2005 Index
2004 League & Racing Round-up by Hugh Byrne November 2004
Swords riders fare well in Christmas Races by Hugh Byrne Debember 2004
IVCA Ashbourne :Win for Liam Maguire by Hugh Byrne April 3rd2005
Stamullen Grand Prix : C Race by Brian Crinion
IVCA Batterstwn CP by Liam Maguire April 24th 2005
Mullagh CP: 'Fail Trying ....or Fail to Try!!!' by Brendan Kennedy May 3rd 2005
Joey Hannon Triathlon May 8th 2005 from TriathlonIreland.com
2005: The Season so Far by Hugh Byrne May 13th 2005

2005:The Season so Far May 13th 2005
Report from Hugh Byrne
The 2005 season has got off to a great start with barely a race going by without one of our Juniors, Sean, Michael or Stephen out of the first 3 in their class and indeed Sean has had some impressive placings in combined races. It seems that Sean Rock not only 'a god' as Ludsie puts it, but is developing into a mean sprinter!!! Indeed Stephen & Michael are also mean finishers, and have picked up much under the guidance of the Legend himself. Indeed all three gave a good showing in the Gorey 3-Day as part of a 10 rider Swords entry. Plenty of happy faces on show on the club website courtesy of Kieran Whelan.
In the IVCA we have had two galloping wins from Liam Maguire, a win for Sam McArdle (fresh from Gorey!!!) and an overdue reward for Gerry Martin also with a win to his credit and a 'nearly win' for Sean, placing 2nd. We also have seen some impressive riding from Brendan Kennedy and its only a matter of time before he gets something on the board.
At U12 James Morgan took his first win in the Brendan Carroll Memorial, and has since place 3rd twice. I wonder if his famous uncle or cousin had chalked up their first victory at that age!!! Thankfully his whole family were out to witness his win and what we hope is the start of an illustrious cycling career!!!
In the B category Alister was beaten into 2nd place in the Dundalk Traders Club, by Mat Kelly (Stam MD) and Brian Crinion also had to settle for 2nd after an aggressive display of riding in the C race in the Stamullen Grand Prix. However Brian has been doing serious damage in the Triatlon scene with two big wins to his credit and a 2nd spot (beaten in the sprint to the line). Our very own Superstar Caroline Kearney, has also had wins on the domestic triathlon scene (nothing new there) , and has had the odd foray into the open race scene where she also has had wins. Indeed she got a great write up in Irelands new Cycling Magazine regarding her impressive win in Round 1 of the Ladies League at the Boot Inn.
Jason O'Callaghan has made an impressive return to racing being promoted to B cat in record time. Some good placings and placing 1st C in the Phoenix Park sealed his fate on that score. He also has been placing well in our club league so he may not be a B for long either!! Jason was a member some years back when he raced at u/age. Indeed the famous Seve is also back (was he ever really gone?) and riding well. I also have to mention that its great to see Fran O'Sullivan & Anto Rock back riding in our club league. The may not be as fast as they were when some years back they rode the Ras in Swords colours (remember those orange multicolour jerseys!!) but their experience will benifit many of our rising stars.
So if anyone out there knows anyone else out there who has strayed from the fold, please encourage them to get back on their bikes and rejoin!!!! Cycling isn't just a sport, its a lifestyle and if its in your blood its in there forever.
Finally I have to wish our Conor McGrane a continued speedy recovery from his horrific crash. Its great to see you our at the league waving the flag (with the arm thats not broken!!). And for those afraid to ask.........The bike wasn't badly damaged (and anxiosly awaits his return)!!!

Update : PS. I had no sooner written the above report when we had a great result for the club in the Noel & Kieran Hammond Memorial races. Newly upgraded B, Jason O'Callaghan picked up a pot as 3rd Unplaced B, we had three riders in the top in the combined C/V/J race where John Shortt was just pipped on the line with Sean Lally a very close 4th and a rider who was going to feature all week, Stephen Halpin 6th. Stephen then took another 6th in the Phoenix Park two days later and placed 3rd behind that man again Jason O'Callaghan (2nd) and Chris O'Hare (Stam MD) in our Club League in Man-O-War the very next night!!!

