2001 Index
Europeran Ironman C/ships by Hugh Byrne 26th May 2001
Harry Reynolds Memorial by Hugh Byrne 5th June 2001
Well Done Keith Daly (Dunlavin) by Hugh Byrne 10th June 2001
Dundalk Traders Cup by Hugh Byrne 10th June 2001
Millenium Cup CP(IVCA) by Hugh Byrne 12th June 2001
Simon on Top Form!!(John McCormack GP) by Hugh Byrne16th June 2001
McNally Swords Road Race C/ship by Hugh Byrne 21st June 2001
Under age Coaching by Hugh Byrne 30th June 2001
European Championships - Carlsbad, Czech. Rep. by Edith Kearney May 2001
Leuven, Belgium 20th May 2001 by Edith Kearney 20th May 2001
Triathlon - 'The Hell of the West' by Hugh Byrne 30th June 2001
Paddy Neary Memorial, Dundalk by Simon Whelan 8th July 2001
IVCA Boot Inn CPby Hugh Byrne <Report on IVCA site> July 2001
Good Week for Aidan Hammond by Hugh Byrne July 2001
Niall Rock, All Ireland Champion by Hugh ByrneSunday 15th July 2001
McNally Swords Kathleen O'Sullivan Mem GP by Hugh Byrne 22nd July 2001
Deano delivers at last! by Hugh Byrne 24th July 2001
Swords League: Balrothery CP by Fred Harte 25th July 2001
Monie Nolan Memorial - Balscaddanby Simon Whelan  31st July 2001
IVCA Age Std Championship  by Hugh Byrne 5th August 2001
Westwood Homes Kerry Youth Tour 2001 by Kieran Whelan August 4th-6th 2001
Brendan Campbell Memorial, Donore by Simon Whelan August 19th 2001
IVCA Batterstown CP by Hugh Byrne 28th August 2001<Click Here for Report>
IVCA Clane CPby Hugh Byrne 26th August 2001
National Vets C/ship by Hugh Byrne August 26th 2001
Leinster Road Race C/ship by Sean Lally September 2nd 2001
IVCA Memorial MS Cups by Hugh Byrne September 9th 2001
Collins/Christle Memorial, Kilmessan by Hugh Byrne September 9th 2001
Underage Leinster Championships by Keith Daly September 9th 2001
European Vets Championships, Majorca by Sean LallyOctober 8th 2001
11th Alanya Intl. Triathlon, Turkey by Ann Kearney October 24th 2001
Sportstar of the Month, Caroline Kearney by Fred Harte (+photo) November 2001
Willie McKevitt Memorial by Sean Lally December 9th 2001
Orwell Wheelers Christmas Race by John Lally December 23rd 2001

Orwell Wheelers Christmas Race
Sunday Dec 23rd 2001
Report from John Lally below:
Brass monkeys weather, distant memories of last Christmas on Bondi Beach, and myself and Simon lined up to represent Swords in the Orwell Wheelers Christmas Race. We had been pre-warned by 'Captain in Absentia', Sean, that Andre Engermann (St Tiernans) was one to watch. He was reported to be in top form and we were warned that if we gave him 50 yards, it would be 'bye-bye' . This warning was confirmed when one of his team informed us that we were riding for second place. Anyway it would be academic if we didn't catch the limit group which incl. Seamus Kennedy and Sean Bracken for six min. The scratch consisted of Shane Baker(Usher), Paul Healion(Usher), Colm Bracken(Usher), Stewart Gibson(Orwell), Cian Lynch(BH), Martin Maguire(BH), Andre Engermann(St Tiernans), Phil Finnegan(Cycleways), Alan Lane(UCD) and ourselves. The group worked together well with everyone doing their turn. Cian, unfortunately, found the going a bit hard and blew after about six miles. Simon unkindly offered to by him a compass in the pub afterwards. After a long chase we caught the main group coming up the hill into Drumree on the last lap. There was an immediate attack by Shane Baker, and an immediate response from myself which brought me straight past him. Andre, Simon, Phil Finnegan and Martin Maguire also spotted this move and within seconds the six of us were clear. Simon did a particularily long hard turn at the front to ensure that our gap was decisive. Two miles to go, Andre jumped, and started to get the gap we had been warned about! Simon shouted for me to close. Head down giving it everthing but got him back. Half a mile later Shane attacked with Simon & Andre in close attendance. They got a gap (and I could have a slight rest). Shane kept working hard in fear of my trio coming back, but if we did it was up to the other two as my main man was away, and nobody was going to outsprint him! The final sprint was contested by Simon & Andre, but Simon put about ten lengths into him. You can go like a train, but my man sprints like a rocket! I took the sprint for 4th after my 'armchair' ride. Teamwork to perfection!!!!!
Result: 1, Simon Whelan (Swords CC); 2, A. Engermann (St. Tiernans); 3, S. Baker (Usher IRC); 4, J.Lally (Swords CC); 5, M. Maguire (BH); 6, P. Finnegan (Cycleways)

John Lally

Willie McKevitt Memorial
Sunday Dec 9th 2001
(Hosted by Obelisk Wheelers)
Report from Sean Lally below:
Hi Hugh  This is story of the race today. Limit group 5 mins ahead of Vets. Simon, John Lal, Geroid and rest of scratch group 3 mins behind vets. We also had former Tour de France rider Laurence Roche in our group. 2 laps of vets National champs circuit, 26 miles. After 1st time up the we only had 9 riders left in our group. As we approached hill for 2nd time we caught the 5 min group. Despite plenty of attacks coming to the finish, it came to a sprint. 
Result 1st T Lavery (Garda)  2nd S Kennedy (Navan) 3rd J Lally (DWCC) 4th S Lally  5th L Roche  6th M Rock. In the scratch bunch sprint 1st Fastest  S Whelan, 2nd Fastest John Lally. Scratch group finished at 50 secs. Many thanks to Obelisk Wheelers for the invite.


