Index 2002
Season starts: Leinster League: Race 1 & Cycleways Cup by Hugh Byrne March 2nd/3rd 2002
Coomes/Connor Memorial,Donore incl report from Pepe March 10th 2002
St Patricks Weekend Racing by Hugh Byrne March 16th/17th 2002
Des Hanlon Memorial by Hugh Byrne March 24th 2002
Gorey 3-Day - My first stage race ! by Tony O'Malley March 30th -1st April 2002
Gorey 3-Day - Keiths Report by Keith Daly March 30th -1st April 2002
Nerja Training Camp! by Eamonn O'Murchu April 2002
Win for hometown boy, Liam Maguire! by Hugh Byrne April 21st 2002
The Corkman 3-day :Stage Win for Swords by John Lally May 5th 2002
The Stephen Roche Grand Prix incl report from Gearoid June 26th 2002
National Time Trial C/ships, Navan by Pat Halpin(+photo) June 28th 2002
National Road Race C/ships, Stamullenby Simon Whelan June 30th 2002
Navan Criterium : Simon wins 'flat out' by Simon Whelan July 2nd 2002
National Underage Championships incl report from Michael Daly July 6th/7th 2002
Swords one-two in the Vets! by Hugh Byrne July 9th 2002
Klondyke Cup - Robinstown Co Meath by Simon Whelan July 28th 2002
Swords McNally Grand Prix by Hugh Byrne 11th August 2002
German Ironman incl report from Frank Ferguson 2002
Kathleen O'Sullivan Memorial by Hugh Byrne (+photo) August 24th 2002
Andy Mahon Memorial : Win for Keith !! incl report from Keith Daly (+photo)August 31st 2002
IVCA Clane DMS: Memorial Cups by Hugh Byrne (+photo) September 1st 2002
Inaugural Dublin Galway Coast to Coast by Jim Callaly September 7th/8th 2002
Christmas Races - Simon on Form by Hugh Byrne December 1st/8th/15th 2002

Christmas Races - Simon on Form !!!
December 1st/8th/15th 2002
Sunday 1st Dec: The first race of the Festive Season was the inaugural Swords Hamper Race organised by man of his word, John Lally. He didn't ride himself however, anxious to ensure all ran smoothly, and mindful of the fact that 40mph headwind on the Main Road might aggravate his cold !!! There is no hiding on the Boot Inn circuit when it's windy !!! The Race was run on a h/cap basis and our Club was well represented at all levels numbering 17 of the 40+ entries. Many thanks to Club Members who helped out on the day and to The Ladies for organising the post race nosh. Anyway major thanks to John (& Bettyglen Electrical) for organising the event. The race was won by a lone escapee, Brian Irwin (Team BH), who battled the wind solo for most of the race. The group gambled slightly that he wouldn't stay out there, but he was well up to the task. Supervet, Ronnie xxxxx (Orwell), attacked into the wind before the last bend, and held off the main bunch to take 2nd. The bunch sprint for 3rd was (I havent been on the bike) Simon with Sean 6th. Thanks to Ravens, Dublin Wheelers & Orwell who brought so many riders and we will indeed return the compliment for their Christmas Races.
Sunday 8th Dec: Next up was the Ravens race over 2 laps of the Mullagh circuit. Once again our Club was well represented. No wind today to slow down the mental assent of the Mullagh Hill !! Keith, had missed our own race as he had to go to Limerick for testing as part of the Junior Development Squad but made up for it this week by getting into as many moves as possible. Simon got himself into the decisive 4 man break and then broke clear to win by 20 sec. <Nice pictures on the Ravens website>
Sunday 15th Dec: Obelisk Wheelers over two laps of the Green Sheds and Simon looking for two in a row. A bit of slaggin' from the Wheelers saying the Swords lads would turn up for 'the opening of an envelope'!! Mind you there were plenty of them there too!! The Prime on Lap 1 was taken by Sean Rock and the race, also run on a h/cap basis came down to bunch finish, where Simon did what he does so well.......took the sprint for back to back wins !!!!!! Next week its the Orwell Race (if he's still invited) !!!!!!
1 Simon Whelan (McNally Swords) 2 Andrew Donnellan (Dublin Wheelers) 3 Lenny Carrigan (Dublin Wheelers) 4 Terry Ferris (Dublin Wheelers) 5 Liam Keenan (Orwell) 6 Jimmy Lally (Dublin Wheelers)
Sunday 22nd Dec:
1 A Donnellan (DWCC 2 J Lally Swords 3 C Crowley (Balbriggan) 4 T Ferris (DWCC) 5 D King (Finglas Ravens) 6 S Lally (Swords) 7 K Farrell (Finglas Ravens) 8 D Irwin (BH)

Inaugural Dublin Galway Coast to Coast Leisure Cycle
September 7th/8th 2002
Having previously participated in the Maracycle, The Wicklow 200 and The Tour De France stage around Wicklow, I decided to enter this cycle for a new challenge. It of course would be a good way to try and keep a reasonable level of fitness with the winter approaching and the annual battle to keep the spare tyre away. As is so often the case, well meaning training intentions go by the wayside. Four weeks beforehand I completed approx 85 miles with a view to getting in a least one 100 mile spin after that. An untimely chest infection resulted in a 2 week layoff from the bike. Hence plenty of rest before the cycle was the chosen preparation. Knowing that the course would be fairly flat also was a consideration.
So to the big day, on the Saturday morning of the 7th of September around 7.30.a.m. I along with approx 70/80 others arrived at Westmanstown. It was fairly dull out but dry. We set off in around 4 different groups. We used mainly back roads and yours truly was cycling alongside Phil Cassidy for the first 10 miles or so at the front of the group alarmingly noticing how high his pulse was. I was to pay for this effort later on. I decided after a regrouping that I would sit at my usual position near or at the back of the group.
We all had our first stop at Rhode for Tea, Coffee, Lucozade Sport and scones etc. Off again in our various groups chatting away as we clocked up the miles. There were cyclists men and women from all around the country represented with some of the Blazing saddles group also there. They had 2 tandems with of course the blind person on the back of each of them. You can only but admire the great courage shown by them. In fact so fit was the blind guy on the back of one of the tandems that on the return journey he was listening to a walkman for most of the day humming and singing away oblivious to the sore bodies around him. Our next stop was at Ballycumber a little before halfway where I myself was already dehydrated and starting to get a few twitch's of cramp. This stop also had soup, sandwiches and bars along with the Tea, Coffee etc. We had a good 20 mins.or so rest here. Two of the groups merged here when we set off for the third section of the spin. It was after this that the threatened rain finally came with a vengeance along which with cycling into a strong headwind really began to make things difficult for me. I spent some time off the back of the group in behind the following jeep and got back on courtesy of Anita Cassidy's excellent pacing.
Our final stop was at Kilconnell a few miles under the 100 mile mark. Again more refreshments did the trick before we set off for the final leg of our journey. Not paying enough attention I missed the group and was chasing at 100 yards for miles and eventually got back up behind the jeep but could not bridge the gap to the group. I cycled the last section mainly by myself but at my own pace and after getting the pulseometer to work again I found that at this stage of the cycle going at my own pace to be to my advantage. I felt okay at the finish in UCG with no sign of the earlier cramps.
While at UCG I had to organise a taxi to bring my bags to my hotel less than a mile away and also follow it there as this was my first time to Galway city that I can remember. A steaming hot bath for the old war wounds and creaking joints was next on the agenda followed by a return journey to UCG via Taxi of course for the dinner that was layed on for all of the participants. It was also organised that we meet up in the Skeffington Arms that night which some of us did. I decided to keep to mineral water giving previous experiences of having to jump out of the bed with cramp. I eventually got back to my hotel a short while after midnight and organised with the porter an early breakfast at 7.00.a.m. Given the usual Saturday night revelry in cities I only got a few hours sleep but not unusual either.
So to the Sunday morning and over at UCG around 8.00.a.m. it was lashing rain. The organisers (Eamonn Duffy and Elsa Connaughton who with their helpers all did a great job given the very bad weather along with the task of trying to ensure that everybody was accounted for on each day and reach their final destination especially as some had still 60 miles to go while others had reached Galway on the first day) waited for a break in the weather. About 50 of us were cycling back and we were escorted around the outskirts of Galway city by the motorbikes who did the whole journey with us on both days.
On the return journey we had the wind mainly on our backs. We more or less all stayed together back to Dublin. It took us a little under 8 hours to get back and it had taken me a little under 9 hours to get to Galway on the first day. I think that it would be fairly safe to say that there were a lot of sore and tired bodies afterwards. Cycling in wet gear for a long time can also be uncomfortable.
Remembering back to the 2 days I can remember how my experience and very good use of my pulseometer through constant monitoring got me though the 2 days along with the group, not forgetting the little bit of pacing. Also a few of the cyclists around me noticed the clattering sound of the bearings from my yet to be identified front wheel completely washed out on the return spin. Some were wondering was it my bottom bracket, I tried to reassure them that I just needed my dentures to be regreased. With all the rain we had my speedometer on my bike gave up each day shortly after the 90 mile mark (Out of approx 133 miles). It was about 3 days after the spins before the soreness left both of my thighs,.another 2 or so before the soreness went from my right knee, a few more days after that my back was okay again and finally after about 2 weeks my neck was okay again . As a leisure cycle I would recommend this to most cyclists to complete at some stage. We were mainly on back roads and only cycled through 3 main towns. Already looking forward to competing in this event again and with some sunshine hopefully the next time.

