The Show
Behind the Scenes

Mysteries 2003

Suzanne Doyle



Here and Over There

Here and over there

In school halls theatre walls are watching and listning,

As we the community crew direct and attempt,

To do a drama about you,

Christ in your kingly corruption,

Our interpertation is so bold

As we stand around or prance

And dance with Beautiful Judith,

To knock the cold out with

the not so mediaval Lauren Hill,


Crazy Kids from Coventry,

The men were the perfect Gentry,

So we thought?

Until we braught them in for a few bers

we realised how wild and wonderful fun they were,

As we danced all night andate and laughed all night down at Macnas fisherman's craft shop,

Ladies, ladies, how could we forget the smiles and theatrical personalities,

With so much spirit inside,

Shining threw which made the weekend so enjoyable for all the crew,


The show must go on Some have gone

Bring out the new,

Not initially so familiar it wont take long as our jester Michael will initiate you.

You'll be dancing and prancing and flocking and barking like we do

To Jesus speaking to his gathering

Before he and his gangster disciples wreck the joint.


Whather one does

It'll be part of the play

So many wonderful people working so hard

Fixing and fitting, styling and miming,

Painting and Writing,

Speaking and Mending,

Singing and not sinking, ahem ahem

Whatever this will be

The most fantastic Mysteries




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Crucifixion  - Mysteries 2003 - Kyran Artist

© Kyran