Sportstar of the Month, Caroline Kearney
Report from Fred Harte below:
Every month throughout the past year the Fingal Independent in association with Holiday Inn, Dublin Airport, has nominated some Fingallian as Sportstar of the Month. Now, at the years end there are 16 winners [there were some joint winners] who are in line for the Sportstar of the Year Award for 2001. The selection is made by readers who cast their votes on an entry form that will appear in the editions of the Fingal Independent dated December 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.

The Sportstar for October was Caroline Kearney; the résumé that appeared in this weeks edition of the paper about her achievements during the year are impressive. Caroline will get the overall award if enough people vote for her. Perhaps the word could be put out to this effect so that as many as possible are encouraged to give her a well-deserved "lead-out".

The Fingal Independent invites its readers to vote as often as they wish on the official entry form. Closing date for votes is 6th January 2002.

11th Alanya Intl. Triathlon, Turkey
October 24th 2001
Report from Ann Kearney below:
This race in Alanya incorporated both the European Under 23 championships and the European Junior + Elite Cup final. It also had a third open wave for age-groupers - all were catered for in Alanya. Consequently the race attracted over 300 competitors, 90+ in the elite men's start and 46+ in the elite women's start.Weather conditions on the day of the race were very hot and dry, with temperatures in the 30 Cs. Thankfully, having been there for a week before the race, both Caroline and Edith were well acclimatised to the conditions by the time the race came along.

The elite men started at 12pm that Wednesday afternoon. Unfortunately, they were not well behaved at all during the swim! Initially, there was a false start but they also reluctant to go around the marker buoys either and had to be nudged back on course by the marshals. Obviously, this had repercussions for the women's start (at 1:15pm). They were taken out of the water enclosure 10 minutes before the start and were penned off into a small enclosure despite the sizeable beach. As the women were 4 deep before the off and all jostling for position, the swim was very aggressive and occasionally vicious. Leanda Cave was out of the water in 1st position, followed closely by 6 other athletes. Caroline was out of the water amongst the 2nd group and Edith was out approx. 30secs adrift in the 3rd group (which included Annie Emmerson, Jo Hinde and the Aussie Kate Allen).

The bike course was a completely flat 4-lap course centre of Alanyathe . At the beginning of the women's bike, four main groups had formed - 2nd was 1 minute adrift of the 1st; there was 30secs. from the 2nd the 3rd and another 30secs from the 3rd (which was Caroline's group) to the 4th(Edith's group). Throughout the bike, Caroline's group caught the 2nd group on the 2nd lap and Edith's group caught this combined group on the 3rd lap. By the finish of the bike, The 1st group had made up 3 mins on the main bunch of approx. 20+ athletes. Needless to say, in the evolving situation, it was all down to the run and fast runners such as Tanya Allen and Annie Emmerson were able to pull up valuable places. Edith ran extremely well and made up some places to finish 28th overall in 2hr 07:22 and 11th in the Under 23 section. Caroline held her own, finishing in 32nd position overall and 7th in the Junior section.

All were delighted with their performances in Alanya - it was Edith's best international result to date - and although the girls were disappointed with their swim, it was an outstanding learning experience for them and given the same situation in the future, they will know how to deal with it expertly. Caroline was also thrilled to find out that as a result of endeavours over the season, she finished in fifth place in the European Junior Cup series - a great result at the end of her junior career.

1. Anja Heil GER 1hr58:29
2. Leanda Cave GBR 1hr58:53
3. Kate Allen AUS 1hr59:10
9. Annie Emmerson GBR 2hr01:57
30. Jessica Harrison GBR 2hr08:20

U/23 Champs.
1. Leanda Cave GBR 1hr58:53
5. Tanya Allen GBR 2hr03:37
7. Jo Hinde GBR 2hr04:14
11.Edith Kearney IRE 2hr07:22

7.Caroline Kearney IRE 2hr08:34

European Vets Championships, Majorca
October 8th 2001
Report from Sean Lally below
Hi Hugh,
I am in Majorca at moment finished 5th, 6secs behind the winner. The Germans were playing with us as they had five riders capable of winning. When you got clear with a German they just sat up. Two of them got clear and the rest shut up shop. I was dissapointed but am over it now. I did my best only thing is they have the first five on rostrum. It was a very fast race on 10km circuit a 1km hill every lap 6 laps the  Germans controlled it.10km to go 2 Germans got clear. Then a gallop for 3rd in the sprint a Spainard grabbed my jersey. I got around him but was still a lenght down at finish.Result 1st Manfred Nepp(Germany) 2nd Herbert Wilde(Germany) at 6secs, 3rd Natale Bisarello(Italy), 4th Hans Uterkuggenberger(Germany), 5th Sean Lally(Ballymagash), 6th Olat Ludwing(Germany). Five Germans in the first eleven. Any of these five could have won. 6th rider previous winner of this event. Another rider won KOM 3 tmes in Tour of Spain.


Underage Leinster Championships
Sunday September 9th 2001
Report from Keith Daly below:
Dad wasted no time skipping around the back roads to Kilmessan Co Meath for the Leinster Championships and yes we did meet some Sunday drivers. Still we made it on time, one and a half hours early to be precise, but not to worry as this gave me plenty of time to have a look around, check for pot holes and have a look at my favourite part of the race 'The finish'.
  On the start line there was the same familiar faces. Myself, Colm, Mark, Eamonn, James, Stephen, Paul, David etc. We meet that often now I'm beginning to feel that we are one big happy family and I suppose we are as they are a great bunch of lads and we all get on very well. With the weather conditions perfect the race got underway at 12pm. Three laps of an eight mile circuit would decide who would be the 2001 Leinster Champion. The attack started straight away with the Bray lads relaying up and down the road like a Pro.Outfit.  Then Balbriggan had a few digs countered by Shannonsides Eamonn Coyle and myself. Colm Crawley was always handy and we countered the jumps before they became breaks. The two Usher lads and James Whelan from Swords did very well and were always up there right to the very end. After being heavily marked throughout the race and a bunch sprint looked likely Stephen Mc Kenna Balbriggan launched a winning looking attack on the last drag. A moments hesitation, then sprint on to the line taking the lead with about 500m to go I produced a Keith Daly special coming home three lengths clear of the field. Colm Crawley was 2nd followed by Paul Mc Mahon from Bray. Although I wasn't around to watch the U/12's race I have been reliably informed that Nial Rock finished a close 2nd taking the silver Medal. Well done to all my fellow underage riders. I have had a fantastic season and will see you all next year when we will be cycling with the BIG BOYS!!!!!!!!!! 