Jim Callaly

IVCA Clane DMS : Memorial Cups
Sunday September 1st.2002
Race 1: This turned out to quite an active affair race with attacks virtually from the line, most of which included our own Anto McMahon and Se Weston (DWCC). Many small groups attempted to escape without success including one that looked particularily dangerous, a five man which inlcuded  our own Sean Lally and Pat Halpin. A break towards the end of lap 2 proved decisive. A move by AnthonyMcMahon and Se Weston (DWCC) was joined by Sean Bracken, Liam Keenan, Mick Usher, Eddie Mongey and John Heery. This seven stayed clear to the finish until  a further split was forced by attacks over the closing miles. It was left to 4  riders to contest the win. Anthony McMahon made the first lunge for the line, got a reasonable gap, but his move was was countered by the other three and the final sprint saw Sean Bracken (Usher) the win from Liam Keenan (Orwell) with Anthony McMahon (McNally Swords) taking 3rd as reward for his aggressive riding.

Your truly!!! Taking the Win in Race 2

(Photo Courtesy of Paddy Byrne)

Race 2: My own race. Lots of attacking, esp from the irrepressable Peter McDunphy, but no one getting much of a gap. Paddy Fitzimons made a few solo moves  but no one was going to time trial his way away from this group. Lots of jumps but  no one allowed more the 200 yards. After a few attempts myself, and after watching better riders try repeatedly and fail, I decided that this was going to come down to a sprint.  A puncture for Aidan Richardson(DWCC) made for one less danger man to watch. I figured the headwind in the straight would make the sprint one to go late in. After going from near the front over the last few weeks, this time round I decided to keep the danger men in front of me and go from further back. As I moved up  I noticed a lot of the sprinters,incl Liam Maguire and Pat Halligan, were half way down the pack, so I launched. I was mindful of something Keith Daly had said to me on the Thursday spin, that a good  sprint is about the jump. I seemed to have taken them by surprise and got a bit of a gap, but as I accelerated I could hear Liam's shouts of encouragement. A great man to have on your side as he has an imposing presence in the bunch and much was down to riders watching him after his last win at this venue. Full throttle and ahead of me I could see a tiring Peter Schweepe, after his solo effort on the run in, and this gave me a target to chase. I (prob like some others) thought the finish was a the first car in sight so I gave it everything to catch him before this, but as I neared it , I realised it was another 100 yards to the line. So much for the plan of going late, ends up as one of the longest sprints I ever tried. Had to wait for the video replay to see what washappening behind, as I never looked back. Last race of the season for me as I start nights on Monday, but a great end  to the season.  Last year I was slaughtered in this race, completely unable to hack the pace, so to be in a position where winning was a possibility marks a significant improvement for me. Out on the town last night at a 40th, but stayed on the dry, and went home early mindful that today was an important race for me as my form has been on the way up over the last few weeks and I had dared to think I could win it.
Race 3:This was run as a 3 group CP, with Group 2 caught on the 2nd lap and Group 3 not being caught until Barberstown Castle on Lap 3. All together now and it was going to be down to a sprint. Colm Cassidy (St.Tiernans) lead it out of the bends coming into the straight , and started the sprint from there.He got a slight gap and held it to the line. Cassidy won by about 2 bikelenghts but the sprint for second place was fiercely contested by three riders with Des Howe (Newbridge Cutlery) taking it from Ron O'Rourke (McNally Swords) Luckiest man of the day had to be Fred Harte who was a close 5th ......too close as 'someones' pedal took out 7 of his spokes practically on the line. How he stayed upright is beyond me. One or two spokes more and the wheel would have collapsed. Ah well he now has a 25 spoke wheel he can use for Time Trials !!!!A good display from the Swords riders in this one with Dave Blake And Martin Doyle also finishing in the top 10.
<IVCA page on race>

Hugh Byrne

Andy Mahon Memorial : Win for Keith !!

Saturday August 31st 2002
This race hosted by Usher IRC was run over 3 laps of the Green Sheds circuit. Keith got into an early break of with John Herety (Lucan) and Terry Ferris (DWCC). Early wasnt the word fo it..... It went at three miles and they were away for the remaining 33! The break were nearly joined at one stage by Mick Rock and two others but with escapees in at 20 yards they stopped riding and the trio were off again. A hard earned victory for Keith who showed that despite riding hard in the break, it didn't take the edge off his sprint. A hard race and he was still tired when I spoke to him today.
Elsewhere this weekend Niall Rock was beaten by the width of a tyre at the National League Finals in Athlone and Grace was third in her race

Photo Courtesy of

Report from Keith Daly below:
A win at last!!!!! I was so happy to get a win before the season was over. I felt good on the day so I was confident and knowing the course was an advantage. It was a ten-mile lap and we had three laps to do with a three-mile lead out to the lap, which made the race 36 miles long. I did my normal race preparation, warm up, food and my pre race 'pep talk' with Simon. At the start line the sun was shining and there was a surprisingly big bunch of juniors, Vets and C`s. There was an attack from the line and two got away. After about a mile I tried getting across but got stuck out in 'no mans land' and was caught by the bunch. After the first 3 miles we went on to the first lap. Terry Ferris jumped away and made it up to the break. I started to worry and decided to try it again. I took me while but this time I made it. When I got there James Lawless got blown out which just left the three of us. We started working well together and got a 30 second gap. By lap 2 we were nearly caught by a small group, which I think contained Mick Rock; they were only about 10/15 seconds down. We rode harder and approaching the last lap the gap was 57 seconds. I started thinking about the sprint and I knew Terry was the man to watch. What made me really worry was Terry missing a few turns I knew what he was doing so I let a few shouts at him to get him working again. With about 4 or 5 miles to go the third member of our party attacked us and got a good little gap. He was a rider from Stagg cycling club, his name was John Heraty. We worked hard together and caught him with just over a mile to go. That's when the 'cat `n`mouse' started. I felt strong. The Stagg rider was stuck on Terry's wheel and they both seemed to ignore me. Terry thought he was the best sprinter and so did John. That annoyed me a little so I wanted to prove a point. I started the sprint very early on which I never do but it was down hill with a tail wind. I also thought a long sprint would hurt the other two as I got the feeling they were tired and starting to cramp. I put the head down stuck it in the biggest gear and went for the line. I looked under my arm to see Terrys` wheel coming at me but he died off when there was a good 100 metres to go. I was right about the long sprint and I had plenty of time to celebrate (I'm just glad they didn't come around while I had my hands up). I knew that wouldn't happen because when a sprinter gives up that's it!!!!. ! I'll be on the hunt in Kilmessen for another win. So watch this space.........