Joey Hannon Triathlon May 8th 2005
Report from TriathlonIreland.com
Sunday morning at 11am saw the start of the 13th Joey Hannan memorial Triathlon kick off in St Enda’s Sports Complex. The Triathlon was being hosted by Limerick Triathlon Club with the assistance of main Sponsors PJ Mathews, Gleeson’s Sports Scene, The Bike Shop, Frank Hogan Motors, Ballygowan, Bell Sports, Gubbins-O Connor-Murphy Auctioneers, Shannon Development, Siopa Rothar and Limerick Sports Store.

    The Triathlon is a huge event on the Limerick Triathlon Calendar and is held in memory of Limerick Triathlete and “Ironman” Joey Hannan who was tragically killed while training on his bicycle almost 15 years ago. But the memory of Joey grows stronger every year and the numbers of long standing athletes coming back year after year show how much Joey was loved by so many people.
This year we had a record entry of 200 competitors, double the figures of last year.
Competitors travelled from all over the country to race against each other and pay tribute to Joey, with many of Joeys old friends making huge efforts to come down and race on the day.

The swim starts went off in 6 separate heats according to speed with the final heat being made up of the some of Irelands Top Triathletes including International Pro Caroline Kearney from Dublin and Belparks’ Brian Crinion who is showing great form in 2005. Limericks own triathletes were also out in fine force, with Lisa Horgan, Shane Scully, Brian Jenkins, Mark Dempsey, Mark Higgins, Barry Kent, John O’Shea, Liam Butler, Liam Liddy and Noel Higgins all looking for a top 10 finish.
International Caroline Kearney showed great speed in the swim clocking the fastest time, with Mark Higgins and Lisa Higgins-Horgan coming out of the water in second and third respectively.

<<Event Winner Brian Crinion

The windy weather played a huge role in the race by making sure no athlete had an easy time on the 32km cycle leg out and back the Killmallock road. Athletes battled into the energy sapping north-westerly breeze on the return leg to St Enda’s. Many triathletes came in exhausted after the cycle leg, but drove on and started out on the 2 lap 8km run leg of the race. It was Brian Crinion who after exiting the pool in 11th position “eat” up road on the cycle and passed all 11 athletes in front of him, exhibiting impressive power on the bike. Mark Higgins and Caroline Kearney followed in some minutes later ahead of the rest of the competitors. Coming into the transition area in 4th, 5th, 6th places was Jenkins, Scully and Dempsey. The run was to be the deciding event of the day with the chasing group of the three above overtaking Kearney and Higgins. Crinion held off the opposition with the fastest run split of the day, with West Limerick AC’s Joe Chawke posting the second fastest run time of the day. It was a great event that was enjoyed by all the spectators and participants. .

"Everyone’s enthusiasm was a tribute to our never forgotten Triathlete, Joey Hannan"

Sunday 8th May :Joey Hannon Memorial Triathlon, Limerick
(1km Swim, 30km Cycle, 8km Run)

Male Senior
1. B Crinion (Belpark) 1.35.25
2. S Scully (Limerick) 1.39.47
3. B Jenkins (Limerick) 1.39.59
4. M Dempsey (Limerick) 1.40.23
5. M Higgins (Limerick) 1.41.48
  Female Senior
1. C Kearney (3Dtri/Montpellier) 1.41.19
2. L Horgan (Limerick) 1.47.22
3. E Maslova (Piranha) 1.55.01
4. M Griffen (Limerick) 2.00.42
5. A McCarthy (Limerick) 2.04.32