Keith Daly (Drogheda Wheelers CC) 

Collins/Christle Memorial, Kilmessan
Sunday September 9th 2001
There were 110 starters for this event incl Gareth, Pepe, Sean and John Lally. A break of twelve riders were up the road coming to the finish but John fresh from his good showing in the Club TT C/ship during the week took the bunch gallop for the 3rd B pot. This was his first race proper on these shores since his return from his year in Australia & New York (where he has been secretly training). It was a fiercely contested sprint (with a little bit of banging), but John used the wheels well & held his nerve to take it. Sean was also in sprint and took 3rd Vet. Also in Kilmessan, Niall Rock was second in the U12 Leinster C/ship rounding off a great year for him. Keith Daly(DWCC) took the U16 title which the on form Colm Crawley(Balb CC) in 2nd spot.

IVCA Memorial MS Cups
Sunday September 9th 2001
Three seperate races with Swords well represented in all three. In the A race we were represented by Joe Mc Nally, Anto McMahon, Gerry Martin and newly crowned Club 10 mile TT Champ, Pat Halpin. The cold north wind seemed to be in your face or on your shoulder all the time exept for the 'charge' down the Navan Road section. Swords managed to cover all moves bar the winning one, and indeed Anto was 50 sec clear on the first lap only to puncture. No panic.... he approriated a wheel from a passing Liam Maxwell who was out for a spin! He went again on the 2nd lap and Pat nearly got across on his own before the group got organised and reeled both of them in. No reward for for the lads but all seemed to enjoy themseves. The C race started at an explosive pace with Paul Deans forcing the early pace. William Parnell managed to get clear a few times but no one was being let go. Indeed Tracey Piggott covered a lot of the moves. A few attacks in the last few miles, incl Deano's trademark, but all were covered. On the last few corners Tracey got a slight gap, which Lar Cully bridged, with Dave Blake on his wheel. As Lar reached a tiring Tracey (into the wind), Dave jumped and stayed clear to the line to take his first result of the year and the Memorial Cup!

Leinster Road Race C/ship
Sunday September 2nd 2001
Report from Sean Lally below:
Today the Swords lads gave a good account of themselves in the Leinster C/ship Road Race in Kilcullen.The course was mostly flat with a few drags which made for good fast racing. There was a good turnout of 75 riders and incl Joe McNally, Anto McMahon, Pat Halpin, Jason Kelly, John Peppard and mise. It's great to see so many of the lads racing in the open races.With four laps of a 7 mile course to I got away with six other riders. We were caught with two laps to go, but immediately nine riders got clear including Anto and Pat. With one lap to go they had 1 minute on main field and I was happy to sit in thinking that they would stay away, so much so that I considered pulling up to see the finish! But 2 miles from the finish, we all regrouped and the race finished with a bunch gallop in which I finished 8th. This also gave me 3rd Vet as both Sean Bracken & Tosh Lavery finished ahead of me. Another bronze.....always the bridesmaid.!

Sean Lally

National Vets C/ship
Sunday August 26th 2001
This years Vets C/ship was an exciting race from start to finish with a top quality field, incl 6 of the best from Swords, contesting the honours. Our team comprised Sean Lally, Joe McNally, Anto McMahon, Brendan Kennedy, Mick Rock & Gerry Martin. Many of us came straight from the IVCA race to cheer on our team mates and they did give us plenty of reason to cheer! As we drove across we met the race on its first lap and already the attacks had begun. There were three riders with about 15 sec gap with another three(incl Sean Bracken)trying to bridge with the bunch in hot pursuit. This break was soon neutralised and the bunch stayed together for some miles until our own Mick Rock got clear with two other riders. These three did well for a while but when they turned into the wind three riders weren't enough! The next major move half way into the second lap, four riders attacked and went clear at the elbow. This break looked good and incl Sean McIlroy (Carrick Cidona), Dave Woods (Usher), Brian Holmes (Slane Cycles), and a rider from Cork. When these looked like staying away, Sean Lally launched himself in pursuit. Catching them proved quite difficult and it took a few miles to get on. Sean admitted later that it was the fear of the embarrassment of being swallowed back up by the bunch that kept him going in his effort to get across. These five now stayed clear until the last lap when they were joined by a group of about ten riders incl most of the pre race favourites. Up the hill and five riders broke clear but were once again pegged back. On the run in it was attack after attack until on a slight rise about a mile and a half out, Sean Bracken made the decisive break and came in a clear and worthy winner. Bo Graham (Provision) won the sprint for 2nd from last years winner Norman Campbell (unatt), with Hugh Davis (Eagle CC) 4th, Terry Ferris (DWCC) 5th , and Sean Lally (McNally Swords) 6th --- after being in the break all day. All our riders finished in the main bunch except poor Brendan who punctured with 1 lap to go. He also punctured on the same circuit in our Club C/ship and to add insult to injury its his 'local' circuit. The team prize was also a close run thing with Usher IRC just edgeing out the host club, Garda Motorway, by one point! All those who turned up to watch were treated to great racing also from the U23's and Juniors with Gabriel Howard doing MC & commentary adding to the excitement. Hero of the day, Kanturk Junior rider , who was 2 min clear for at least 4 laps of the 6 lap race in searing heat. Didnt end up in the medals but a class act. <Photos on IrishCycling.com>

