She was late. A trait she was newly accustomed to. The babysitter at home certainly was. However, it was better to be late than to have dry cereal in the morning. The car obediently shuddered to a stop. She rummaged through the tips she had received that particular night and ran through the treacherous rain into an all-night grocery store. Once completing her transaction, she threw the milk on the passenger seat and jumped in after it. Her slender body shivered under her long damp trench coat. She sniffled, and drew the thick strands of dark hair away from her eyes and stared solemnly through the waterfalls streaming down the window. She pulled herself together and shoved the keys into the ignition. Patiently, she bit her lip, listening to her old car choke and splutter and rounding off with a deep sigh. Battery was dead again. She thrust her arms at the steering wheel and started kicking at the floor when a car pulled up directly in front, its headlights blinding her. She heard the door swing open.
By: Bryan Tormey, Terenure College
Suddenly a black shadowy figure alighted from the car. It seemed to hover as it loomed ahead of her. Her body gave an involuntary shudder. By reflex only she managed to shove the car lock down. However it jammed. To her horror, she realised that somehow, the handle was in ITS control. She felt trapped. As she climbed over to the passenger seat, she felt cold, scaly fingers wrap themselves around her ankles. Panic seized her chest. In one swift movement she wrenched herself free and scrambled, with great determination, to freedom. The wind lashed against her delicate body penetrating the trench coat as she battled her way towards the shop. Unfortunately, with some freak injustice, the neon sign spluttered to a stop, leaving the shop in total darkness. She quickly scanned the area for all possible options. The streetlights reflected eerily on the river sending a shiver down her spine. Making a split second decision, and not stopping to find out if her predator was still in pursuit, she stumbled in the general direction of what appeared to be the entrance to an alleyway
By: Mary Hennelly, Michelle Cunningham, Sinead Clarke and Kathrine Hannel. MSM
She ran as fast as she could, constantly turning her head around her shoulder every few seconds to see if her predator was still following her, until she reached a dead end. She leaned against a grubby wall, covered in graffiti, to catch her breath. She could hear her heart pounding as loud as thunder. It was pitch black and she could barely make out the objects surrounding her. She rummaged through her bag for her mobile phone, but it was to no avail. She remembered that she had left it on the passenger seat of her dilapidated Ford Fiesta. She pondered whether or not she should take the risk of making the journey back to her car. It was a life or death decision to make. However, she realised that she couldn't stay in the dark, eerie alleyway. It would be too dangerous. She picked up her bag and her legs trembled as she gradually made her way back to her car. The predator was nowhere to be seen. She dived into the front seat of her car nervously. The car that had pulled up in front of her was nowhere to be seen. The low purr of the engine sounded faintly from beneath the bonnet of the car. She backed out of her parking space when the car shuddered to a halt. She was distraught. Through the rear-view mirror, she saw a dark, mysterious figure rise slowly from the back seat
By: Tony Smith and Stephen Russell, Terenure College
The figure was gruesomely bald and dressed in a grey flannel
'Can I have a light, please?'
'Oh sure,' she replied.
The car doors were still locked but she was able to escape through
the sunroof, leaving the creature to eat her Maltesers and do
what it wished with her overcoat.
Wandering back to the dark alleyway she wondered where it led.
There was a strange and eerie light emitting from the far end.
She passed a figure on her left as she entered who was reciting
well-known lines and playing a lute. He had pointed feet and she
was sure she recognised him from somewhere. Then she saw three
old women around a cauldron,
'When shall we three meet again' one screamed.
Being suddenly reminded of school English lessons she walked
on hastily. Where was this alley taking her?
Suddenly she heard a savage clamour and an enormous, green, scaly beast emerged from the darkness. It loped towards her and breathed its foul dog breath, looking at her through the yellow glass of its glowing eyes. She stood frozen and considered her opponent. A sword lay at her feet. Knowing what she had to do, she brandished the weapon waving it between the creatures flashing eyes.
By: Caroline Wilson and Rebecca Quinn WHS
She noticed a little red spot on the handle and decided to push it. In a split second she felt as if nothing could defeat her, and suddenly the sword was surrounded by some kind of magnetic field. The creature stopping, she looked at it and said,
"Come on, do you want to fight, or are you going to stand there forever?"
The creature began to move away, but she followed. Suddenly it stopped, looking down at her with its glowing eyes. She raised the sword over her head to show that she would use it if it came nearer. It disappeared!
There she stood, all by herself, wondering where the creature had gone. She began to walk down to the place where she had first seen it. Suddenly, seeing a big light beam in front of her, she stopped for a moment to see what was happening. Nothing happened for a few moments, so she decided to move on, walking towards the light. She wasn't afraid or scared, as she had her sword, which gave her more self-confidence. She entered the light.
By: Anja Andersen, Esben Hokland, Tine Petersen, Martin Sangill, Peter Skjerbaek: Risskov
When she passed a gate she noticed that she came into a new
world. a strange world whose sterile landscape of colourless,
stark, featureless buildings and streets was populated by equally
lifeless robotic people. They all wore the same grey clothes.
The people didn't only look strange, they also seemed to be afraid
of something. Then she recognised the St. Marcus Church on the
market place. But how could that be? Slowly she noticed that she
was not in another world, but she was living in another time.
