News Items, Special Papers, Presentations and Publications
Very Wor. Bro. David B. McClutcheon, PM & Past Senior Grand Warden of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim and the Refurbished old Master's Cloak presented at the Lodge of Research CC Meeting held on September 6th 2001 at Masonic Hall, Ballymena, Country Antrim. A Paper describing the history of the Old Master's Cloak is attached.
The Master of an Irish Masonic Lodge, A.D. 1787, sketched and enlarged by Brother Walter Till, from the ornamentation on the margin of the refreshed Warrant No. 209; showing the full regalia of the period.
Reproduced in part from the publication: "The History of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Mason of IRELAND", Volume 1. Published by the Lodge of Research CC, 1925
"Freemasonry in Tennessee, USA - The first 100 years"
A Paper Presented by Worshipful Master Elect: W. Bro. Brian H. MAGILL at the Meeting held on February 9th, 2002 at the FREEMASONS' Hall, Molesworth Street, Dublin.
------------------- "Lodges associated with Rudyard Kipling" A Paper Presented by W. Bro. William T. Brown at the Meeting held on April 26th, 2003 in the Freemasons' Hall, Ballinamallard, County Fermanagh. ____________________
MASONIC HERO- LT. COL. J. H. S. DIMMER, VC, MC A Paper Presented by W. Bro. William T. Brown, MBE, of Kipling Newporton Lodge 315 and Chichester Lodge 313, at the Meeting held on February 10th 2007 in Freemasons' Hall, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.
"GUIDANCE NOTES FOR POTENTIAL AUTHORS ON CONTENT, FORMAT AND PRESENTATION " This paper is based on the Lecture given by Very Worshipful Bro. Robert Bashford, Editor - The Lodge of Research No. CC with Appendices provided by the Web Master: The Assistant Southern Secretary: Worshipful Bro. Tom E. Fitzpatrick
Web Master: The Assistant Southern Secretary: Tom E. Fitzpatrick