Sunday 26th August 2001
I've written lots of (biased)reports for the Swords website, but its hard to write about yourself, esp when apart from a good finish I was basicly hanging on for much of the race. Our group in the CP worked well and I had plenty of clubmates in it (Deano,Dave & Fred). Special mention to John Duffy who despite coming back from being sick gave everthing and Paddy McInerny whose powerful riding had me in awe and seriously questioning was cycling really the sport for me. I found the going quite hard and eventualy got to grips with it on the second lap when (perhaps mercifuly) we were caught by faster group. Soon the enlarged group had caught the groups ahead and perhaps now a win was on the cards. I was much encouraged by clubmate Jim Ludden who was stewarding. Last time we had a CP in Clane I was fortunate(after being dropped) to witness him winning, with a superb sprint and I was slightly thankful that he was on the sidelines today! A few miles to go and saw Paddy Byrne with a puncture........another sprinter less to worry about. There are so many twists & turns coming to the finish its hard to remember them all,... I didnt and ended up on the front too soon. No panic, Dave Blake took up the running and I was nicely placed third in line behind Mick Tynan, but boxed in by Arthur Ebbs and a well placed Tracey Piggott. We were about 500 yards out and I was wondering would a gap open.Next Deano attacked on the right with a few riders in tow, so I shouted at Arthur to go (which was my cue to unbox myself). Deanos attack stalled slightly, and Arthur tucked in but if we got boxed again there would be no second chance so I gave it everything got a gap and despite arms & legs turning to jelly held on for the win. Some lads ride to make people suffer, some are great in a break and most seem to find the going easier than I do but the excitement and sense of heightened awareness coming to a finish is the ultimate buzz..... the rest of it is just pain & grovelling.

Hugh Byrne

IVCA Batterstown CP
Tuesday 28th August 2001
Report from Hugh Byrne on IVCA site:
<Click Here for Report>

Brendan Campbell Memorial, Donore
Sunday August 19th 2001
Report from Simon Whelan below:
During my warm-up lap Tony O'Malley commented to me that this circut was''not so hard''. An hour later I had to laugh to myself because I was taking a terrible hiding !! 13 laps of a 4 mile hilly circut was the menu of the day. On the second lap the Vets, Juniors and Ladies were caught by a break away group from the main bunch of As and Bs.When the main bunch made contact with the limit riders about 10 riders were clear and this group looked dangerous as it contained some good As, I thought to myself ... I had better get up there ! The gap was about 20 seconds but I managed to get across in one piece when I got there I was releived to see that I had a team mate in Anto McMahon, who was looking very strong ! The break never got more than 50 seconds and with 6 laps to go we were reeled in by a group of about 15 riders. With 25 in the lead group the jumping started ... Anto and I missed the boat as 8 guys sliped away. We both tried in vain to get across, and with two laps to go myself and Aidan Crowley with Mark Kiernan for company tried to bridge the gap. (Mark didnt assist as he had two team mates up the road) But we just ended up sprinting for 8th place ... a sprint I didnt contest because of a lack of energy ! Sean Lally was pipped on the line by Seamus Kennedy for second Vet and Tony O'Malley had a good ride to finish his third open race in the bunch. Mick Rock also finshed in the main bunch, Geroid Loughnan punctured with 2 to go and John Peppard was also in the main bunch punctured with one  lap to go !! In the underage races Niall and Sean Rock were at the head of affairs (as usual) finishng second and fourth. All in all another good showing for the Club !


Westwood Homes Kerry Youth Tour 2001
August 4th-6th 2001, Killorglin, Co. Kerry
Report from Kieran Whelan below:
The Westwood Homes Kerry Youth Tour 2001 is a 3 Day Stage Race
(Promoted by Killorglin Credit Union Cycling Club)
Stage 1 Road Race in Beaufort, Killarney Saturday Afternoon.
Stage 2. Individual Time Trial Sunday Morning.
Stage 3. Road Race at Sunhill, Killorglin. Sunday Afternoon.
Stage 4. Circuit Race around Killorglin. Monday Morning.
This is the third year of this event. In all, there were over 180 young riders from Ireland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Britain, Belgium and Denmark. The race is run under ICF rules and the Chief Commisaire was none other that Jack Watson, from Belfast, a UCI International Commissaire who has run Professional World Championships in the past. I first heard of this race in 1999 when Kay Woods of 'Go Ireland' approached me to find out if Irish Ferries would be interested in helping the UK based teams with the cost of ferry travel. This is our second year of involvement with Killorglin CC and the Kerry Youth Tour and we're delighted with the numbers of foreign teams coming to Ireland to race. Thanks must go to the race committee and the volunteers who made this an enjoyable and safe weekend of racing. The good weather for the weekend played no small part in the great racing, with a beautiful back drop of the Kerry Mountains.
Category 3. (Under 12's) There were 34 entries in this section and our own Niall Rock Mc Nally Swords finished in a outstanding 5th place overall on GC. The category was won by Gavin Pyke riding for Ireland, 2nd was Evan Dennihy riding for Kanturk 3rd place went to Pat Ahern riding for Ireland . In fact, Niall's 5th placing must be put in context. The 2nd placed rider was only 12 seconds ahead of Niall on GC, this after 3 days of racing. Niall, held his own with the best of them. Well done Niall
Category 2. (Under 14's) Again a big field in this one. There were over 60 riders and Shaun Rock, riding for Leinster, finished in a creditable 10th place overall on GC. Category 2 was won by Ian Stannard riding for British Schools , 2nd was Adam Petrie-Armstrong riding for Ireland, 3rd place went to Chris Opie riding for British Schools. Shaun rode a very good race and was unlucky not to finish on the podium. The 3rd placed rider was only 38 seconds ahead. Well done Shaun and you never know next year there might even be a 'mailot jaune' to take home.
Category 1. (Under 16's) Again, another big field in this category. There were over 80 riders and Chris O'Hare, (Balbriggan CC) riding for Leinster, finished in an impressive 11th place overall on GC. This was Chris's first trip to Killorglin to ride in such a competitive race. Chris showed great qualities and fought hard all the way to stay with the big boys. Other Swords League riders who took part were Stephen Mc Kenna (Balbriggan CC) riding for Leinster was 20th on GC, Keith Daly(Drog Wh CC), also riding for Leinster, was 25th, Colm Crawley riding for Balbriggan CC was 42nd and James Whelan riding for Mc Nally Swords CC finished 51st on GC. Category 1 was won by Morten Gottleib riding for Denmark, 2nd was Barry Woods riding for Ireland, 3rd place went to Eoin Concannon riding for Killorglin CUCC. Well done to one and all. It's a great experience for our young riders. Lets hope we can build on this for the future. Special thanks must go to the sponsors and supporters of the Kerry Youth Tour without their help this race would not be possible. Westwood Homes / Killorglin Credit Union / Irish Ferries / Kerry County Council / Irish Cycling Federation / Coca Cola / Western Union / Splash Design.
<Click here for Photos>

