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Ombudsman for Children Bill, 2002: Report and Final Stages
7th March, 2002

Dr. Henry: I also support Senator Jackman's amendment, not because I believe the ombudsman should investigate asylum seeking, refugee or citizenship issues but because the Bill appears to exclude the children of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants from being able to make complaints about how they are treated by various Departments, voluntary hospitals, etc.

Dr. Henry: I spoke on this issue on Second Stage and I am quite sure the Minister of State did try to get the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform to agree to the amendment. Senator Jackman's description of how the Department works is a charitable one. It is unfortunate it should look as if it is running a type of gulag archipelago in which there can be no rights for the children within it. It does it no credit that it appears to have a desire to run such a closed set of institutions. It is a great pity that the Minister of State has not been able to get it to agree to the amendment.

Dr. Henry: I see from the look of the Government's amendments that the Minister is favourably disposed towards my amendment. The reason I propose to insert "two" years, rather than use the numeral "2" is that I was taught at school that any number under ten should be written, but that is probably frightfully old fashioned nowadays. I put it in to avoid confusion because otherwise there is no difference between our amendments. It would be very nice for me if the Minister would accept my amendment, because I would then be able to say that I have two amendments in the Ombudsman for Children Bill, 2002.

Ms O'Meara: That will go down well with the electorate.

Dr. Henry: It goes down very well with the electorate, many of whom live in Kingstown. I see the sense of the Minister's amendment, but would be extremely grateful if she would accept mine.

An Leas-Chathaoirleach: I hope Senator Henry's political future is not in the Minister of State's hands.

Ms Hanafin: I sincerely hope that my political future is not in Senator Henry's hands.

As Senator Henry has been so supportive of this Bill and indeed of any legislation that comes before this House, I would be happy to accept her amendment.

Dr. Henry: I thank the Minister very much and may her shadow never grow less in Kingstown.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment No. 9 not moved.

Dr. Henry: I move amendment No. 10:

In page 15, line 34, to delete "12 months" and substitute "two years".

Dr. Henry: I congratulate the Minister and her officials on having got this Bill through the House so quickly. The Minister has put huge effort into the area of care. This House is interested in the work she is doing. It is much appreciated on this side of the House as well as on the Minister's side, I am sure. I wish she could take the Bill to the Dáil at once and get it passed. If there was anything any of us could do to get this legislation through the Dáil before the election we would only be too happy to help the Minister.

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