
Jokes - General


Crummy Jokes


Jokes - Adult
None of the jokes in this section are terribly rude or crude but they are of a more adult nature, so ADULTS ONLY please.

First Parent
Kids Advice
Lessons from kids
IRS Letter
The Atheist and the Bear
NASA and the Navajo Elder
Lord of the Rings - the 2 hour  movie

Christmas Countdown
Cat and Dog Diaries


  Bear in Billings
Duck in pub
  Gorilla and Girl
A Likely Tail


Nearly all of the jokes here have come in to me by email with no indication of who originated them. If you see a joke belonging to you or someone you know, do let me so that I may put in a credit for you.


If you have any comments or questions regarding this page, contact lunacity.
All content of pages including photos, pictures and text copyright of Ceri Beasley unless otherwise stated. (see above.)
© C. Beasley 2003. All rights reserved.