Sudden update of DANÚ website.

Sadness of web surfers who preferred the old stuff

In a sad and sudden development, followers of the old out-of-date website have been left in shock at the unexpected updating of the Danú website, in a move that has left habitual re-readers of the same-old-material - numb, dazed and angry at this callous "new-lamps-for-old" policy of Danú.

Removal of the old articles took place on Feb 20th 2004 from a web server in An Rinn, Co. Waterford, Ireland and interrment followed shortly in the ancient graveyard of binary texts. Many kept a stiff upper lip at the service (which was provided by Eircom.Net), while others openly e-wailed at the tragedy. One distraught fan said that Danú had no right to suddenly destroy ancient articles which seemed older than the pyramids of Egypt and had themselves become a "wonder of the world", having been sculpted by master craftsmen of a different pre-millenial age. Others fondly remembered headlines still on the site in January 2004, such as "Danú expect to do well in 1998" and "Danú launch 2nd Album - Think before you Think", which all perished in the coup.

In an official statement released by the band, they rubbished sentimentalist complaints and said that there was now a new Orwellian order in force, all that was new was good and that things would change forever, as they sat down to read their favourite book - Animal Farm.

A critic, deep in hiding said - "They had no right to do what they did to that horse and I'll bet we'll see a return to the ways of old before long........"

(Updated Feb 20th 2004)

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