Keith Daly

Kathleen O'Sullivan Memorial
Saturday August 24th 2002
This race was run over 7 laps of the near forgotten Boot Inn course and was a race for all categories run on a h/cap basis. By lap three the B, C  & Vets categories were together. Small groups of riders had tried in vain to escape this bunch but all were back in the fold when Brian Aherne (Naas) and Phil Finegan (Cycleways) came accross after breaking clear from the chasing A group. With the rest of the A's fast approaching, there was no time to hang around and both riders attacked straight away. Both riders managed to stay clear despite some disconserting noises coming from Finegan's loosening saddle. The sprint  for the line was taken by Aherne, with Finegan in close attendance. Next in, just a few seconds in arrears was a group of three riders lead by the newly crowned Irish Criterium Champion, Paul Doyle (Deeside), from Robert Whelan (Avonmore) and Laurence Roche (Team BH). The bunch sprint for 6th place was taken by local rider, Simon Whelan (McNally Swords) in a tight finish.
Great turnout of Swords riders, I counted 17!

Sprint for the line !!

Boot Inn : 35 Miles 1:20:15
1. Brian  Aherne (Naas Figrolls) 2. Phil Finegan  (Cycleways Lee Strand) 3. Paul Doyle (Deeside) 4. Robert Whelan (Navan Avonmore) 5. Laurence Roche(Team BH) 6. Simon Whelan (McNally Swords)
B 1.Pat Byrne (Dublin Wheelers) 2.Brett Nelson (IMBRC)
C 1. Derek Irwin (Team BH) 2. Darren McMahon (McNally Swords)
Vet 1.Terry Ferris (Dublin Wheelers) 2. Mick Rock (McNally Swords)
Jun1.Keith Daly (McNally Swords)
Lady 1.Grace McNally (McNally Swords) 2.Tess Quinlan (McNally Swords)

German Ironman
Please detailed below Frank Ferguson's report on his recent Ironman event in Germany. I think would be of great interest to both the Club new letter and  forum. Distances for Ironman: Swim  2.4 miles - Cycle 112 miles - Run 26 miles (full marathon) As you can see this is not a sport for the faint hearted and as you well know they only breed HARD MEN in Skerries
Regards, Paul

Report from Frank Ferguson below:
Paul, Many thanks for your good luck note. Overall the race was very hard. Temperature was 34 degrees with high humidity.I am swimming better now than last year and I was hoping to do the swim in 1.10 to 1.15 but the design of the swim course led to a very crowded swim
and I ended up with 1.21. This was 3 mins slower than Austria last year. The bike course had no really bad hills but there were a number of drags,wind, short sections of cobblestone (the worst riding experience you could
imagine), and many sharp turns which slowed everyone down. Generally the bike was hard work in very hot conditions and everyone seemed to suffer. My bike time was almost 20 mins slower than Austria.
I was ok for the first few km of the run but then felt awful and believed for a while that I would not be able to finish or would exceed 12.5 or 13 hrs. The heat and humidity took its vengeance in a hard way. I had to walk 1 km.  With an amount of effort I recovered and got going again. I finished the run in 4.06, which gave me an amount of satisfaction.
I came in 26th in my age group out of 100 starters and 91 finishing (my runwas 16th best of the 100 in my age group). Overall I came in 673 out of 1800 starters. My time was 4 mins faster than Austria but the course was alot harder. The quality of entrants was very high as Germany is the strongest Ironman nation in Europe and they all came for Frankfurt's 1st Ironman. The support around the course was fantastic with an estimate of 150,000 to 180,000 spectators. Some of the hills had crowds like the Tour de France. The organisation in nearly all areas was brilliant. The facilities for competitors were superb.
To sum up, a very hard day. In the early stages of the run I told myself (more than once) that it was time to find another sport, which did not involve such levels of pain. When I crossed the finish line the pain seemed less significant.
I have had no after effects from the race other than minor muscle stiffness in the legs. Recovery appears to be good. I look forward to seeing you soon and filling you in on the details.
Thanks again for your message,
Very best regards, Frank.

Swords McNally Grand Prix, Ballyboughal
Sunday 11th August 2002
(A/B Race)
A strong field contested the Swords McNally Grand Prix over six laps of the Ballyboughal - Naul course. One of the pre-race favourites, Stephen O'Sullivan (unatt) made an early exit with a broken chain, and a crash on the slippery roads on lap 1 at the Ballyboughal Monument delayed some others. The main move of the day came on the 2nd time up the Nags head when Simon Whelan (McNally Swords) attacked and went clear with 4 riders incl Paddy Moriarty (Dub Skip), Shane Baker(Usher), Peter Dunne (Avonmore) and Brian Lennon (St Tiernans). Two laps later the break was down to three riders(Moriarty,Whelan & Lennon) and the gap was hovering between 1 an 2 minutes. On the second last time up the Nag's, Moriarty launched a savage & decisive attack on a 53x16 and his fellow escapees were unable to respond.The Team Ireland Initiative rider then proceeded to open up an unasailable gap over the closing laps, while Whelan and Lennon held off a strong chasing group. This group which incl three Cycleways riders made serious inroads into the gap over the closing miles but after being out there for so long Whelan and Lennon weren't going to be denied and dug deep to hold them off. Paddy Moriarty finished a clear and worthy winner and heads off now to partake in the Surrey 5 Day.
(C/J/V Race)
An early attack by Mark Nestor (Shannonside) was joined by local rider Anthony McMahon and this duo stayed clear for the rest of the race with both riders sharing the load while Nestor lead on the climbs, the heavier McMahon drove it on the faster sections. Meanwhile an abundance of Swords riders in chasing bunch made sure that these two stayed clear and after a hard race they sportingly crossed the line together to take 1st Junior and 1st Vet. Over the closing stages Jason Ludgate escaped from the bunch to take 1st C.

