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Milford N.S. sponsored by Léargas and the E.U had the opportunity to forge links with Mellanhedsskollan Primary School, Malmo. Sweden, and Vollkshule 11, Graz, Austria.


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Malmo, Sweden                                                                                                     Limerick, Ireland


The pupils had a very exciting year doing research for projects on their local area Castletroy, Limerick, Fronhleiten and Malmo.They presented a concert called "Our School" at the launch of the project at the 1st Transnational meeting in October '97. Children exchanged profiles, letters, postcards and many cultural details in an attempt to get to know and understand each other better.


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The main theme of the project was to explore "Equal Opportunities at Home at School and in Society".The pupils examined how gender affects choices;answered questionnaires based on male female perception of each other and explored how gender affects our perceptions of occupations.

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John Cushnahan M.E.P. attended our first transnational meeting in Limerick and later spoke to the pupils on"The European Community- How we are part of it".

Pupils in all three countries made videos depicting life in their city and in their school.


The project continues this year with special emphasis on "Jobs at school at home and when I grow up."



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