

Alien Fungus 38KB

These are images I designed with ZBrush and Paint Shop Pro. They were fairly easy to make, and I think they look cool, so I said to hell with it, and decided to post them. ZBrush is a very interesting program. If you are interested in the program that I used to create these pictures, visit Pixologic or Jasc.


Swirl 33KB

And if you decide that these are the most interesting images you've ever seen, and you are so impressed that you want to hire me to design images just like that for you, well then contact me. I'm sure you don't have any taste, and I'd be glad to charge you way too much for very little work :-)


Perfection Imperfect 41KB

For your sake, everyone out there with slow modems and little patience, I've saved these images as moderately compressed jpeg files. I could have had these images display in their full .bmp glory, but they would be 900KB, and it would take a week and a half to download over 28.8kbps. As it is, they are fairly sized, while still maintaining the integrity of the image.


Droplets 22KB


Sprouting 59KB


Spikes 30KB


Hybris 49KB


Evil Eggs 48KB



Disillusioned 35KB


Dreams 21KB


Platinum V 30KB


Red Bagel 29KB