required. Coaching takes place throughout the country from Dun Laoighaire to Drumshambo and from Cobh to Letterkenny.

Enrolment 29th of June 2-4pm at tennis courts, for Forms, click here......


©2007 Balrothery Heritage Ltd.