IVCA Age Std Championship  
Sunday 5th August 2001
This years IVCA Age Standard C/ship was run over two big laps and one small on the Summerhill circuit. The early pace setters were Albert Murtagh (Obelisk) and Brian Monaghan (Newry Wh) who broke clear of their group and had 1 min advantage over them as the race passed Trim for the first time. Last years winner, Sean Lally, was in a group 4 min back. As they passed Trim for the second time, Seans group had gained slightly, but ominously for the two leaders, it had also been swelled by Jimmy Lally & co and the chase was on in earnest. As our two leaders turned onto the short lap, the gap was down to 30 sec from a slimmed down group of chasers. As Albert disappeared over the hill I heard some expletive deleteives. I knew that something had happened and his race was over. It turned out that a skewer had broken. The race finished with an exiting sprint finish between five riders, all of whom are excellent finishers. Seamus Kennedy(Avonmore) took the sprint from Liam Keenan(Orwell), with Sean third. Jimmy Lally(DWCC) placed 4th and Brian Monaghan after being out there all day,5th. Paddy Fitzimmons(DWCC) took the sprint for 6th place in the next group which incl Paddy Griffen(11th) and Fred Harte(13th). After the race even Anto was happy, despite finishing 3 min down with the rest of the 'young' lads who averaged nearly 25mph for the 48 miles. <Photos on IVCA site>

Monie Nolan Memorial - Balscaddan  
Tuesday 31st July 2001
Report from Simon Whelan below:
5 laps of a 5 mile hilly circut, only 25 miles, but everyone will tell you that they had sore legs on Wednesday morning
I attacked on the second laps in a 53 * 14 on the Stamullen hill and Brian Ahern latched onto me, and we were then to be joined by a very strong Phil Finnegan and another comeback boy Peter Dunne. The hammer went down and I was on the big gears most of the night Peter was feeling the pace but didnt stop riding through, but Ahern and Finnegan were strong On the second last ascent of the climb Phil punctured and Peter was dropped which left myself and Brian on our own with a 30 second gap Into the last 2 miles and on the climb for the last time Brian attacked my but I felt good and rode back up to him Looking back I should of attacked him because I felt very strong but with a group of 7, at 20 seconds I decided to keep riding I lead out the sprint which is usually against my own sprinting rules and I paid the penalty, losing by a few inches A good night for the club was capped with Peppe finishing a strong sixth and Gearoid getting 3rd B, as well as good performances from Brendan and Matt


Swords League: Balrothery CP
Wednesday 25th July 2001
Report from Fred Harte below:
{Race 16 }{Balrothery short circuit [7 laps - 43Km]
George Devlin (Drogheda Wheelers) won for the second race in a row even though I had dropped him down two groups. He, Chris O'Hare (Balbriggan CC) and Alan Duffy (McNally Swords) caught my group about lap 4 as far as I can recall. From then on Devlin and O'Hare did all the work with Sean Rock sticking to their wheels like glue but going to the front from time to time. I heroically stayed at the back, like a rear gunner, in order to defend the group from unseen hazards from behind!! Thats my excuse anyway. On the final lap when it looked as if we might stay away, young Sean rightly berated those behind him [Caroline, me, and Alan ] for not doing enough work - humiliating. I'll really have to ride next time out; either that or banish him to some far off group. At the finish, I came around Sean in trying to catch Caroline, but only because he was on restricted gears. Some of the difficulties of predicting time gaps for CP's can be seen when considering the average speed of the group. We had ridden this same course the previous week when the route through the Naul was switched at the last minute due to insufficient stewards. The previous week our group averaged 33.9 kph. I felt it unlikely that this speed would be reached again. In the event the group, at least those left in it, averaged 35.1 kph. which translates to over two and a half minutes over the race distance. The race was nearly stopped by the Garda . Apparently there was a blessing of the graves in Balbriggan somewhere and a garda had been detailed to direct traffic on to our route, and in the opposite direction. However the steward at that point, managed to persuade him to direct cars in another way although this involved getting some cars to U-turn. A note of appreciation will be sent to the guards in B albriggan. This is a particularly important since both the steward and the garda came in for some criticism from a rider who had yelled at them to organise the traffic in a different way. This is one way to antagonise the public towards cycle races leadin g to groups calling for their curtailment; and hostility from motorists, which is dangerous. Cyclists racing on open roads have no legal right to have even one rule bent. Motorists have no other obligation than to observe the same rules, and stewards have no power to tell any road user what to do; they can only request and warn.


Deano delivers at last!
Tuesday 24th July 2001
Paul Deans took a long overdue win in the IVCA DMS in Batterstown tonight with the move he's been rehearsing for the last three years. Normally he attacks off the front about a mile out and is reeled in soon after, and ending up well down the bunch afterwards. This time he went earlier than usual and dangled about 50 yards off the front as the bunch hurtled along, not too worried about Deano. The road twisted a bit and when Deano got another hundred yards advantage or so he realised that he was in with a good chance and gave it everything using the windy road to his advantage. With 1k to go the bunch took a serious interest in catching him. He rounded the last corner with a significant gap but it was still a long way to the line, he had been out there for a while and the bunch were closing fast. He needed all of the gap that he had gained but held on for a well deserved win.