 (A/B RaceBallyboughal (6 x 12 mile laps)
1. Paddy Moriarty (Dublin Skip) 2. Simon Whelan (McNally Swords CC) 3. Brian Lennon (St Tiernans) 4. Robert Whelan (Navan Avonmore) 5. Ray Clarke (Cycleways Lee Strand) 6. Mark Kiernan (Provision) 7. Philip Finegan (Cycleways Lee Strand 8. Dave Peelo (Usher IRC) 9. Aidan Crowley (Cycleways Lee Strand) 10.Shane Prendergast (Naas Figroll)
B Cat 1. John Cruise (Bray Wheelers) 2. Dave Dukes (Usher IRC) 3. Henry Crowley Waterford CC
V/J/C (4 x 12 mile laps)
Vets 1. Anthony McMahon (McNally Swords CC) 2. Terry Ferris (Dublin Wheelers) 3. Gerry Martin (McNally Swords CC)
C Race 1. Jason Ludgate (McNally Swords CC) 2. Noel Kelly (Stamullen M Donnelly) 3. Greg O'Donnell (Unatt.)
Juniors 1. Mark Nestor (Shannonside) = Colm Crawley (Balbriggan CC) 3. John O'Mahony (Four Masters) 4. Michael Holland (McQuaid Tyres)

Klondyke Cup - Robinstown Co Meath
Sunday July 28th 2002
Report from Simon Whelan below:
An hour before the race started it began to rain - some rain would be nice, for a change!
The race was 12 laps of a 5 mile circuit with a long drag to the finish the only incline worth reporting. The Swords/McNally riders were out in force and as we rolled away from the start I was determined to get into the winning move, as I seem to be in chasing groups all the time these days, so I decided to go up the road with everything that moved.
After a lap, 15 riders clipped away and I was in the move. We got working well and nobody missed a turn. After a lap we got a gap for 30 seconds and it steadily grew to 1:30 at the half way mark. The break had 2 Usher riders (Baker & Swinard), 2 Naas riders (Looby and Prendergast), Stephen O'Sullivan, Brian Lennon, Conor Murphy and a few others. It was a strong group but I knew that Cycleways would be chasing hard as they had nobody in the move so the hammer stayed down, until a time check came in with the bunch at 3 minutes.
5 laps to go and I felt great but I had to watch some of the big guns. With 3 laps to go the jumping started. I let a few up the road knowing they were no treat until Sully went. I let him get the gap and I put it in the 11 and went after him and got across. The 2 of us put our heads down and got a gap quickly. We heard that Brian Lennon was trying to get across and as there was 15 miles still to go so we waited for him. Over the next 2 laps we built up a gap of a minute and it was obvious that the race was between us 3. Going into the last lap Sully tried a few attacks, they didn't trouble me, but it signalled his intentions and I decided to ease off on the last lap and let them try and drop me. There was a bit of cat and mouse but I got into the last mile and Brian Lennon attacked hard as Sully and I just looked at each other, Sully closed the gap and I jumped past as hard as I could in the 53*12 to take a very satisfying win for myself and McNally Swords CC.

Simon Whelan

Swords one-two in the Vets!
Wednesday July 9th 2002
Tonight Gerry Martin took a thrilling victory in the A race. Club sponsor Joe McNally attacked and got clear in the long straight to the finish. The lead in to the finish is a few miles long and its a hard one judge, very few landmarks and seems to go on forever! Very few manage to hold on when they do escape. As the line came in to view the bunch were bearing down on Joe, so Gerry jumped straight accross assuring that the victory went to Swords, with Joe hanging on for 2nd place from Seamus Kennedy (Avonmore)3rd, and our own John Shortt 5th. A long overdue reward for Gerry who always gives 110% every time he races.
In the C race Dave Blake took the sprint for 2nd place after Eamonn Thackenberry(Newbridge CC) had made a decisive solo break at Skreen, with Jim Ludden 6th.
Sorry lads I couldn't replicate your success in the B Race despite the advise and shelter from my domestique for the night Mick Rock, who missed his start. I did have a few few stabs and eventually cramped on my final effort on the last hill. Not quite good enough.............yet!

National U/age Championships
Saturday & Sunday July 6th/7th 2002
Our club was ably represented at the National U/age Championships, hosted by Bray Wheelers, by Niall Rock(U12), Grace McNally & Michael Daly(U14), Sean Rock(U15) and James Whelan(U16).
Stage 1 was a short, fast & furious, TT along the promenade in Bray and was followed in the afternoon by 6 separate criterium races (which I was fortunate to see) for the various age categories. This stage proved to be exciting stuff, run on a tight .6 mile circuit that included a hill and some tricky corners. In the U11 race, saw Colm Crawley's niece Ciara (Balbriggan CC) given a good account of herself, and a rising star Benner Maguire from Drogheda Wheelers lead for the first few laps despite being just 9 years of age. Benner gave it everything and finished the weekend 8th overall in the U11 category. Next up was the U12 race with Niall, and Stephen McKenna's sister Laura. Niall, as cool as you like, never moved outside the top 6 for the entire race and finish 4th. Niall showed consistent form over the weekend with 4th in the TT,4th in the Crit and 3rd in the Road Race. Next up for Swords was Grace McNally & Michael Daly in the U14 Crit. The pace in this race was quite intensive, but both riders were up to the task. At the midpoint 6 riders looked like they might go clear w ith a short gap to three riders which incl the Swords duo. We needn't have worried as the next lap was lead out by Michael, and Grace was at the head of affairs at the next lap. Shortly after this Grace didn't show for the next lap having crashed (& punctured) on the back end of the circuit. Back on for next lap but there was too little time to get back in contention but still managed 8th. Nearly missed Michael in the sprint as a rider, Gavin Brown, crashed yards from the line and actually slid across the line (just) for 4th place. Gavin had also crashed earlier in the race but ended the weekend as the U14 All Ireland Champion. Michael Daly added his 6th placing in the Crit to 8th in the TT, and a good showing in Road Race gave him 7th place overall. Certainly a rider coming into a rich vein of form and should do well in the Kerry Youth Tour.
Next up was Sean in the U15 race. This race did split up considerably, but Sean stayed in the lead group throughout finishing 10th for the stage. He was quite pleased with his performance, as he had come back from a few weeks in the Gaeltact, where he undoubtedly went to bed early every night !!! He also made it into the break in the road race and finished 8th in that. The U16 race had James Whelan representing us. Unfortunately he got caught behind a crash early on and couldn't get back in contention. Stephen McKenna (Balbriggan CC) was well up there, but his luck ran out the next day in the Road Race over a quite hilly course, when in the break a short distance from the finish......his chain snapped. Great racing for those who were fortunate enough to be in it and for those who were fortunate enough to see it.
Report from Michael Daly Jnr. below:
It was an early start for the 8.30am sign on in Bray for the National Youth Championships 2002. The weather was good to start with but there was some dodgy dark clouds hanging around but we did manage to get through the 2 day event without any major rainfall. The 1st stage was a 1km time trial along the sea front. It was so short it was really a sprint the whole way. When it was my turn I went all out, gave it my best and ended up joint 6th . Stage 2 was a crit around the back streets of bray and finishing on the sea front. We all got off to a flying start with plenty of attacks from the Killorglin and Kanturk lads and ended up lapping some of the dropped riders. Grace Mc Nally attempted an attack on the last lap but was clipped by the wheel of another rider and crashed. I was still hanging on in the group until the last corner when they pulled away leaving me to take 6th place. This was a very dangerous course and there were several crashes. One rider crashed just before the finished and managed to roll over the line to take 3rd place. By the end of these two events I was lying in 6th place overall. There was lots of plasters and bandaged to be seen on Sunday morning for the start of the 3rd stage, a 15 mile road race in Roundwood. This was a very hilly course and very hard for lots of riders including myself. The start of the race was on a downhill and a good few riders got dropped early. When we got to the last lap there was a break of six riders. Grace and I worked well together but those Wicklow hills were a killer and I ended up in 10th place and Grace in 9th. I lost my 6th position but managed to end the 2002 National Championships in 7thposition overall. I was very happy with my performance as I beat many of my old rivals. See you in Killorglin lads!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael Daly Jnr
<Link to all 2002 u/age results>
<Photos on>

