Wojo and Tracy

With the intro from Trena

Women like prose, this is true
But sometimes, a limerick will do
It's all quite good fun
Glad I'm not the one
Coming up with these out of the blue

Quite fine you just did, never doubt
Join in the fun, let it out!
Rhyme with some joy
Try to enjoy
The limericks we all like to shout!

Ah-HA, now the plot it does thicken
This woman will give you a lickin
With rambling prose
I will bravely compose
And make you all cluck like a chicken!

"Woo Hoos!!" sound as Tracy joins in
Quite certain that she's gonna win
I don't doubt it a bit
But don't think I'll sit
And allow you to call Wojo "Kreskin"

"Look deep in my eyes" Tracy chanted
as the ug boys vented and ranted
"You'll do as I say
or there'll be Hell to pay"
So the boys closed their eyes and recanted.

"Don't worry, you'll like it, you'll see."
Said the red headed poet to be.
"It's really profound
to be tied up and bound.
I'll be gentle as gentle can be."
Wojo sure seems to like his limericks! I had a good time composing the few that I participated in, but after a while, I began to get tired of it. I found myself starting to think in limerick :).