But what has happened to the people? Suddenly the grey-looking people began frantically to run away. Then she saw why. Some "normal" looking people were fighting against green creatures. These creatures were stronger and one man after the other died. At this moment her sword began to move. Now she knew what she had to do. She pounced on the fight and killed all creatures as easy as baking a cake. The men she had helped asked her if she would like to come with them into their camp. On their way, they told her that they were rebels and that they were fighting against the control of the "Black Man" called Nosferatu. The green creatures helped him. Many people gave up and lived under his control.
"In which year are we living now?" she asked
"2020." he replied.
"And how long has the "Black Man" been here?" she went on asking.
"Since 2013." he answered.
She was wondering that a world could change within such a short time. Many people were around in the rebels' camp. One man looked very familiar to her. she asked him for his name. "Tom." he said. As he moved his head she saw a mole on his cheek. It was the same mole her son Tom used to have.
By: Anja Voß, Linda Janßen, Marcella Naase, Nadine Memenga, BBS II Aurich
"Tom!," she said staring deep into his eyes searching for some form of remembrance.
The young man having never seen this woman before stared back blankly.
"Yes" he replied.
She, being just a girl herself realised how ridiculous it would sound if she claimed she thought she was his mother. She smiled back shyly and said it wasnt important.
"Well then shall I show you around? By the way what is your name?" Tom asked.
"Chloe" she replied. "May I see the leader of the camp I have an idea about how to defeat the Black Man."
Upon arriving at the head quarters she informed them of her powerful weapon which may be their only form of defence against the worst scum of the universe.
Later that evening as she and Tom strolled home she enquired about what life was like, and how he had grown up in a world filled with such turmoil. Tom said that he never knew his mother but had many brothers and had spent his life training for combat. Chloe asked,
"Did you miss not knowing your mother."
To her surprise Tom chuckled "No. I am a clone."
By: Carie Crawford and Colleen Mc Crink Our Lady's Grammar Newry.
She was in shock. "A Clone?" she repeated.
"Yes, it was illegal up until 2013 when these creatures
first arrived. Then to try and save the world's population, which
was in rapid decline due to the violent nature of these creatures, people had
to be cloned as pregnancy took too long."
"But where did they come from?" she asked.
"They came from the planet Detturscion, after an asteroid hit it, completely destroying all possibilities of any form of life. Unfortunately, due to their advanced technology they were aware of this occurrence long before it happened, and so, were well prepared. On board their advanced spaceship, they brought their planets' leader the "black man" and one thousand other aliens of all sorts. This may not seem like a lot but you must remember that one of those extra terrestrials has the power of twenty men. Their only weakness is their leader. He has very little strength, but is constantly protected by his muscular bodyguards"
"But how does he control them all so well?' she asked. "Don't
they know it is wrong?"
'You mean..."
"Yes, he controls them through a special interface which transmits to a microchip in their heads."
She disappeared into the solitude of her mind and saw in her mind's eye exactly how she would overcome these terrible creatures.
"What are you thinking about?" Tom asked.
"Do you know where the cloning machine is? she replied.
"Yes, but why..."
"Great take me there" she interrupted."but first gather all your troops and tell them to meet us there. I'll explain on the way."
An uninformed army of frightened soldiers assembled around the phenomenal piece of technology they called the cloning machine.
"Why have you brought us here?" Tom asked, fascinated by this mysterious woman from no-where.
"I have a plan "she said. "Hand me my sword."
Their only hope of defeating the alien creatures was passed carefully along the line. She began to explain her plan. She intended to clone the powerful sword making one for each soldier willing to help. They would then proceed to the Black man's headquarters, and having the element of surprise on their side along with the powerful sword they would defeat the Aliens protecting the Black man. With him thus exposed and defeated, they would control the Detturscion aliens. What she would do next, she wasn't sure, but at least the world would be safe.
Each armed with a cloned sword, the eager, yet fearful soldiers made their way through "no mans'" land to the enemies' headquarters. Countless aliens disappeared due to the powerful strength of the sword. Eventually they reached the "Black man". He was a frail, crippled creature. His appearance was very deceptive. If Chloe hadn't known better, she would have thought he was an innocent being. But she did know better, and she knew what she had to do. With one sharp movement she grabbed a nearby laser gun and held it threateningly above her head. Curiosity and a sense of homesickness overwhelmed her, she just had to ask how she got there. She felt if anyone knew, he would. A strange voice interrupted her thoughts
"You came through the alley - you primitive fool" it said.
"Who said that?" she spoke aloud.
"I did." replied the voice again.
She realised all the soldiers were staring at her perplexed.
"Who are you talking to?" asked Tom. "Chloe? Come on, kill him while you have the chance."
"They can't hear me you Neanderthal, I'm using my telepathic powers."
She was fascinated by this advanced species.
"What do you mean I came through the alley?" she asked.
"You are indeed antedeluvian aren't you?" came his
smug reply. "The alley is a time-warp connecting our unequal
time zones." he
She suddenly saw everything clearer. The aliens and witches she saw in her world were all explained now. She understood.
"Quick the aliens are on the attack!" yelled Tom.
She could hear heavy footsteps pounding down the hall. With
no more thought she directed the laser into the centre of his
one large eye. It exploded into millions of molecules and evaporated
into thin air. Tom stared admiringly into the stunned eyes of
Chloe. He saw something he recognised, but he wasn't quite sure.
"Are you..."
"And cut!" yelled the director. "That's a wrap, we'll take it from there tomorrow."