Navan Criterium : Simon wins 'flat out'!
Tuesday July 2nd 2002
Report from Simon Whelan below:
I didn't know whether to not to ride this one or not as I was a bit tired after the exertions of the last week when I rode 4 races in 7 days, including the little matter of that 4 hour rain soaked spin on Sunday. The race was 8 laps of a 4 mile undulating circuit. The Stamullen lads were there in force and looking ambitious too. The C's, Juniors and Vets were given a 5 minute handicap and the A's and Bs were chasing together. The race settled down and we caught all but two the first group, two juniors Andrew McQuaid and Stephen Enright. These two were 30 seconds ahead with 2 laps (8 miles) to go. There were a couple of jumps made to bridge the gap but nothing serious until Robert Whelan attacked and the bunch sat up. As soon as they sat up I went after Robert and we got working quickly and we got a gap of about 20 seconds at the bell. Soon we caught the 2 juniors and there were only 3 miles to go when I got that terrible sensation that my back wheel was softening. 'Was I imagining it' - NO I was flatting and with only 2 miles to go. It was a matter of getting to the finish before it was completely flat and not letting the other realise my predicament. Robert attacked out of the final corner, which I took very slowly. I got back up to him and decided to lead out the sprint from 400 metres out with my back wheel sliding around behind me, and I managed to hold on for my first win of the year. Result: 1. Simon Whelan (McNally Swords CC) 2. Andrew McQuaid (Emerald CC) 3. Robert Whelan (Avonmore Navan) 4. Stephen Enright (Usher IRC) 5. Fintan McCormack (Newbridge Cutlery CC) 6. Craig Sweetman (Stamullen M Donnelly RC)

Simon Whelan

National Road Race C/ships, Stamullen
Sunday June 30th 2002
Report from Simon Whelan below:
Standing on the start line, getting cold while the legendary Gaybo Howard entertained the masses and built up a wonderful atmosphere. All the Pro's and full timers were looking quite relaxed but I could tell that they understood the importance of the next four hours to their careers. Finally the mighty Swords team were called up to the line, I went to put my foot into my pedal and slipped and put my foot down, Gearoid clipped my back wheel and we almost had the first crash of the day but we both had a good laugh at it !
The flag was dropped and we were off ! Cass was the first off the front but I think it was a token effort. I got myself into the first 20 on the road and prepared for the first climb. McCann went off the front so I thought why not get onto that so I went across to him with a big effort. I sat on him and just before the climb he punctured so I was on my own and decided to sit up. I hit the climb for the first time and was in big trouble and could not get my breath but I got over and it took the next lap to get warmed up. After that it was a case of staying near the front and out of trouble. I knew with the tough weather and course conditions that a lot of people would get shelled and that was the case with the bunch shrinking each lap. On the second lap John Lally punctured and with a big chase got back on and that was an achievement as the bunch was not hanging around, unfortunately the replacement wheel given by neutral service was flat too and that spelt the end of Johns race, a pity because he looked great on the climb. As every lap went by the groups were getting smaller and we had the Stamullen and Earl of Desmond riders working hard at the front including a very strong Paul Griffin. We were catching a lot of riders and I was suddenly thinking of a top 15 place, until I hit the last 2 laps where my lack of racing this year was taking its toll. As the line outs persisted I started to look forward to the climb for a rest. I asked Gearoid how he was doing and he too said it was now a matter of survival, but then I looked up and say him on the front and we were going about 30 mph. Gearoid was on the ride of his life - flying!!.
When we finished I hear the result and was delighted to hear that Scanlon won and hopefully this will help him get a Pro contract. For me I was glad to get the miles in the bank and I am looking forward to the Navan Crit on Tuesday and the Swords World Champs on Wednesday week. This was a tremendous event that impressed all that took part. Well done to the Swords and Stamullen Clubs for their wonderful efforts and a big Thank you to Mick, Brian and the two Seans (Lally and Rock) for their back up support throughout the race and to all the Swords members that were cheering our team on, all the way around the circuit.

Simon Whelan

National Time Trial C/ships, Navan
Friday June 28th 2002
Report from Pat Halpin below:

Mick Rock and myself represented the club at this event, run over 1 lap of the Meath Grand Prix circuit, distance 43km - the official UCI TT standard. On a breezy evening, over a very very difficult course the vets title went to Sean Bracken (Usher IRC), with Jim Cassisdy (DPC First Legal) 2nd and Mark Birney (Maryland Wheelers) in third place. I finished 4th. 12 sec down on Birney with Mick Rock 6th. 30 sec was all that seperated 2nd, 3rd & 4th, so the competition was quite close making it disappointing to finish just outside the medals. Times in both Senior & Vets categories were relativley slow due to the distance and severity of the course. David McCann who won the senior event had just come off a 20 min 10 the previous week and won as he liked in 56 min. Only two seniors (both pros) broke the hour, while Sean Bracken won the vets title in a time of 1:05, while he had won an IVCA TT the previous week in 58 minutes.
Times are all relative, so we shouldn't be put off by the super fast times we read week in wek out in the Cycling Weekly from the North and Britain. Anyway , Mick Rock said he hadn't enjoyed an hour on the bike as much in years (The Savage), and the sandwiches weren't half bad either, so maybe we'll be back next year!!
Next stop , the Isle of Mann on the 14th July for Cycling Week, where I take part in a 10, a 25 a 2-up with 'nearly' Swords man Aidan Hammond. I will also take part in the Vets Road Race run over the Motorcycle TT course - something to look forward to!!!!!!!

Pat Halpin

Picture courtesy of
Gerry McManus

Stephen Roche Grand Prix
Wednesday June 26th 2002
Georoid Loughnane continued his fine run of form in the Stephen Roche Grand Prix last night. ThCriterium is always run at a frantic pace and is a race which Simon has placed 1st & 2nd in in recent years. Might be worth putting a few bob on Gearoid for the upcoming Club C/ship. By the way it looks like Gearoid 'edged' out Brian Taffe ........this time!!!!!!!!!
Report from Gearoid below:
Group of 3 clear by 2 seconds, sprint finish by remainder of bunch. This was a handicapped race with C`s, Juniors and Ladies off first, B`s at 45 seconds and A`s at 30 seconds. The B`s caught the first group after 8 laps of 29 and held off all except 9 A riders. Group of 3 jumped clear with 500m to go and held off sprinting bunch in which 2 or 3 riders came off in a heavy collision. Result:1: Graham Thomas (Finglas Ravens) , 2: Tim Aherne (UCD), 3: Emmet Roche (Navan Avonmore), 4: Stephen O`Sullivan  (Unattached), 5: Gearoid Loughnane (McNally Swords), 6: Brian Taffe (DWCC).

