Personal background (Circle/tick the correct answer in each case):
Age: 15-17____ 18-20____ | Sex: M_____ F ______ | School: Co-Ed___ Single Sex____ |
Family Status: Parents: Together____ Separated ____Divorced____ Other ____
Number of Brothers_______ Number of Sister_______ Town/County_________________
1. In your opinion, are you easily influenced?
Yes: | No: |
2. Which group of people would influence you more (rank 1-4, 1 being most influence)?
Family: | Friends: | Pop Groups: | Politicians: |
3. Who would you prefer to spend more time with, family or friends?
Family: | Friends: |
4.Have you ever consumed alcohol?
Yes: | No: |
If "Yes" was the first time because (Give principle reason)?
a) You were curious: | b) Your parents took you out to celebrate: |
c) Your friends were doing it: | d) You were bored: |
5. Do you feel obliged to wear brand names to avoid ridicule?
Yes: | No: |
Friends and Family:
6. Are most of your friends?
The same sex as you: | Opposite sex: | Both: |
7. Are most of your friends?
The same age as you: | Younger: | Older than you: |
8. How many hours a week would you spend with your friends? (Leisure time)
0-3: | 3-6: | 6-9: | More than 9 hours: |
9. How many hours a week would you spend with your family? (Leisure time)
0-3: | 3-6: | 6-9: | More than 9 hours: |
10. When, during the week would you socialize with your friends? (Tick one or more options)
Beginning of the week: | Midweek: | Weekends: |
11. Are your friends mainly from your school or from outside school?
From School: | Outside: |
12. Do you feel you need to like the same things as your friends in order to fit in?
Yes: | No: |
13. Have you ever been talked into doing something that you didn't want to do by your friends?
Yes: | No: |
14. Would you have a strong sense of individuality or do you tend to do what your friends do?
Mainly individual: | Mainly with group: |
15. What are your attitudes towards school?
a) Great: | b) Alright: | c) Bearable: |
d) Unbearable: | e) Other: |
16. Would you break the rules just to be popular?
Yes: | No: |
17. Do you allow people to copy your schoolwork?
Never: | Rarely: | Often: |
If "Yes" why?
In fear of being slagged/jeered: | To help them: | Other: |
18. Do you feel your schoolwork suffers due to peer pressure e.g. afraid to ask or answer questions in class incase you are slagged/jeered?
Yes: | No: |
The Conclusion Questions:
19. Has peer pressure affected you?
a) Positively a lot: | b) Positively a little: | c) Not at all: |
d) Negatively a little: | e) Negatively a lot: |
20. "Although we get older, the amount of peer pressure we receive remains constant." What do you think?
Remains constant: | Decreases: | Increases: |