Mullagh CP: 'Fail Trying ....or Fail to Try!!!'May 3rd 2005
Report from Brendan Kennedy
The Tuesday League got under way with a real bang this Tue 3rd May with a 42Km CP in Batterstown, using the Mullagh Circuit. With the weather being crap all day, with heavy thundery showers, & a very strong North-Easterly wind blowing I had some reservations as to whether to go and ride this.With about 30-35 riders eventually signed on I decided I was here now, so lets get stuck in. My plan for the night was to go straight from the start and sod everybody else as whether they could come through, hang on or get dropped, I was going to drive as much as possible from the front even if it meant I would be spent for the finish. It had been arranged that there would only be three groups (Limit @12 mins, to Greens & Whites  10mins, to Yellows & only 1min to Blacks combined with Scratch. The scratch group had a number of Cycling Ireland riders taking part, due to the fact that there had not been a event over the weekend in Leinster, so I knew this was going to be tough (to say the least). I had heard a comment before the race that they where going to take control and show us how its really done, (WOW were they to get a kick in the Ass). This inspired me even more, & made me more determined to make it as difficult as I could. After the off I went straight to the front, put my head down & drove the group along encouraging everybody to come through. As per usually only 4-5 riders were taking turns coming through & this was out of 12 riders in the Yellow group. By the time we had approached the Mullagh for the first time I was already a bit cheesed off with the attitude, and decided to take a flyer off the front, so I attacked up the climb over the Mullagh, I could hear the shouts coming from behind, 'Easy,Easy' but this fell on my deaf ears, I just kept going, only one other rider came with me and we worked together up until we got onto the Trim - Dunboyne road. Unfortunately for us both there was a slight tail wind and the group decided they would work & we were caught. Some miles later we then faced a very strong head wind coming into Batterstown & I could see a group up the road at about 30 seconds, and behind us were the scratch group at about 20 seconds. I made 2 attempts to bridge the gap on my own, but with that wind I only managed to pull back about 10-12 seconds. I knew it would not be long before the scratch caught us, so I was hoping that 2 or 3 riders may try to go clear from their group, and come up to me & we may have a chance getting clear up over the Mullagh for the 2nd time. However I was caught just before the left turn towards Cullmullan, and at that moment Noel Beggs (Lucan) , a couple of lads from Usher & Gerry Brannigan (Orwell) attacked really hard up the climb gaining a good gap of about 15-20 sec, this worried me (especially remembering the comment before the start) so I jumped and eventually got across to them before the top, I was joined by Stephen Fennell (Dub Whs) & Pat Blount followed up behind him, the 6 of us worked well but I noticed that the CI lads were concocting plans and trying to work over the IVCA lads. On the run in towards Dunboyne they attacked a couple of times but NO way was I letting them get too far! I chased every thing every time(I was to pay for it later). Gerry Brannigan had another go and got about 10 sec but he was not really going anywhere, Jimmy Lally made a good effort to get across to him, and knowing Jimmy to be strong I followed his wheel the 3 of us tried to worked but we got caught & as we did so Noel Beggs made a run for home with only about 5-6km to go. I knew the run in towards Batterstown would be hard for him on his own, but the CI Lads where at their  old tactics, slowing down at the head of the Bunch. Beggs was getting further & further away, & no one was looking like they wanted to chase him, (I was screaming at guys to go around the CI lads and chase him, but it fell on deaf ears).With about 30 yards from the left turn into Batterstown I jumped off & managed to get a gap on the the Bunch. This move, which I hoped would be enough to get me up to Noel Beggs & then hopefully because he was dying a death, jump him to the line. Well I did get up to Noel but Forgetting the distance from the last corner to the line, & facing that head wind, & maybe all the chasing I had done there was absolutely nothing left in the legs, & both us were caught by the fast moving gallop, But I was delighted to see a team mate Gerry Martin getting a very well deserved win.(WELL DONE GERRY). As for me I finished in the group in 20th place. Not getting in the points was disappointing, but on reflection the way in which I rode is just as important to me. As Hughie Byrne pointed out to me"If I had won tonight that would be better than 100  6th places". Ok tonight I didn't win, but I was happy with my performance and beside my teamate Gerry, a rider who always gives everything, and someone who tries to make things happen, took the honours.
Please understand I'm not writing this to say 'I'm great',nor am I writing about Gerry's win. I'm just trying to make the point that you have to ride to your strenghts, at least try to take the race by the scruff of the neck, and that its better to fail trying than to fail to try!!!!!!!!! ...........and besides eventually it will pay off!!!

