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This If you are new to or are having difficulty using the site, then this page may provide you with some helpful information. Here, you will find out more about using the online directory and how to find the information you are looking for within it. You will also find out about navigating the site and what each item represents.
Viewing Directory Information
Almost all categories within the business directory contain sub-categories to help in defining your search. Clicking a category on the 'Directory' page will bring you to the corresponding sub-category page. Subsequently, clicking on these sub-categories will bring you to the corresponding point on that page. All sub-categories are displayed at the top of each page and have been given a one, two or three letter acronym depending on their description (e.g. Office Equipment = OE). This helps when organising business information by removing unnecessary clutter from the directory listings. Acronyms are displayed alongside every single entry in the directory, so you're never left guessing as to what services a certain business provides.
Navigating Through The Site
So what do all those buttons mean? Here's where you'll find out...
The 'Home' button is available on every page throughout the site. When clicked it will bring you right back to the introductory page. The purpose of this is to ensure that no matter how much browsing you do within the pages of the directory, it's always easy to find your way back to the beginning.
The 'Directory' button will display the online business directory as a list of categories. You can then choose a category from this list that relates to what you are looking for. Most categories will be divided into sub-categories so you can further define your search.
The 'Search' button is probably the easiest way to find information within the pages of the online directory. When clicked you will be given the option of searching the directory by typing keywords into a search-box or by selecting a specific region on a map of Monaghan. When using the search-box option, results are listed in order of relevance whereas results from the map search are listed in alphabetical order.
The 'Add Your Business' button presents you with an online form that can be used by those who wish to add their business to the directory or by those who wish to purchase an upgrade for their current entry. We will respond to all requests for upgrades.
The 'Web Design' button displays an online form that is available to anyone who wishes to enquire about purchasing a website or updating their current website. By filling in the form you can give us a rough estimate of the type of site you require and the overall costs involved. We will then get back to you to discuss the options available.
The 'Info' button displays of all the types of advertising currently available within the online directory. Each of the upgrades available are explained in more detail here and are all accompanied by visual examples.
The 'Contact Us' button gives information on the various ways in which to contact There is also an online form included on this page for general queries.
The 'Help' button displays this page!