Finance Constitution






The Parish of Litter, (Monamolin)




1. In accordance with Canon 537 of the Code of Canon Law there is to be a Finance Committee in the Curacy of Monamolin, Parish of Litter. It is ruled by the universal law of the Church and the norms laid down by the Bishop of Ferns.


2. The purpose of the Finance Committee is to help the Assistant Priest (Curate) in the administration of the goods of the curacy of Monamolln. This includes: -

(a) Monitoring the income and expenditure of the Parish.

(b) In conjunction with the Curate and/or Auditor, agreeing the annual accounts of the Parish;

(c) Giving advice on the investment of Parish funds;

(d) Giving advice on employment in the Parish;

(e) Overseeing the maintenance of Parish property, and submitting to the Bishop of Ferns the required report on the Property of the Parish of Litter (Monamolin) every five (5) years.

(f) Overseeing capital expenditure programmes.

3. The Finance Committee may advise the Curate on any matter, if it considers the advice as beneficial to the life of the Church in the Parish of Litter (Monamolin).


4. The Finance Committee shall consist of not more than Twenty (20) members.

5. The Assistant Priest (Curate) of Monamolin shall be an ex officio member.

6. The remaining members shall be appointed by the Curate on the advice of the people of the parish.

7. Members may be co-opted if necessary.

8. Ordinary members shall hold office for a term of three (3) years, renewable.

9. The Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by the members of the committee at the general meeting in October each year.

10. In keeping with Canon 1282 of the Code of Canon Law all members of the Finance Committee are bound to fulfil their duties in the name of the Church, in accordance with the law. In discussions and ballots members shall act conscientiously and confidentially, keeping in mind that they are doing so for the good of the parish.

11. Any member of the committee may resign by submitting his/her resignation in writing to the Curate of Monamolin.

12. The Curate may at any time for just reasons request a member of the committee to resign; Should the member concerned fail to comply with the request, his/her appointment shall be terminated by the Assistant Priest (Curate) if a majority of the committee so advises.


13. The Finance Committee shall meet at least five (5) times a year.

14. The Assistant Priest (Curate) may call an extraordinary meeting at any time. The Chairman may do so if requested by four (4) members of the committee.

15. Five (5) members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.

16. The agenda for committee meetings shall be prepared by the secretary in consultation with the Curate and the Chairperson.

17. The Finance Committee shall meet with the Parish Priest at least once a year. All major capital expenditure must have the permission of the Parish Priest and the Bishop of Ferns.


18. Resolutions shall require a simple majority vote (50% + 1) of the members present at committee meetings. In the event of a tie the matter will be decided by the casting vote of the Chairperson.



19. The Committee may appoint sub-committees to deal with specific issues.



20. Change(s) to the Constitution of the Finance Committee may be suggested by a member(s) of the Committee. Notification of the proposed change shall be forwarded to all members of the committee in advance of the meeting at which the amendment is being considered. Any change to the constitution shall require the agreement of two thirds of the members present who vote on the amendment.



 Copyright © 2002, All rights reserved.
Revised: December 2002.