Brendan Kennedy

IVCA Batterstown CP April 24th 2005
Report from Liam Maguire
Today's race was a 3 group CP with small time gaps between each group. Starting promptly at 09.30 with dry but cold conditions, our group of 'Yellows' were 2nd to go. Almost from the start we organised ourselves and got the chain of riders going through, keeping the pace fast and eating into the time gap and by the end of the first of three laps out quarry was in sight. Again keeping the pace high we merged with the lead group and as many of us reckoned we might stay clear of scratch we worked together to maintain our advantage. Last time up the hill at Culmullin the race started in earnest, when Dave Kelly (Bray Wh), Ned Costello (Usher), and Brendan Kennedy (McNally Swords) made a good attempt to get clear on the hill only to be brought back by a determimed chase led by a IMBRC / Orwell combination. Turning right onto the Summerhill Road for the last time Dave Kelly (Bray Wh) attacked again on the slight rise, this time going clear. This move certainly set alarm bells ringing in the bunch. He had a good gap, but despite a valiant effort he was never out of sight. I was calmed by the experience and ability of temmate Brendan Kennedy who pointed out to me that Dave was battling alone into the wind and it was a long way to the finish. I also knew when push came to shove he would help close that gap........ when the time was right! Slowly the bunch closed in on the brave attacker but didn't reel him completely until about 3 miles from the finish. At this stage I started to think I had a chance for the win. My loyal temmate Brendan closed down everything and at one stage found himself just off the front with Ned and an Orwell rider. I was happy with this situation as it wasn't up to me to close that gap, and if they got clear I fancied Brendan's chances of the win. As it was this gap was closed and it was all together as we headed into the last corner. I came around the corner in about 6th place and after all the hard work by my teammate I was left relaxed and feeling strong for the sprint. I kept on the outside making sure I wouldnt be boxed and waited for the right moment to unleash my sprint. I timed it just right and had the power to deliver another win for Swords CC with Brendan getting a well deserved 7th.

Liam Maguire

Stamullen Grand Prix : C Race!! April 17th 2005
Report from Brian Crinion
On the start line I said to the others,
" Lads, I'm breaking up this group on the first hill. Who's coming with me?". 
Nobody was prepared to commit. So 2miles out from the start, I lead up the first hill. I made it over the top with two guys in tow.  We had opened up a gap by the Naul and without much effort from us the gap continued to open and soon the breakaway was down to just a guy from Antrim and I. By Gormanstown the chase group were nowhere to be seen and we could see the juniors and vets race ahead, so we put in a big effort to catch them by Stamullen on the second time, thinking that all we had to do was sit in with them for the rest of the race.  Unfortunately the race commissioners had other ideas, but we managed to hang in going up the hill for the second time and decided to go again on the way out . Then on a hill 2 miles out from Gormanstown, I attacked and got away for just over a minute, then I attacked again as we passed Gormanstown College, but again to no avail. It was then down to a sprint for the line in Stamullen, which as you
can see from the photo on
IrishCycling.com .......I lost.
I'll be at the next hilly road race, to go one better.

Brian Crinion.

