Monday May 12, 2003 Sister Ellen, in a spirit of joyful
thanksgiving, celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of her
Religious Profession asa Columban Sister. The
celebration took place at St. Columban’s, Silver Creek,
NY, U.S.A. -
the place where, 63 years earlier, Ellen, as a young
emigrant from Ireland had joined the postulancy of the
Columban Sisters. The
Jubilee Mass was celebrated by Fr. Peter Cronin of the
Columban Fathers. All
the Sisters of the community were present together with
a number of residents from St. Columban’s-on-the-Lake
– a Home for the well-aged run by the Sisters at their
Silver Creek residence.
Ellen had a wonderful day, sharing her life stories with
many people and receiving many tributes from those who
knew her both near and far.
In the evening the her religious community
treated Sister Ellen to a special dinner to complete the