McNally Swords Kathleen O'Sullivan Mem GP
Sunday 22nd July 2001
This year's race incorporating the Kathleen O'Sullivan Memorial Trophy was a fitting tribute to a great lady with great commitment from all the club members under the direction of race organiser Richie McNamara, and spirited racing from all our riders. I wont go into thanking all who contributed, but suffice to say it was an event in which we as a club can all take great pride. The morning started with Sean Rock placing 4th in the U14 event, and local lads Keith Daly(Drog Wh), Chris O'Hare(Balb CC) and Colm Crawley(Balb CC) dominating the U16 event despite being total outnumbered by the lads from Bray, placing 1st,2nd & 4th respectively.
<U/age Photos> In the main event both out A riders, Simon & Pepe, were riding quite well with Simon getting into most of the early breaks but unfortunately missing the main move on lap 3, but Pepe infiltrated this one. This break of about ten riders contained a lot of heavy hitters incl. Michael McNena and some very strong riders from the North. Their advantage grew steadily with all incl. our own Pepe riding strongly. With a man in the break it was up to the teams that missed out to chase. Simon got into the chasing group of riders but these weren't making any ground on the leaders and I suppose they wouldn't be too keen on bringing Simon up anyway. This was the second week in a row that Pepe had got into the decisive break and was doing quite well until constant attacks on the final lap eventually wore him down. Only one B rider had made it into the lead groups so it left 5 places to fight for and we were ably represented by Matt Kelly, Stephen Rock, Brendan Conway, Tony O'Malley, Sean Lally and Jason Kelly. Many of our riders tried to get clear but to no avail until Matt broke with Len Corrigan(DWCC) with two laps to go. When the gap got to 300 metres Sean jumped across to double our advantage. Brendan Conway came very close to getting across also but just couldn't get those last ten yards. The lead trio then pressed home their advantage ably protected by the remaining Swords riders in the pack. Three hundred yards from the final corner Matt, on a signal from Sean, launched himself taking the DWCC rider by surprise. Both riders were tiring on the sprint for the line but Matt had gained enough distance to take it and 2nd placed B rider. With equal prizes for A and B riders it meant that there were still 3 places to contest and we still had 4 riders in the bunch to contest them. Despite attacks from all 4 it came down to a bunch sprint with Jason attacking into the last corner but cramped in the straight and finished 7th B, missing 6th spot by inches. Club President, Johnny O'Sullivan presented the Kathleen O'Sullivan Memorial Trophy to Overall winner Michael McMena(VC La Pomme) but the loudest cheer was reserved for 2nd B, Matt. But we weren't finished cheering yet because Mick Rock and Pat Halpin took the first two spots in the Vets race!!! <Senior Race Photos>

Niall Rock, All Ireland Champion
Sunday 15th July 2001
Niall Rock has followed last years Leinster Championship by winning the U11 Classic Walls All Ireland Championship, and winning it in fine style! This event was run as a three stage event comprising of TT, Crit & Road Race. He started by winning the Time Trial in a time of 10'02", beating the second placed rider by 26 seconds. The event was run on a points for places basis and he followed the TT by getting clear and placing 2nd in the Crit. This placed him in a strong position coming into the Road Race when near disaster struck. He was in a small group of riders leading as the finished neared when they were misdirected by the Commisaire resulting in the chasing group getting ahead. To further compound the situation Niall fell as he tried to get back on course. Justice prevailed and the race was rerun and Niall's 2nd place in the final bunch sprint cemented his victory. The presentation of the yellow jersey completed a great week for the Rocks, with the old man winning at the Boot and Karen placing 3rd in a Ladies race. The question now is will Niall now dye his hair to match his new jersey? Well done Niall were all proud of you!

Good Week for Aidan Hammond
A busy week of time trials for Aidan(Orwell, but honoury Swords Member) started with the Swords League 10 on the Tuesday in which he posted the fastest time of 22'09". The next night himself and our own Pat Halpin placed second in the Des Twamley Memorial 2-up against at quality field around the Nags Head circuit in a time of 21'25". Then it was off to for the 50 mile Clifton to Galway TT in which he finished 5th
behind Scanlon, O'Loughlin, Helion and McNena (all full time internationals), so it wasn't too bad I suppose. He did a 1-47-05, despite blowing his lights at 40 miles and struggling a bit over the last 10 miles. The Leinster 10 is next week and the National 25 is 3 weeks and the 50 about a week later. He also has the small matter of his club's 25 C/ship to contend with, and sometimes that can be the one that puts you under the most pressure, as Simon will tell you. We wish him the best of luck in all these upcoming events.
<Click here for times for Des Twamley>

IVCA Boot Inn CP
Tuesday10th July 2001
Horrible conditions!! The wind on the main road section was both in your face and a crosswind. This made cycling both difficult and tricky. On the way over to the race I was flying, dreaming of a good result and not fully realising that it was the gale blowing on my back that was responsible! Half way through the first lap reality kicked in as each turn at the front just seemed to bring the inevitable closer......I was dropped. I kept going anyway and completed another lap before the next group(s) caught me. Having gotten over the difficult section on the second lap I had hopes of sitting in on this passing train. 36mph and I was swinging off the back!! Some riders clocked 40 on this section. Mick Rock had about ten riders incl. Paddy, Sean, Joe and Gerry lined out and about another ten trying to retie the elastic. He certainly looked on top form and as Deano would say ....I let him go. On the next lap I met with other riders, who would normally be in the thick of things, also stranded. Anto and a couple of riders passed on the long stretch into the wind and were fighting hard to make up some ground, but they hadn't seen the Mick Rock express and they had no chance of seeing it tonight. I headed home dejected and later was delighted to hear the Mick had won after great work from the Swords riders in his group and also esp. from Dennis Dodds(Bray Wheelers). Indeed it was Dennis Dodds who attacked on the last lap into the wind and was brought back by Mick & Gerry Martin. Not put off by the strength in numbers he attacked again coming up to the last bend and Mick responded which resulted in both riders getting a gap of about 100 yards and once they turned the corner it was 53x11 to the finish. Mick managed to get a gap on Dennis in the long straight and had about 40 yards to spare in the end. Gerry Martin was just pipped in the bunch sprint for third place and Joe placed 9th. A well deserved victory for Mick Rock. <Click here for photos on IVCA site>