IVCA Ashbourne :Win for Liam Maguire!!! April 3rd 2005
Report from Hugh Byrne
We were no sooner started when the race practically came to a stop as the bunch tried to get by a few loose horses without spooking them. We eventually got by in ones & twos and and waited till everyone got back before hostilities resumed. A few riders tried to break clear on the stretch down to the Ashbourne Road, but as this is the fastest part of the course and with a tailwind, no one was going to get clear here despite speeds of 36mph. A few miles later Paul Deans and another rider went on the attack and got about 200 yards of a gap. As they turned into the wind on the back stretch maintaining this gap would become hard work and no one in the bunch particulaily wanted to pull them back. Let them 'stew' a bit is probably the terminology. Cruelly enough the bunch held them at this range for about 10 miles despite the speed droppping considerably on the roly section before Soldiers Hill. It seemed that everytime they slowed so also did the bunch controlled mainly by the Orwell riders at this stage. There were a few cries & name calling from one or two riders within the bunch trying to stimulate the chase, but they weren't chasing either so their bluffs were largely ignored. All came back together on Soldier's but no major counter move was made as perhaps riders were mindful of how long the hill was and how far it was to the finish. On the second lap Damien Carroll (Newbridge) had a dig but quickly found out how difficult it was into the wind and this wind made most riders reluctanct to make a move at least until we were back onto the Navan Road. Orla Hendron had a few goes which were covered, although she was quite strong, 'fresh' from a good showing in the Gorey 3-Day. I made a few jumps myself trying to stimulate an attack before we turned for the final assent of Soldiers. I hoped that it might be of benifit to Brendan Kennedy, my training partner. We rode the course many times during the winter and I knew what he was capable of if he had a good go on the hill. As it turned out two riders got away up the hill and Brendan rode tempo on the hill (as many of us were swinging on the back!!!!). He eventually got everyone back and got into the counter move of a few riders but no one was being let go very far and it was a weary bunch together as we turned for home. Paul Deans & Brian Reynolds made token moves on the run in but at this stage it was definitely coming down to a sprint. I was serioulsy just hanging on most of the day, but if the better riders havent got rid of you they would have to suffer the consequences. I got into a good position on Liam Maguire wheel but after a slight flurry I somehow ended up a little too near the front and catching more wind than I wanted. A rider on my left 'welcomed' me to the buisness end of the race to which I replied ' expletive deletive' and that I was up there to win it. Some chance of that, my legs were shot and my field of vision had narrowed so much that the finish was in front of me before I knew what was happening. The final move went on my right, I tried to respond but there was nothing there. I saw Liam go over the top of the attacking riders and such was his power that I knew he had timed it equsitly right and the win was his. On his wheel or not there would never be enough time to come off it and besides his attack was so decisive that the win was never in doubt. The best riders finished in the top 6 and I cant help thinking that had they been more persistant in attacking during the race that such was the terrain that they could have blown the race (incl me most definitely!!!) apart lomg before the finish. Plenty of good gallopers finished well down the bunch which tells its own story. A deserved 2nd place for new vet, Ian O'Keefe, an impressive 3rd from Orla Hendron narrowly beating my mate Brendan (the climber!!!) who squeezed through the narrowist of gaps, followed closely by Romano and another new face, David Kelly who both were strong finishers.

Hugh Byrne

Swords riders fare well in Christmas Races!!! December 2004
Report from Hugh Byrne
You can always tell when the Christmas Races are approaching as the tempo rises ever so’ slightly’ on the club training spins as those who have been training for the 2005 season try for a mini-peak in form (not forgetting trying to put a bit of meat on the table for Christmas!!! )
The first of the series was our own Invitaion Race. This was run on the Boot Inn circuit with the Vets group catching the U16 group and all working hard to stay clear of Scratch. Pat Halpin attacked an got clear with a lap and a half to go. It took quite some time before he was reeled in and on the last lap he attacked again ( in the same spot), but this time the bunch weren’t going to give anyone a head of steam!!! Had Pat saved his attack for the last lap, the result might have been different, but it was going to come down to a bunch sprint as long as Scratch could be held at bay. The gallop was won by Terry Ferris (Murphy-Gunn) from Sean Lally with our 2004 League Winner Stephen Halpin 3
rd. Second place for any sprinter is always the one that hurts the most, so this was the trimmings sorted , two more races to sort out the turkey!!!. Strangely if you look at the Dave Blake’s photos of Terry winning you can see everyone in the first 6 except Sean, and they say the camera never lies!!! Alsiter Cole won the sprint from the scratch group showing that is continuing his fine form on which he finshed the 2004 season.

