Ollie Deegan,
Grouse (Purcell/Browne) and Mons Browne
In a recent email my friend Ollie Deegan
I've finally got a chance to look at your website today and yeah, great
pictures! You left out the dogs name - Grouse was his name, by the way. I can
still hear Father Browne calling out "where's my grousy!"
I've got news for Ollie - Grouse originally belonged to my Uncle Mick.
Monsignor Maurice Browne |
P. De Brun, Mrs M. McEntee, Cardinal M. Browne and Mons. M. Browne
Twenty years ago Monsignor Maurice Browne
aged 86 retired as Parish Priest of Ballymore-Eustace and Hollywood. The
Monsignor came to the Parish in 1951 following the death of Father Hurley. To
celebrate his retirement a special edition of the Ballymore Echo was published
devoted exclusively to the life of the Monsignor and featuring photos of
himself, his family and friends several of these photos were taken by Tom
Turner who for many years was Ballymore's ace photographer. Contributions were
made to this lovely memento by Don Ryan, Father John Dunphy, Pauline Daly and
Michael Conway N.T. The main feature of the tribute was an interview with the
Monsignor the interviewers being Jimmy McLoughlin, Bolabeg and P.J. Rudden who
at the time worked at the Filter Beds with Dublin Corporation .
Monsignor was a native of Grangemockler, Co. Tipperary and was the fourth child
and third son of School Teacher Maurice Browne and Kate Fitzgerald. His eldest
sister Margaret Bridget died in infancy. His brother David became a Cardinal.
His brother Padraig became an eminent Professor and a Monsignor. His sister
Margaret was a University Lecturer and was married to Sean MacEntee who served
as a Government Minister. His youngest brother John died from complications
arising after an injury he received while playing football when he was only 25.
This year Grangemockler celebrated the centenary of the building of it present
Catholic Church. To mark the occasion various events were held including the
launching of a commemorative book and an exhibition of old photos and newspaper
articles. The Browne family featured prominently in both the exhibition and the
book. The exhibition was held in the Grangemockler Community Hall which is
opposite where the Browne family lived and beside the Church and Graveyard in
which Monsignor's parents and brother John are buried.
As Monsignor Browne's immediate predecessors had been in poor health the
Ballymore Church was in a run down condition and needed many repairs and
improvements. The Parish was also in need of a Dispensary and new Schools in
both Ballymore and Hollywood. Seeing these needs the Monsignor set about
attending to them. Money was needed to deal with these problems. When it came
to raising funds Monsignor Browne was an expert.
The main fund raiser was the weekly non-stop draw which was held in the old
Band Hall which has been recently demolished . Monsignor, with the aid of Peter
Lawlor of Truce Road who the Monsignor credited with the success of the
non-stop, gathered together a dedicated group of promoters who visited all the
houses in the Parish and collected the subscription of a shilling (5 New
Pence). Maura Murphy of Alliganstown was the promoter who collected from our
house. The top prize was ten pounds with a couple of smaller prizes. Concerts
in the Band Hall was another means by which funds were raised. Annually around
Christmas time the Parish Dance was held in Lawlor's Ballroom in Naas. This too
helped to boost funds and was one of the social highlights of the Parish year.
The Church was surrounded by overgrown trees which blocked out the light. These
were cut down and replaced by rose bushes. All of the windows in the Church
were of the dark stained glass variety which gave the Church a gloomy
atmosphere. The windows in the body and rear of the Church were replaced with
brighter ones which were donated by various Parishioners. Storage heaters were
installed and the Church itself was painted and many essential repairs were
carried out.
The Dispensary was a small rented premises located on the Truce Road and was
poorly equipped. My father who was the Dispensary Doctor was dependent on the
generosity of nearby residents such as the Stensons ( the late Mrs. Anne McGarr
of St Brigid's Park was formerly a Stenson ) and Doyles for such basics needs
as boiling water for sterilising syringes. When Monsignor Browne persuaded the
" powers that be" to built a new properly equipped Dispensary
opposite Johnny McGuire's ( now Hugh O'Neill's) paper shop my father was very
pleased indeed. The building of the Dispensary replaced a derelict site with a
nice new building and enhanced the Chapel Street area of the village.
Over the years Paddy Barrett carried out a lot of work to the Church for the
Monsignor. Others the Monsignor relied on for help were Eddie Deegan and Bill
Doran. Eddie looked after the Christmas Crib and helped with the garden and
other jobs at the Monsignor's house while Bill helped keep the Church grounds
in order.
Within five years of the Monsignor's arrival in Ballymore the Parish could
boast of a newly renovated Church, two new National Schools and a new
Dispensary. What an achievement and what a man ! Great credit was due too to
the people of Ballymore and Hollywood who in the hard times that were the
fifties fully supported his efforts and gave freely of their time and money.
During the years that Monsignor Browne was Parish Priest these premises were
maintained in good order through constant diligent attention with the result
that no further major expenditure of Parish funds was needed .