Paddy Neary Memorial, Dundalk
Sunday 8th July 2001
Report from Simon Whelan below:
The race was 65 miles and in the early stages there was a lot of attacking, but it was obvious due to the strong headwind and taxing circuit that there was nobody strong enough to get away. Geraiod, Jason and especially Matt were in every move that attempted to go away but I was minding myself, thinking perhaps of a bunch sprint. After 4 of the 7 laps of the 9 mile (approx.) circuit, there were a few tired legs so I made a couple of big efforts to get clear and finally a group of four of us got free, soon to be joined by 7 more riders. With 2 laps I started to feel the strain but as the gap was only 40 - 50 seconds at best I kept riding through. On the last lap we started watching each other and Colm Farrell made a big move soon to be joined by Mak Kiernan, and soon after Healion, the 2 Brackens and Co came up the the break I was on a real bad day and only managed 4 in the gallop for third. I was delighted to see Colm Farrell (Mr. Nice) win again after a long time in the wilderness (Well done Colm .... been there)


Triathlon - 'The Hell of the West'
Saturday 30th June 2001
Club members Billy Kennedy, Caroline & Edith Kearney competed in the Kilkee Triathlon, which is known as the 'Hell of the West'. This is an olympic distance event and comprises of 1 mile swim, 28 mile bike and a 6.2 mile run. This years event certainly lived up to its name as the tide and rough seas adding to the difficulty of the swim, followed by a windy cycle leg and a 6 mile run of which three miles went up the mountain and three miles back! All three have competed in Europe already this year and accounted well for themselves in this event. Billy was 3rd Vet(& 17th overall) in a field of over 150 competitors. Caroline, although still a Junior, was 1st Lady with Edith 4th Lady. Indeed Edith was 2nd going into the run but took a wrong turn costing her approx 8 minutes. As a cycling club we can take special pride in their performances on the bike leg with Caroline 18th fastest and Billy 20th fastest against all competitors !! It should also be noted that Caroline finished ahead of Billy in the overall and Edith a few places behind. Also ex club member (soon to return we hope) Paddy Cullen placed 8th overall in the triathlon. When he comes back he can tell you the story how he ended up in a field during the Gorey 3 day and was nearly missed by neutral service who were attending the other fallers until they heard a shout of ' hey, what about me?'

Leuven, Belgium 20th May 2001
Report from Edith Kearney below:
The race was a European Junior Cup race for the juniors and an International race for the senior over the olympic distance ie. 1500m swim/ 40km bike/ 10km run)
Caroline 9th Junior
Edith 9th Senior
Swim was 1500m in a cold canal in wetsuits: Bike was 40 km (3 laps of 13km) through the centre of the town of Leuven - 3 ascents of apporx 11% for 400m (Drafting allowed): Run was 10km (3 laps of 3.4km) with one ascent of 12% (400m).

European Championships - Carlsbad, Czech. Rep.
Report from Edith Kearney below:
Caroline raced in the Junior section - 750m swim/20km bike/5km run
She raced extremely well. (it is her last year as a junior) She was 3rd out of the water, 15th after the bike and 20th overall.
The swim was 2 laps of  a lake and involved getting out and running around a Fiat car between the laps. The bike involved a 3 mile cycle into the town and then 3 laps around a 5 km loop. This also included an unbelievable climb (you really would have to see it to believe it as none of the pictures before had did it justice) Firstly, it was 24% uphill on cobbles for 500m rounding a corner and then there was about 100m of tarmac and then a winding cobbled ascent to the top of the hill and then a decent on hair pin bends to the bottom and then some flat on cobbles to the start of the loop. The run was a 2 lap circuit with a hill of 24% for 500m. all in all a tough race.

I raced in the senior elite section (1500m swim/40Km bike/10km run) The course was the every same as Caroline except I was to do 3 laps of the lake followed by seven laps of the bike and 3 laps of the run. My race didn't work out so well and I found myself having to pull out at the end of the bike section which is something I don't normally do.

Last Saturday was the 'Hell of the West' Triathlon in Kilkee Co. Clare. Again this was a 1500m swim in the sea/45km bike/10km run. The race lived up to its name as it was (as usual) very, very windy which made the sea really rough and was behind you on the way out on the bike course but slap bang in your face on the way back.

Caroline raced really well again finishing 1st lady by 6 mins to the next female. I was in second place after the bike but too busy chasing down a fella on front of me and completely missed the turn and ended up running an extra 1km before realising that I was going the wrong way so the three of us had to go back (another lad followed me the wrong way as well) and lost about 10 mins and 2 places - I ended up finishing 4th. I was told that it served me right for chasing lads instead of concentrating on the race!!!

That's it for now, Caroline and I are off to the Scottish National C'ships on Thursday 5th July being held in Dundee. The week after is the Carrick-on-Suir sprint race. Also this year we have other European Cup races in August, European U23 champs in Poland in September, the British Sprint Champs for Caroline in Clumber Park, Worksop and the Salford Quays Triathlon which will be the Commonwealth next year.

(Many thanks to Edith for the reports, Hugh)

Under age Coaching
Saturday 30th June 2001
Aidan Hammond, in conjunction with Swords CC ran an activity based coaching session for U/age riders at the Boot Inn on Sat 30th June. The session was aimed at the younger end of the spectrum, particularly those who are new to the sport and attracted twelve riders of varying degrees of experience. One advantage of having a club with so many vets is that some of them are bound to be nurturing the next generation of budding hopefuls! Aidan coached them on various skills and had them tackling coned circuits in the carpark to develop their skills, and had a very short time trial to appease their eagerness to race. It is hoped to run these sessions every few weeks and details will appear on Club Web Noticeboard.