The next ‘social’ gathering was the Obelisk/Ravens Race and this was run over the Batterstown / Green Sheds circuit. All groups were together with 15 miles to go and there were plenty of big guns in town. The riders had to battle agianst a strong headwind on the run in and it made it less likely that anyone might escape. Still riders went up the road in ones and twos and all moves had to be covered by the ever attentive sprinters. For the second week running our soon to be Juniors Stephen Halpin and Michael Daly were well up there mixing it with the best of them. This was most definitely going to big a big bunch gallop and as it was into a headwind no one would want to lead this one out too early. The slightest of stalls by the bunch with about 800 metres to go was greeted by an instant attack of devastating acceleration by Keith Daly which gave him such a gap that he was able to hold off the whole bunch to line to win by a couple of lenghts. Sean was pipped for 2nd (still no turkey!), but the day belonged to Keith who won with the sweetist of moves, requiring all his talents a sprinter to get clear and his talent a great rider to hold them off.

The last of the Christmas Races was the John Sweeney Memorial (hosted by Dublin Wheelers). From the gun, hard riding form our own Pat Halpin and Dublin Wheeler’s Sé Weston made it less likely that scatch were going to get up in this race, but it also blew their group apart reducing it to six riders incl. Sean Lally, brother Jimmy, Mick Rock, and Darren McMahon (Cycleways). These six worked together catching the earlier groups. Pat Halpin once again showed the ambition that comes from getting his first big road win this season, and probally fueled by having his son Stephen snapping at his heels (or is it the other way round!!!). Pat attacked an got clear with a few miles to go and for a while looked like he was going to win it until Sé Weston went in hot pusuit with about a mile to go. It was still touch and go whether he would catch Pat or not but when he did and passed him it took a huge effort from Sean Lally to get back on terms, but as far Sean was concerned it was ‘all in’ .........win or nothing! Forced now to lead it out, he caught Sé and managed to hold off Terry Ferris (the Rematch!!). Christmas Dinner sorted!!!! Also for the third week in a row Micheal Daly(4th) & Stephen Halipn(6th) were well up there, showing great form and gaining invaluable experience. This win was extra special for Sean as John Sweeney, in whose memory this race is run, was an ex clubmate of Sean’s and someone he knew well and of whom he had high regard.
Anyway Christmas Races over and plenty of Swords names well up there!!!!

Swords CC Hamper Race : Boot Inn Sunday 5th Dec 2004
Terry Ferris (Murphy-Gunn) 2. Sean Lally (McNally Swords CC) 3. Stephen Halpin (McNally Swords CC)
Mick Rock (McNally Swords CC ) 5. Darren McMahon (Cycleways) 6. Michael Daly (McNally Swords CC )
Fastest Scratch: Alister Cole
(McNally Swords CC )
1st Lady: Coleen Foley (McNally Swords CC )
Obelisk / Ravens Hamper Race : Batterstown Sunday 12th Dec 2004
Keith Daly (McNally Swords CC) 2. Ken Norgrove (DW -All Systems) 3. Sean Lally (McNally Swords CC)
Eugene Murtagh (Ravens CRT) 6. Simon Whelan (Nth Kildare) 7. Jimmy lally (DW-All Systems)
The John Sweeney Memorial (Hosted by Dublin Wheelers) Batterstown Sunday 19th Dec 2004
Sean Lally (McNally Swords CC) 2. Terry Ferris (Murphy-Gunn) 3. Jimmy Lally (DW -All Systems)
Michael Daly (McNally Swords CC ) 5. Ryan Francis (Mullingar CC) 6. Stephen Halpin (McNally Swords CC )