In 1953 Monsignor Browne published a chronicle relating to life in Ballymore
andHollywood. Later on under the pen name of Joseph Brady he wrote a book
called "The Big Sycamore" which was based on his family in his
growing up years and was published in 1958 . Alas, the big sycamore referred to
in the book title no longer exists. Two other books were to follow :
"Monavalla" covering his time in Vallymount and "From a
Presbytery Window" which covered the varied exploits of Father Kavanagh
who served as Curate in Hollywood for many years. His second and third books
were published in 1963 and 1971 respectively. In 1972 Monsignor Browne
published another more ambitious Parish Chronicle.
Greyhounds and shooting were part of Monsignor Browne's life as was travel to
places of religious significance. From our kitchen window he could be seen
making his daily trip with his greyhounds through the lands belonging to the
Ryan family on the other side of the Liffey. One particularly useful dog which
he had was called "Makra Bibis" and it won the Callanan Cup at
Harold's Cross. On that happy occasion Monsignor Browne's housekeeper Annie
Messitt, my mother and sister Margaret were his proud guests of honour. He made
a number of trips to the Holy Land and in his sermons afterwards he spoke
glowingly of the various holy places he visited which were clearly a source of
inspiration to him.
One of Ballymore's biggest occasions occurred when it hosted a special
reception for the Monsignor's brother David on his first visit to Ballymore
following his elevation to Cardinal in 1962. David's name in religion was
Michael and at the time of his elevation he was the Master General of the Dominican
Order a position he had held since 1955. A committee was formed and funds were
raised out of which a beautiful specially designed carpet was bought and
presented to the Cardinal for use in his new office in Rome. I recall that
there was a very big turn out of parishioners. My mother served on the
organising committee and was very proud of her involvement in the great day.
For my own part I acted as one of the stewards.
During his 26 years as our Parish Priest Monsignor Browne was assisted by six
different Curates in the Ballymore end of the Parish. The first was Father
Eugene Crosbie, followed by Father Charles Scanlon, Father John O'Sullivan,
Father Paddy Dowling, Father Paddy Kelly and finally Father Myles Christy.
Father Crosbie was interested in Bridge and in the local Drama Group. Father
Scanlon was a member of a business family from Balbriggan and after his time in
Ballymore he also served in Hollywood.
Father O'Sullivan was a sports lover who played gaelic football with the local
club. He also played golf and was interested in horse riding. Father Dowling on
the other hand was interested in filming and flying. He was a capable
administrator and remained in the Parish for about ten years. Like Father
Dowling Father Kelly spent an extended period in the Parish and was very
popular with all sections of the community. Father Christy whose favourite
sermon expression was " Theologians ! God help us ! " was the serving
Curate when the Monsignor retired. In Hollywood he was assisted by Fathers Tom
Murphy, Thomas Randles, Charles Scanlon, Tom Kearney and John Dunphy. With the
exception of Father Scanlon who had served in Ballymore and Father Tom Kearney
who like myself was fond of horse racing I did not really know the other
Hollywood Curates.
Having served as Parish Priest for 21 years the Parishioners marked the
occasion by making a presentation to the Monsignor. The commemorative issue of
the Ballymore Echo contains a photo showing Jack Lawler, Father Paddy Kelly and
Mrs. Tommy Trundle making the presentation to the Monsignor on behalf of the
Parishioners. A particularly poignant photo in that issue featured the
Monsignor, Father Christy and Sean McGuire on the occasion of Sean's First Holy
Communion in 1975. On Sunday the 10th July 1983 as our family basked in the
summer sunshine in front of our home we were stunned to learn the sad news that
Sean (aged 15) had lost his life in a drowning accident in the Golden Falls
What manner of man was the Monsignor ? He was a formidable man as Hugh Leonard
the author and playwright discovered when their paths crossed while Monsignor
was a Senior Curate in Bray and again in his early days in Ballymore. These
encounters are recorded in Hugh's autobiographical book " Out After Dark
". Couched in humorous terms Hugh's book also contained a very perceptive
description of our former P.P.
Monsignor Browne was a man of deep and unwavering religious conviction. He was
immensely practical and a lover of the outdoors. He had a hearing disability
the result of a serious childhood illness. He was a big, big fan of St. Paul
and of the Holy Land . He was a critic of the "Late, Late Show " or
the " Late Show " as he called it. He was eloquent in both speech and
literature . He was at ease with himself and with the world around him. He was
a progressive man who greatly enriched our Parish during his years here.
One by one Monsignor Browne was to see his brothers and sister pass away.
Padraig died aged 71 on 5th June 1960 and is buried in Glasnevin. David
otherwise Michael died aged 84 on 31st March 1971and is buried in the Dominican
Graveyard in Tallaght. Margaret died aged 84 on 6th September 1976 and is
buried in Glasnevin. On 19th November 1979 Monsignor Maurice Browne himself
died aged 88 and is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, Ballymore-Eustace. His grave
is just inside the gate on the right hand side.
By Matt Purcell (1997)
Click thumbnail for full size photo
Bridie Miley,
Fr Kelly
Fr Dowling, Jack Lawler, Mons Browne, Maurice Boland
Eddie Deegan,
P.J. Prendergast, Fr Kelly, Mons Browne
Fr Kearney,
Mons Browne, Fr Dunphy