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Orthodontic Service: Motion
20th March, 2002

Dr. Henry: I support Senator Jackman's remarks on the orthodontic service. It is unfortunate that there has been so little progress in the development of the service in recent years. I realise that there have been considerable difficulties with it for a long time. The Minister of State and I are long enough involved in the medical service not to realise that this has been an ongoing problem.

The orthodontic report was excellent and it was a great pity that its recommendations were not brought forward by the Minister. I realise there are difficulties for him regarding training in orthodontics and in terms of the professional conflicts that have arisen in the area, but I hope he will be in a position to tackle them and examine what can be done on a national basis to improve the service as opposed to the fragmented system that appears to be in place.

It is sometimes underestimated how important orthodontics are. I am not saying, however, that the Minister of State would do so. It is unfortunate because children suffer for years not just the physical difficulties of teeth which badly need orthodontic treatment, but psychological problems because they feel their appearance is not what it should be. That also has to be taken into account. The Minister's statement that he would pay half the cost of private treatment for public patients if they had to go to private practitioners is welcome. However, this would be impossible for some people because even half the price of fees would not be within their grasp. I am not saying the Minister is uncaring in this area but this situation has continued for decades. Given that we now have a report which Senator Jackman has so lucidly brought before the House, I hope progress can be made on all the recommendations in that area.

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