2005 Events
Upcoming Events
Organised by the Health Services Action Group
Download and Print booking form here
Saturday 26th November Liberty Hall
09.30 - 17.00
Main speakers are:
Ms Madeleine Speirs (President, INO)
Fintan O'Toole (Journalist),
Dr John Barton (Chairman, HSAG),
Mr Peadar McMahon (Monaghan Community Alliance) Dr Christine O'Malley (Vice-President, IMO)
Keynote lecture by Prof Allyson Pollock (Author of 'NHS Plc') talking on: "Is Ireland going the American way? - The International experience of Privatising Healthcare"
Registration: €20 waged, €10 low-waged, €50 funded.
To register in advance contact:
Dr Peadar O'Grady
Email: healthconf2611@yahoo.com
Phone : 087 9879489
09.30 Registration
10.00 The Hanly report -- Democracy in the Health Service?
Speakers: Mr Peadar McMahon (Chair, Monaghan Community Alliance), Mr Dick
Roche (South-East Radiotherapy Campaign). Chair: Dr John Barton (Chair,
Health Services Action Group)
11.00 Break
11.15 Neoliberalism -- The politics of the marketplace in healthcare
Speakers: Dr John Barton (Health Services Action Group), Dr Peadar O'Grady
(Laois Offaly Families for Autism). Chair: Ms Mary Smith
12.15 Keynote address: Prof. Allyson Pollock (Professor of Health Policy,
University of Edinburgh, Author of 'NHS plc'): Is Ireland going the American
way? The international experience of privatising healthcare
1.15 Lunch
2.15 Poverty and inequality -- Who pays for health?
Speakers: Ms Jo Tully (Irish Nurses Organisation), Ms Clare Farrell
Chair: Ms Marie O'Connor (sociologist and author)
3.15 Break
3.30 The crisis in A&E -- Solutions and stresses
Speakers: Mr Fintan O'Toole (journalist and author), Ms Madeleine Speirs
(President, Irish Nurses Organisation), Dr Christine O'Malley
(Vice-President, Irish Medical Organisation). Chair: Dr Peadar O'Grady
4.45 Closing remarks, thanks and announcements: Mr Peadar McMahon (Monaghan
Community Alliance).
5.00 Close
Each session will involve an introduction of 10-15 minutes each by two (or
three) speakers and then 30 minutes of audience participation. Speakers may
sum up briefly at the end.
Organised by the Health Services Action Group (HSAG)
Download and Print booking form here
of NBA
Wicklow/Wexford area
Provisional date:
Thursday 4th August
For further details contact:
Laura O'Shea
Ph: 086 0715938
2004 Events

Past Events
Normal Labour and Birth: 2nd Research Conference
The Grange Hotel Conference Centre,
Grange Over Sands,
English Lake District
Wed 9th -Fri 11th June 2004
The Childrens Research Centre
Annual Lecture 2003/4
Barrie Thorne
Department of Womens Studies and Sociology
University of California Berkeley
The Globalisation of Contemporary Childhoods
Tuesday, November 25th, 6.00pm,
Walton Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin
To Reserve Your Place, email smythco@tcd.ie
indicating how many seats you wish to reserve
(max 3 per booking) Limited
Seats Available.
Admission: Free.

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