Regards Gearoid

The Corkman 3-day:Stage Win for Swords
Stage 3 - Criterium: Sunday May 5th 2002
Report from John Lally below:
Stage 3 was a Criterium run as 15 laps of a 3 mile circuit which included two hills. The race started at a fairly fast pace. Aidan Hammond was in yellow. Todays race was always going to be decided ovet the latter laps because the elastic was stretching with every rider in the bunch. On a circuit like this I had to cover every move as any move could be the one to succeed but I had decided to merely cover the early moves as a passenger, saving my efforts for any move in the third last lap or so. As we started into the third lap , Paul Reid had been up the road for about 2 miles. I decided it was time to move. I attacked on the hill on my own. I knew if it was hurting me, it certainly was hurting everyone else. As I turned the corner after about 300 yards I saw another rider trying to come accross. It was Paudi and we worked together well to pick up Paul Reid. Paul stayed for a while but his solo attack had taken some of the sting out of him and soon it was just Padi & myself. We continued to work well together to hold the bunch at bay. At 500 yards I decided it was time to stop coming round and gamble for the win. The bunch was about 7 sec behind and Paudi wanted me to come through again saying we would be caught. I wanted the win, and the best way to get it was to keep him in front. If we were caught so be it..... First on last I didnt care, but I didnt want to be second! With 200 to go I launched, and had time for a two handed salute and at last had opened my account for Swords for the year

John Lally

Win for hometown boy, Liam Maguire!
IVCA Clane DMS: Sunday April 21st 2002
Liam Maguire had only one thing on his mind today, and that was to try for a win in his hometown. The race started at a frantic pace, and I was beginning to wonder was someone trying to catch the A race. As the race approached the finish for the first time of the three lap race, Liam went off the front briefly, to do a recce, I presume, of the finish. This would have told him that there was a stiff headwind in the finishing straight, and this would temper how he approached things in the closing stages. Indeed the windy conditions made it difficult for anyone to escape. As we headed into the final lap, attacks from Paul Maxwell and myself made sure the bunch were chasing Swords riders, instead of Swords riders having to close gaps. We managed to keep a lid on things until dangerman Jimmy Stagg made an explosive attack which needed Liam to show his hand to close. After that the bunch slowed over the last few miles with no one anxious to attack into the wind. Liam maintained an imposing presence close to the front to discourage any moves. Then coming into the last corner, about 800 yards to go Liam attacked. The front men looked at each other to see who would close the gap, allowing him to gain a slight advantage. It was a difficult finish into the wind, but Liam knew what he was at and maintained the gap to the line and proceeded to wake all in Clane with a mighty roar! Clane is where Liam is from originaly, and he came looking for a win today............and he got it in style!!
Elsewhere. in the A race Pat Halpin put in a strong performance to finish a creditable 6th after three riders had made an early escape and Jim Ludden finshed 4th after the closing of a single rider over the last few miles took the edge off his sprint.

Nerja Training Camp!
Report from Eamonn O'Murchu below:
For the fifth year in a row, ambitious members of our cyling club have travelled to Nerja in Southern Spain, where they are enduring a rigorous and demanding training schedule under the focused direction of the Chef de Campo, Tess Quinlan. The members of this A team are under the strict supervision of Sheila Blake, who insists there is no drink, intemperate language or impatience even during the most trying of circumstances. Talking of trying circumstances Tommy Markham continues to annoy, provoke, and challenge the weaker members of the team, especially the shy and self-conscious Eamonn O Murchu. The most successful of cyclists has to be that elephant of a man, Dave Blake, who continues to climb the highest of mountains in Southern Spain with the greatest of ease, followed (at some length it has to be admitted) by Piston Tess and the 90K Ken Brennan a considerable distance back. The find of the current season is the man himself Granny TQ, so aptly named because of his use of the most modern of technology on his yellow sleek machine - the Granny Wheel). Betty Markham is again this year Masseuse Extraordinaire to the Head Buck Abbot, Lugs Ludden, whose sinews and muscles glisten while on the bike, and whose vocal cords enhance and enliven as he sings on his bike and makes the hills alive with the sound of music.
Seriously though, it was a wonderful two week cycling event for the nine cyclists concerned. The nine cyclists, Terry & Tess Quinlan, Tom & Bettty Markham, Dave & Sile Blake, Jim Ludden, Ken Brennan and Eamonn O Murchu each cycled over 500 miles ,in all kinds of terrain, flat, hilly and mountainous. The ultimate achievement was that by Dave Blake and Tess Quinlan when on the last week they climbed a 16 mile category one mountain. This was an outstanding achievement by two
great cyclists. Great credit is due also to Tom & Betty Markham and to Sile Blake for cycling a considerable distance up the same mountain on the same day. The title "King of the Mountains" is still retained this year by Jim Ludden, who constantly and consistently led the field over Ludden's Hill, named after him by the local Municipal Authority last year - each day. And watch out for Ken Brennan. Based on this year's performance he will be Jim Ludden's greatest challenge next year in Nerja. After a hard day's cycling the group used dine well, and after dining retire to a local hostelry, nicknamed "the yeacht" because of its lack of opulence. Such was the intensity and ferocity of the debate there each night, that these discussions became known as "The Senate in the Yacht" . Cathaoirleach of the Seanad was the one and only Tom Markham who had so much to say that all others had to shout and clamour over his loud and increasingly voice to be heard! Our grateful thanks are due to Terry and Tess Quinlan whose gracious hospitality and limitless patience made this tour possible.

Eamonn O'Murchu

Gorey 3-Day - Keiths report
(Apologies but mail with this report was lost )
Report from Keith Daly below:
Day 1 Saturday 30th March 2002 . My first obstacle was the 180 riders surrounding me and having to fight for the wheel of the top peddlers.  It's a bit different from underage racing.  You can get caught behind a wall of lads and miss the breaks. Sean Lally advised me to sit tight and ride in the bunch. The 120 Km from Tallagh to Gorey was the longest race I have ever ridden but I felt surprisingly strong and the 42 chainring my Dad fitted on friday helped me over the drags in Hacketstown and other places along the way. I was worried about Hascketstown hill since the training weekend in January, when the club star Simon Wheelan blew us all away except Pat Halpin with a gut bursting attack that my Dad is still talking about. After this training session I was having second thoughts about going to Gorey but with encouragement from the lads I am now glad that I gave it a go. John Lally got into the winning break with some help from Garoid and finished a super 6th on the stage.  This put him into a nice place on GC and put McNally Swords the 3rd best team after stage 1. I was very happy to finish in the main bunch at 2.03.  All in all a good day, and riding alongside the great Sean Kelly was a nice experience. 
Day 2   31st March 2001: 4 mileTime Trial   After a nights sleep and some good nourishment from Mrs Anne Sunderland (Hillside B&B) I woke up in good form for the 4 mile Time Trial.  Due to a mix up over my entry my start time was 11.40am, a bit later than I would have liked with the afternoon stage due to start at 1.30pm.  I just rode my standard bike for this time trial, no add ons, no fancy wheels or helmet and did a time of 8.19mins  Back to the B&B for a light snack ,rest and a leg massage in preparation for stage 3.  
Day 2  Sunday 31st March :Stage 3   Feeling a little tired by now but riding ok in the main bunch until some bright spark leaned back to get something to eat and brought half the bunch down.  I landed on my ass in the nettles (sore!!), and my bike tangled up with the other unfortunates.  By the time I got moving again I could see the bunch sailing away in the distance.  Try as I may they would not be caught so about 30 of us accepted our faith and rode home in the laughing group, about 20 minutes down on the winner.  Not such a good day today but enjoying the experience.    
Day 3  Monday 1st April 2002  :Stage 4    Felt better today.  Recovered well from the wars and thinking I could even have a go. The speed was the highest of the whole weekend on the journey home.  The Mc Nally Team were all riding comfortably in the bunch and were in good spirits as we were now on our way home.  Paudi O' Brien  in his yellow jersey was happy to ride along with us mortals as he already had the trophy safe and sound.   Many thanks to John Lally, Sean Lally. Allen Duffy, Anto Mc Mahon, Garoid Loughnane, Sean Tierney and Tony O Malley for making my first senior event a weekend to remember and to Terry,Johnny, Mick Qwen and Michael for looking after us all.    

