Midland International Adoption Group

                                                           Covering Counties Laois, Offaly, Westmeath & Longford.





Note:    The information below is dated, so the process for adopting in Ethiopia may have changed. You can use the information below as a guideline.




Is this country currently open for inter-country adoption?


If not – is there a timescale for re-opening?


Is there any Inter Country Agreement with Ireland?


Describe Application Process.

Contact agent. Go to country with your criteria for a baby. If there is a match, you meet the Ministry. Papers translated. The woman has power of attorney and goes to court for you (you don’t attend). Six weeks to two months later, you bring your baby home.

Dossier Translate Y/N


If Yes – language


Waiting Time for Referral

You go straight to orphanages – no waiting for referral.

Age limits for applicants


Availability of Boys/Girls


Average Age of Children

From newborn.

Approximately cost


No. of Trips Required


Length of trip(s)

Second trip is ten days

Is there an Irish group supporting families who have adopted from this country?


If yes – email/phone/website contact


Can you provide any other good sources of information regarding adoption from this country?


Do you have any other contacts who have adopted from this country and can you provide us with their contact details?


When did your contact adopt?

May 2002





No Embassy in Ireland – papers can only be translated out there.

Private basis

Five orphanages – 3 / 4 used

State Orphanage

Mother Theresa


Babies as young as two weeks old,

But because they are very low birthweights (8lb at four months),

our contact said she wouldn’t put a baby younger than one month through the journey back to Ireland.

Flights through London or Rome.

Only two hotels $100 per night.

After court it takes six weeks to two months.

After you get Declaration from here – give yourself at least six to eight weeks to get paperwork organised. Papers have to be notarised, then stamped by the Supreme Court and certified by the Dept. of Foreign Affairs.

Sent to Irish Embassy in London, London Embassy and Ethiopian Embassy.

All the english "leg work" can be handled through the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, all the forms required can be obtained from here. 

Also at this time apply for Visa. This total costs €500/600.

Their contact (recommended by Ethiopia) is Montegebosh Asmerra (Monte) a nurse by training, but now an adoption agent. Her fee is US$1200/1500.

It takes about six weeks to get paperwork cleared up. They have adopted from two different agencies. Two trips costing about 5,000/6,000 each time.

They recommend anyone interesting in adopting from Ethiopia talking with someone who has already gone through the process.


Contact Details held by the MIAG committee. The couple have no problem in speaking privately to anyone interested in adopting from Ethiopia.


Further information


Taken from http://www.rainbowkids.com/countries/ethiopia.html


Couples married 2 years may adopt

Single woman may adopt.

Age: Adoptive parents should be no more than 40 years older than the child, if the child is an infant.

Divorce: Okay

Other Children in home: Okay

Time: 9-12 months after submission of documents

Available Children:

Children of both sexes, all ages, from infant to Fourteen years old, healthy and special needs. Ethiopia is unique in that it allows the simultaneous adoption of children unrelated by birth. All children are HIV tested before referral.


Children are generally escorted from Ethiopia, to the U.S. . You may travel if you desire.





Disclaimer:   The information on this site was researched and compiled by our members. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information and comment contained on this web site is accurate. However, visitors use this information at their own risk. The Midland International Adoption Group and it's members disclaim all responsibility for all or any inaccuracies that may in fact be present.