MP3 survey - Results to Date
The results of the questionnaire are listed below, containing the sample size for each individual question. The total number of respondents is 240.
PART ONE - Behavioural questions
1.1 How much time do you spend on the Internet per week ? (n=240)
0-5 hours | 12.5% | |
5-10 hours | 15.6% | |
10-15 hours | 17.2% | |
15-20 hours | 21.1% | |
more than 20 hours | 33.6% |
1.2 How much time do you listen to recorded music per week? (n=240)
0-5 hours | 15.6% | |
5-10 hours | 16.4% | |
10-15 hours | ..9.4% | |
15-20 hours | 10.9% | |
more than 20 hours | 47.7% |
1.3 Which format do you most use to listen to music on your computer? (n=240)
CD's | 28.9% | |
MP3 | 54.7% | |
RealAudio | 10.2% | |
WAV | ..1.6% | |
Other | ..4.7% |
1.4 How many times have you downloaded MP3 files (if your answer is 'Never' please skip to Question 8 of this section)? (n=240)
Never | ..25.0% | |
1-5 times | 15.6% | |
6-15 times | 17.2% | |
16-30 times | ..6.3% | |
31-50 times | ..7.0% | |
more than 50 times | 28.9% |
1.5 When you downloaded sound files (in any format) of whole songs (not clips) what are they usually recordings of (check all that apply / please do not answer this question if your answer to question 4 is 'never')? (n=180)
Live performances | 48.3% | |
Recordings of local or independent artists | 44.1% | |
Promotional tracks | 28.8% | |
Rare tracks | 61.9% | |
Singles/album tracks | 52.2% |
1.6 Have you ever paid for a download of a song apart from ISP or telephone costs (Please do not answer this question if your answer to question 4 is 'never')? (n=180)
Yes | ..5.1% | |
No | 93.2% | |
Abstention | ..1.7% |
1.7 Has the downloading of mp3 files changed your music purchasing habits (Please do not answer this question if your answer to question 4 is 'never')? (n=180)
Not changed | 53.4% | |
Increased | 34.7% | |
Decreased | 11.0% | |
Abstention | ..0.8% |
1.8 Do you regularly purchase products and/or services online? (n=240)
Yes | 53.1% | |
No | 46.9% | |
Abstention | ..0.0% |
1.9 Do you have a credit card? (n=240)
Yes | 60.9% | |
No | 39.1% | |
Abstention | ..0.0% |
PART TWO - Attitudinal questions
2.1 How would you rate the sound quality of MP3 files compared to a Standard Audio CD? (n=180, 60 respondents had never listened to one)
Bad | ..1.7% | |
Poor | ..7.4% | |
Fair | 19.0% | |
Good | 45.5% | |
Excellent | 26.4% |
2.2 Which of the following services might you consider buying online ? (n=240)
Downloads | 44.5% | |
CD's | 56.3% | |
Compilations | 33.6% | |
Custom made CD's | 40.6% | |
Tickets | 50.0% | |
Merchandise | 27.3% |
2.3 How much would you be willing to pay for a download of a song? (n=240)
Not willing to pay | 41.4% | |
Less than $1 | 30.5% | |
$1 - $2 | 23.4% | |
$2 - $3 | ..3.1% | |
More than $ 3 | ..1.6% |
2.4 How much would you be willing to pay for a download of a full length recording (album)? (n=240)
Not willing to pay | 31.3% | |
Less than $5 | 26.6% | |
$5 - $10 | 34.4% | |
$10 - $15 | ..6.3% | |
More than $15 | ..1.6% |
PART THREE - Classification questions
3.1 What is your age? (n=240)
Under 21 | 38.3% | |
21 - 30 | 43.0% | |
31 - 40 | 12.5% | |
Over 40 | ..6.3% |
3.2 What is your gender? (n=240)
Female | ..8.6% | |
Male | 91.4% |
3.3 How much do you spend on recorded music products per month (CD's, Cassetes, Vinyl, Downloads etc.)? (n=240)
Less than $20 | 25.8% | |
$20 - $40 | 31.3% | |
$40 - $60 | 24.2% | |
$60 - $80 | ..7.8% | |
$80 - $100 | ..2.3% | |
More than $100 | ..8.6% |
3.4 Participants' country of residence (n=240).
USA | 55.8% | |
Europe | 9.2% | |
United Kingdom | 15.3% | |
Canada | 2.7% | |
Ireland | 14.4% | |
other | 2.6% |