Keith Daly

Gorey 3-Day - My first stage race !
Report from Tony O'Malley below:
Stage 1:
Saturday March 30th 2002
I was feeling a mixture of nerves and excitment at the start in tallaght, our support team were making sure that bikes were in working order and that all tags and numbers were secure, and everyone had  signed on. There was a big bunch starting, about a half hour before the start Kelly arrived with rather large Kit bag, so he's definately riding ! Jesus I'm thinking will he make today's stage faster than normal, I hope not ! After an hour on the road I was feeling comfortable, eventhough the speed was fast, at this stage we had two riders up the road, John Lally and Geroid Loughnane, I managed Hacketstown OK but it was the drag after that, Carnew that was a bit more gruelling ! I think we lost some 30 riders off the back at this stage ! with about 15 to go John was still sitting the Break but Geariod had come back to the main bunch, he had put in a real hard ride up there. With about 8 miles to go I started to work my way up to the front of the bunch and disaster struck ! before I knew it I was on the ground, the impact caused my right leg to cramp and I could n't bend it. A guy beside Anto McMahon had taken him down on a downhill bend, I think the guy paniced cos it was a very sharp and fast turn and to make things worse there were cars pulled in on the right by one of the Motorbikes. Anyway I could n't avoid going into the backof them ! While I was trying to fix my leg Anto couldn't find his bike when I saw him looking into the ditch and across the road, it was yards down the road ! I can laugh now at this now ! The other guy got into the ambulance, the driver kept asking "do you want to get in?" "no not really" I replied, the thoughts of sitting around the B&B or watching the race did n't appeal to me ! Anto was gone at this stage, and I managed to losen out my leg after about 5 minutes and got back on the bike and finishing 9'30" down on the winner, but I was happy, I survived my first fall from a Racer !A good rest a plenty of food would hopefully have me right for the Time Trial the next day! John Lally placed 6th putting him nicely in contention with the TT to come and setting the team up for a high placing.
Stage 2: Sunday March 31st 2002
I felt OK in the morning as myself Sean & Geariod cycled out to Cloughto the start of the 4 mile TT. John Lally was already there warming up in style on the trainer. He went off first, then Geriod, and then myself. It was a very fast start 35-38 mph and a good tail wind, I was happy with 7'54 and John did a 7'42 which was the second fastest time of the morning starters, I think the wind picked up after that ! Back for breakfast and rest before the afternoon stage.
Stage 3: Sunday March 31st 2002
 The weather was damp and dull, the rain held off, but the speed did not, when we hit the main road it was up to around 38 mph and lined out in single file ! on the second lap there was a pile up mid bunch, the back road was quite narrow and there were bodies and bikes all across the road, people were panicing to get through as the bunch went on ahead. I managed to get around and rode hard with a few other chasers, by the time I got the the main road I had blew my Lights, Sean Lally and Anto passed me by but I wasn't strong enough to take a wheel, I was very pissed off, I should n't have been in such a panic to get back on ! I started to do the third lap on my own, passing by some others who had blown up aswell, John Wall passed by his arm on the window of a car doing 50 !!  he was later disqualified for this. The bike was definately going in next Wednesday's Buy & Sell, a million other thoughts entered my mind, none of which were anything to do with cycling ! Just as I was finishing the third lap, Keith Daly caught my wheel with one of the lads fromthe North Bucks Team, himself and Sean Tierney were involved in the earlier crash, Kieth was sore, and badly stung but OK, as we approached the turn off from the main road a bunch of about 25 lads spun ( Sean T included ) by and we very gladly joined the bunch most of which were either the crash or held up by  it.The finish couldn't come any sooner I had nothing left in the tank for the last few miles. After the finished I got into the van and didn't even ride back to the B&B, I was wondering if I could recover enough for the ride home tomorrow ! It was another solid ride for John & Geariod finishing in the bunch just couple of minutes behind winning break. Sean Lally and Anto finshed comfortably in the second bunch, it was a great ride from Anto as he spent Saturday nite with a bag of frozen peas on his knee to keeping the swellin' down ! Sunday nite's dinner was beef, and we ate every last morsel put in front of us. I was beginning feel a bit normal again after dinner ! The B&B was brilliant the rooms were great and food was excellent, I might even go back down without the bike ! After dinner I went straight back to the room and drank plenty of water that evening, and tried to do as little as possible to try and recover as best I could for tomorrow, I really wanted to finish with the bunch tomorrow and avoid any trouble.
Stage 4: Monday April 1st 2002
 We packed our bags in the morning, it was damn but not raining, as we left the B&B the cows in the field opposite all began to sit, and the rain came down only minutes later. We cycled into Gorey and were wet before the start. I signed on the Pub in gorey and that larger than life figure appeared beside me signing on at the same time, Sean Kelly, he was wearing a long white rain cape and seemed in good form, he went downstairs to the bar and ordered a cup of tea, and sat with it, this looked like a ritual he has been dong for years on miserable wet race days, I wonder did he have a cup of Lyons before the Paris-Roubaix in 84 ? it always rains that Sunday ! I cycled up to the start, the legs were feeling OK this morning which was surprising as I found yesterday took alot out of me. And we were off, it was fairly fast and I found myself hovering at the back for the first hour, the fall had unnerved me a bit, the rain did n't stop and it was cold ! but once your competely wet it doesn't matter, no crashes today, and no breaks either, everyone just wanted to get home in one piece ! John Lally was feeling unwell the night before, so he decided not to start, he was dead right though, riding with a touch of anything in these conditions, could end up out for a month, I hope you are recovering well! Everyone else was sitting fine in the bunch, which got a bit smaller from 164 to 123 starters on the last stage. I was feeling good keeping close to Sean Lally's wheel, reckoning that this man knows how to keep out of trouble ! but after 1 hour and a half in the saddle I found myself slipping off the back with 3 others, there was no way at this stage so close to home that I was going to ride back on my own. One of the lads from IMBRC came round me and I caught his wheel, I got a chance to recover slightly and I started riding through, within about 10 minutes we were back up the the bunch again, I kept moving up the bunch, there was no way I wanted to go South again ! when we got to Baltinglas the rain had stopped and the Sun was shining, I was sitting comfortably spinning at about 30 mph when we hit the main road, with 15 miles to go there were two guys up the road @ 45' and Tim Ahern held the bunch off out there on his own to take the last stage, that was a great effort ! I was a happy bunny when I reached the finish in the Bunch !
 I would like to thank everyone who came along, they made my first stage race a memorable one, The Lads; Sean Lally, John Lally, Keith Daly, Alan Duffy, Geriod Loughnane. The Great Support Crew; Terry, Johnny, Pauline, Mick. My Room Mates for the motivation and advice; Sean Tierney, Anthony & Owen McMahon and special thanks to Aidan Hammond who has helped me with my training over the last couple of months.It was great Team effort, and dispite a few crashs we came 5th Team Overall. No Red cards need over the weekend.
<Irish's page incl videos, photos etc>
<Seamus Shortall comprehensive Race results>
<Cycling News's page on Gorey incl results>


