The Philippines is a country made up of 7000 islands
located in the Pacific Ocean on the south east corner of
Religion: The
majority of the people are Catholic with about 9%
Protestant, 5% Muslim and 3% Animist.
Tagalog or Filipino is the official language.
English is spoken by a large percentage of the
population and many speak one or more of the several
dialects of the country.
Economy: About 50%
of the population live below the poverty level but
education is highly valued. Many highly qualified
Filipinos can be found living and working in other
countries. |
Sister Clement Sheehy with
one of her pupils in Ozamiz, Philippines. |
The Columban
Sisters in the Philippines.
The work of the Sisters includes educational
programmes for Church personnel who come to the
country to study, visiting the sick and poor in
hospitals and in their homes; administrating a centre
for mentally challenged children and supporting an ancient tribal community whose way of life is
threatened by powerful multi-national corporations.