Hugh Byrne

2004 League & Racing Round-up November 2004
Report from Hugh Byrne
A season in review..............where do I start !!!!!!! I suppose a good place to start is with the ‘young guns’ as this is where the future of the club in top flight racing terms lies. Our league has been a launching pad for quite a few of our younger riders. This year our Club League saw another two young riders, Michael Daly & Stephen Halpin, battle it out all the way to the line each pushing each other to new levels and finishing 1st & 2nd with Stephen taking the honours. These two combined and with the help of Grace took an All Ireland Gold in the team classification in the U/age National C/ship w/end of racing. Michael also added a Silver at U16 in the Leinster C/ship a Bronze in the All Ireland on the Track.
Both Sean Rock & James Whelan pitted themselves against the best in Europe in the Junior Tour. McNally Swords CC had three riders guesting and all did quite well in a field comprised mostly of ‘savage’ foreigners !!!. . (And in case any of ye oldies are out of touch ‘savage’ in todays parlance means awesome ) James Whelan place 19th overall (4th Irish); Derek Burke 16th (3rd Irish); Shane O’Halloran 26th (6th Irish); Urban Monks 64th. As Sean only decided to ride the tour two weeks prior to the event he rode with the Meath team along side Stephen McKenna (Stam MD) with placed 42nd overall and Stephen placing 35th.
We have already seen what Sean & Keith are capable of but lately we have witnessed the emergence of James Whelan who has improved hugely this year adding some great road results to his time trial achievements. This year he won the Club Road Race C/ship in some style and added the 25 Shield for good measure and donned the Green Jersey in Ras Connachta. He then went on to take two Gold & two Silvers at Junior in the All Ireland Track Championships despite crashing heavily in qualifying. Next stop the National Time Trial C/ship in Killorglan when he won the Junior title by a convincing margin. Much credit goes to his family who support him in everything he does and to his coach Aidan Hammond. James follows Aidans advice to the letter, as he puts it because he ‘peaks everytime Aidan tells him he will’.
Other recent Medal winners were Sean Rock (J) , and Fergus Ryan (C) both taking respective Silvers at the Leinster C/ships. Adriaan & Alister have been upgraded to B Cat while Gearoid ploughs a lonely furrow with A's. Indeed Alister finaly tasted victory, after being so close so often this season, when he won the final race of our club league.
Also great to see our regular visitors doing well  with Nathan (Les Jeune) 1st Vet, Gerard Cromwell  (Stam MD) 1st B and Darren McMahon (Cycleways) 1st C on a w/end where we had a 1-2 in the Juniors &  Ladies with James , Sean , Grace & Coleen.
In the Vets Sean Lally & Karl Naylor were won the A and B races in the IVCA Memorial Cups on the day that Fred Harte sealed overall victory in the IVCA League. Indeed we nearly had a clean sweep in the Vets as Dave Blake was beaten into 2nd spot in the C race by an ex All Ireland Track Sprint Champion. Karl has 4 wins up in the Vets todate (all since he joined our club I might add!!) placed third in the Tuesday League. Sean has 4 road wins, and fastest in the Alfresco 25 and winner of the 50 mile TT Championship. Fred has knocked lumps off his previous TT times and posted a 63 in the 25 and a 2:05:43 in the 50 which must make his the most improved rider in the IVCA. I also must mention Pat Halpin getting his first road win in a race which himself and Anto worked the tactics down to a tee to get a Swords 1-2 in the IVCA (40-49) C/ship (a race won by Anto last year). Report on this race on our website.
<Link to Report on this race on our website>
As a club we also probably have more ladies than any other club with many of them competed in the Ladies league and four of them Grace, Emma, Caroline & Coleen recently took on an International Field the TQ Papers 2 Day in the colours of Leinster and on the Ireland B team.On the Triathlon scene we have had quite a few results from Brian Crinnion, who organised (.....and won a few) of the Dublin City Duathlon Series races. Good results also from Emma Quirke & Rachel Beck while Caroline Kearney competed abroad this year on the Grand Prix circuit with much success, and I look forward to the day when she unleashes herself on the domestic cycle racing scene!!!! On the Tandem scene we have 'Pilots', Bernie McNally and new member Ian Mahon and I have reports posted by both Bernie and Ian on the website. Indeed Ian is representing Ireland as a 'Pilot' in the Athens Para-Olympics in Tandem Track Racing.
This year we have had a huge influx of new members, some new to cycling, some returning after a few years and many from the world of triathlon. All seem to have settled well into our League and have gone from strength to strength. The League has brought many of them up to open race standard and in recent weeks there have been many new faces in Swords Jerseys in the Cycling Ireland events. Keep up the training over the winter and I look forward to writing about your successes next year!!!!!

Hugh Byrne