Des Hanlon Memorial
Sunday March 24th 2002

B-race Them's hard men in this part of the country and todays 90 mile hilly course was always going to be a serious test. John Lally got himself into a five man break after two miles , and these stayed clear up to the sixty mile mark when they were joined by five more. John continued to work with this break until 'his lights blew' with twenty miles to go. His form was good but didnt quite have a 90 mile race in his legs just yet, but its early days! You just cant seem to keep him off Peter Puirfields photo page. <Photos>
C/Vets/Jun -race This race was a severe 67 miles of racing, and sure enough when a ten man break formed on lap 1, Anto was in it. That is until half of them , incl Anto, crashed on the decent. Anto, bruised & battered, remounted (hopefuly on his own bike) and rejoined the race. One by one the break was reeled in by a group of chasers that incl Pat Halpin. This was Pat's kind of course......plenty of hills, and such was the severity of the course that many riders didn't finish. The third and fourth place riders on the road were just caught on the run to the line by Pat's group, with Pat finishing 11th(4th Vet). This was a day when Pat mixed it with the best of them, an excellent performance.
C/Vets/Jun -race Not much to report results wise, except the recently returned to racing, John Condon, was in good form and was in the break for some time. This in contrast to Sundays race was run over a very fast course. Sean had been wondering if anyone else was thinking that the speed was high when Lawrence Roche remarked about the speed of the race. As Sean says 'When an ex-pro says its's fast"

St Patricks Weekend Racing
Leinster League: Race 3 Saturday March 16th 2002
Plenty of racing to be had over the weekend and Swords riders in all of them. Racing started on Saturday with the third round of the Leinster League. Mick Rock was prominent in the early break from the Vets/Cat3 group and this move was clear for some time. A's & B's started together and Pepe was in the first break which was attempting to bridge to the Vets/C's.Shortly afterwards John Lally also escaped with 3 others, picked up Pepe and all worked to get across, but the gap wasn't coming down enough to warrant a continued effort esp. with a race to come on Sunday. New signing, Keith Daly, placed first Junior to maintain some pride for the Swords lads.
Carrick Challenge Cup Sunday March 17th 2002
Two races on Sunday. Sean, John and Garoid went to Carrick on Suir to a race run on the Championship course. A field of heavy hitters incl.Cassidy and the Carrick lads. Strong winds and rain saw the race shortened from it's planned 6 laps to 5. John got into some early moves but no group got more than 40 sec. Unfortunately Garoid suffered mechanical difficulties and had to pull out. Plenty of speedwork done with speeds of 70k (43.5mph) on the long five mile straight. It was left to Sean to put us on the scoreboard, placing 8th in the combined Vets/Jun/C's race.
Dublin Drogheda Sunday March 17th 2002
Meanwhile on another windswept and rainy course the rest of the Swords clan were doing battle in the traditional Dublin Drogheda H/cap.Early moves from the Vets group that involved Mick Rock were countered until on the return leg Anto launched what would be the major move of the day. He was quickly joined by one other rider and soon this group swelled to 12 riders incl. first year Junior Keith Daly. Keith came through a few times but perhaps his efforts on Saturday began to tell as he and a few others lost contact with the leading group.  The group was down to seven and split further on the run in with three riders escaping. Despite continued efforts from Anto he failed to bridge to these three, but still managed a creditable 6th. <Photos on> 
Other riders competing this weekend (that I know about) were Sean Tierney, Alan Duffy, Jason Kelly, Simon Whelan, Pat Halpin, a debut from O'Malley, Joe and an ever improving John Shortt on his welcome return to racing. By the way lads, what's the story, have ye slipped Peter Puirfield a few bob, yez are in nearly every bleedin' picture!! (Or maybe it's because ye are in all the moves!)

Coomes/Connor Memorial,Donore
Sunday March 10th 2002
The day started with mixed fortunes in the u/age, with Niall Rock a clear winner at U12 but brother Sean crashing in the U14 race. He's ok and it will take more than that to put him off!
Impressive full racing debut for Grace McNally, placing 5th in the U14 race.
The C races saw Anto attack and go clear with one other rider, James Lawless(Usher), after a few miles. These two were joined by Sean Lally and Seamus Kennedy(Avonmore) on the first lap, and soon after by 2 more riders. the break was further swelled by Tosh and seven other riders on the second lap and shortly afterwards Mick Rock got across. Three riders broke clear with six miles to go. One more rider slipped clear and left the Swords lads to fight for 5th place. Anto & Sean got into the next 4 to escape. Sean was pipped for 5th, with Anto taking 8th spot. Mick Rock finished strongly from the remainder of the break for 10th, getting a prize for first unplaced Vet.
Garoid Loughnane rode well in the B race, getting himself into the break that dominated the race and rode well in it. Unfortunately this break split on the last lap and Garoid found himself on the wrong side of the split. He however gave a hint of what's to come when he outsprinted his remaining compatriots for a minor place. John Lally worked hard to get across but the closest the chasers got to Garoids group was 10sec at best. When the B riders were heading for the showers Pepe was well up and going well in the A race and looked like he was going to be in the shake up.
Report from Pepe on A race below:
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but I have to do the work thing this week. As for last week-end I was feeling pretty shite for the first two laps, I was having trouble holding wheels on the tail wind section and thought I wouldn't finish, but as the race went on I started to come round. Although at this stage the move for the day was gone. On lap 4 I was off the front of the bunch with Colm Bracken(Usher) and we were then joined by another four riders on the road from Duleek to Dunor. This group was still together at the start of the last lap, on the hill just after the finish line myself and Phil Finnegan(Cycleways)moved clear of the others and I ended up finishing in 9th place behind Phil. I was happy to finish in the top ten, on only the second race of the season. As for the profile I'll try and get it finished next week. All the best for now.
John P.

Pictures of Pepe, Garoid, Mick and Anto in the breaks in
<Photos on>
Well done to ex Swords rider, Mick Bolton (BH) who had another win in the B race. Well remembered for his superb time trialling, and his setting off for a run after the Club League races! He's now an A.

Season starts:
Leinster League: Race 1 Saturday March 2nd 2002
First outing in the new club colours was the first round of the Leinster League, hosted by Kilcullen CC and ran from Narraghmore, Co.Kildare. The race was run over 6 laps with a Nags Head type climb before the finish on each lap. The race was run on a h/cap basis with C riders off first, then the vets, B's etc and the A riders first off on the road but had an extra lap to complete.
After all the slagging we gave Anto McMahon over the winter, regarding his gung-ho tactics, he proved he was listening by attacking on the hill on lap one. At the top of the climb he eased slightly to be joined by 3 other riders who had followed his attack. These 4 then worked together to extend their lead. After a further two laps the lead group was down to three, but all had to ride through to protect the gap. Anto tried to shake off his fellow escapees on the final climb but a downward glance, showed him that this wasn't to be. He went into the sprint as third wheel, but was slightly to slow to react to the final attack and ran out of road to come back. But 1st Vet and 3rd on the road from a field of just over 100 riders aint half bad!

LEINSTER LEAGUE RACE - 35 miles: Result: 1st D Byrne - Usher IRC; 2nd I Ormond - Carrick Cidona CC; 3rd A McMahon - McNally Joinery Swords; 4th J Lawless - Usher IRC; 5th J Cruise - Bray Wheelers CC; 6th S Enright - Usher IRC
Cycleways Cup Sunday March 3rd 2002
Large fields of over 70 riders in each of the A,B and C(incl Vets,J,L) races with swords riders in each. We were ably represented by Pepe(A),Sean Tierney(B),John Lal(B), Mick Rock(V), Pat Halpin(V),Keith Daly(J),Jason Kelly(C) and Garoid Loughnane(B). Racing was competitive & very fast. John Lally took a spill on the last bend while trying to make up places for the sprint for about 10th place. A crash occured in front of him and he had nowhere to go. Some cuts & bruises but managed to avoid damage to his new club gear!!!