McNally Swords Road Race C/ship
Thursday 21st June 2001
A last minute switch to 3 laps of the Blackbull-Batterstown-Dunboyne course by Race Director Richie McNamara due to temporary traffic lights on the intended one and the field of 35 riders were off. Some early skirmishes were followed by Simon Whelan attacking and going clear on the first lap. This took the field(who had intended to work him over) by surprise but now they had to chase him down. The gap went up to 40 sec but a lot of hard work by the bunch eventually reduced and held it at 15 sec. Simon was clear now for more than a lap but quickly realised that the bunch were within striking distance and were leaving him out there to fry, so he returned to the fold. Things didn't stay quiet for long as Garoid Lougnane seized the initiative, attacked and Simon once again launched himself. This duo dangled about 10sec up the road and Anto McMahon tried his damnest to get across to them but to no avail. More hard work from the bunch and everyone was back together again. Simon definitely wanted this bad and was unwilling to prove his prowess in sprinting to get it, as he made his final and decisive attack on the last lap went clear and stayed clear to the finish. Who worked over who? Now the race was on for the podium places. Just coming out of Dunboyne as the bunch was eyeing each other up, Fran O'Sullivan made a decisive move that caught all bar Brendan Conway by surprise. Fair play to Fran who only recently has come back to racing for having the balls to make a race of it! Bren & Fran(Mr. Smooth on the bike) stayed clear to the finish with Bren, moving up one place from last year, rounding him in the sprint. An attack from 'new boy' Tony O'Malley brought him clear for 4th place with Sean, who had trouble with his gears all night, 5th and Garoid Loughnane 6th. A great race where a perhaps slightly nervous Simon showed his true class, and where all the placings were fiercely fought for.

Simon on Top Form!!(John McCormack GP)
Following his recent fine form of 4th, 4th and 3rd Simon came one closer on Thur 14th June placing 2nd to Cass @ 15 sec in the Duane Delaney Memorial and then on Saturday got his much sought after win in the John McCormack Grand Prix. This win was witnessed by Club President,Johnny O'Sullivan who must have taken great pride in a Swords rider winning a race dedicated to the memory of his good friend and co-founder of Swords CC, John McCormack. Details of race to follow....in the meantime ask Johnny.
Report as promised: Ten miles to go, fifteen riders in front group incl Sean who was beginning to think maybe of a good result when the group split and left six riders incl Sean 200 metres adrift, scrambling to get back on. Now this group were all 40 secs ahead of main field. Next Simon comes by so fast they nearly got pneumonia on his own straight thro to the leading nine. A great ride to  cross  40 secs on his own and then proceed to embarrass the Usher team who had the numbers to out gun him. A great ride, no doubt the first of many. "As a man I once respected said, there is no substitute for speed." Now where did I hear that before?

Millenium Cup CP(IVCA)
Tuesday 12th June 2001
This was run as a CP over the Brittas course. Anthony McMahon's 5 man scratch group who already caught the group in front caught the next two groups as they came together on a long drag(hill) and Anto immediately attacked before anybody got too comfortable. Some hard riding caught the next group on the last lap and this just left the limit group up the road. Coming to the finish the first group jockeyed for position unaware that what was left of the bunch was bearing down on them fast. A tremendous surge from Anto nearly brought him up to them but the finish line came about 200 yards too soon for him.

Dundalk Traders Cup
Sunday 10th June 2001
Another good showing from the Swords riders. A group of eleven riders incl our own Simon Whelan escaped after ten miles and managed to stay clear to the finish. With the sprinters watching each other towards the end of the race Andrew Donnellan from Dublin Wheelers managed to escape and Simon finished 3rd. Pepe & Sean(riding in the A race) finished a creditable13th & 14th 1'20" down. This was Simons third open race this season and was placed in all three, but knowing Simon he wont be happy until he wins. PS Some nice pictures on IrishCycling.com by Jerome Rafferty incl Pepe leading the charge. <Click Here>

Well Done Keith Daly (Dunlavin)
Sunday 10th June 2001
Congrats to Keith U16(Drogheda Wheelers) on 6th win of the season in Dunlavin,with Stephen McKenna 5th and our own James Whelan 7th. Keith and the trio of Balbriggan CC lads Stephen McKenna, Colm Crawley & Chris O'Hare (who all have wins this season to their credit )are all selected to ride for Leinster this Sunday in Navan. All these lads ride our League so pehaps we can take some of the credit. Niall Rock(McNally Swords) was 2nd in the U12 race.

Harry Reynolds Memorial
Tuesday 5th June 2001
Well Done the Lads!! Congrats to all who represented Swords in the Harry Reynolds Memorial in Balbriggan. Great teamwork by Matt, Pepe & Anto in support of Simon on a rolling circuit .Well done Simon(4th), Matt(8th and 1st B) and Anto 1st Vet. Special mention also to Tony O'Malley who rode well but could have picked an easier race for his debut, and to Niall who won the U12.

Europeran Ironman C/ships
Lanzarote, 26th May 2001
We should see more of Billy Kennedy now that he is back and recovered from his recent endeavours in the European Ironman C/ship. The race consisted of a 2.5mile swim, 112 mile cycle and full marathon in some of the most difficult conditions in years. A combination of high winds and tempetures of 36 degrees had to be endured by the atheletes. Billys first run of the day was down the road after his water bottles which blew away as he was filling them, and was still burnt through his factor 50 sun protection. Despite this Billy did the swim in 1'08" (9 min faster than last year) and completed the bike section over a very hilly course in 6'50". However a niggling knee injury developed during the cycle as he as he slightly altered his pedaling style to avoid a new bar mounted feed bag, and this became qute painful during the second half of the run. This cost him an hour off his run time and likely selection for the World C/ship in Hawaii. The severe conditions indeed took its toll on the competitors as nearly 200 out of the 850 field, despite extended cut-off times, failed to finish. Billy's next major trip abroad will be to the Berlin Marathon in September, where he will represent the Dublin City Marathon with which he is involved in organizing.