Seaman's Division
NAME: Warrant Officer John Walsh
Age: 56
FROM: Kilkenny
JOB: Master at arms Naval Base
HOBBIES: Reading, GAA, Gardening.
COMMENTS: After my 39 years in the Naval Service,
this was a trip of a lifetime. Some of the highlights for me are as
follows: Crossing the equator for the first time, and the ceremony and
pageantry that went with it. The magnificent views of Rio from the
Christ the Redeemer and the Sugar Loaf Mountain. I especially enjoyed
working with the Rio Street Children On Epsom Farm in Brazil. Also
witnessing the sheer pleasure of the under privileged children that
received a tour and some gifts FROM the ship’s
CAPTAIN: John has huge experience and the energy of a
teenager. He contributed in a significant manner to the success of the
deployment and his advice was always pertinent, appropriate and timely
– many thanks John – now I have a few favours to ask!
NAME: SCPO Robert Byrne
Age: 52
FROM: Dublin
JOB: Cox’n
HOBBIES: Drama, Singing
COMMENTS: As I come to the end of my seagoing career
I will look back on this deployment with great fondness. What made the
trip for me were the people. The people we met along the way during
the many functions held onboard, the delight in the children’s faces
when we hosted special parties for them. But most of all I’ll
remember a great crew that bonded together during our long voyage of
Discovery to the South Atlantic
CAPTAIN: Robbie has been my coxswain since I arrived
here on LE EITHNE. I will miss his softly spoken efficient nature and
his courteous manner especially on those rare occasions when he knew
it was appropriate to invite me for a pint.
NAME: PO Paul McCarthy
Age: 37
FROM: Dublin
JOB: Bosun
HOBBIES: Diving, Rugby
COMMENTS: A great experience to cross the equator on
an Irish Naval Vessel. Great to see the sights of South America.
CAPTAIN: Steven Segal, sorry, Paul is a warrior and a
diver and a big man an asset for any ship. He is also a perfectionist
which is great when you have a lady like Eithne who likes to look
good. Thanks Paul.
NAME: PO Brendan Madden
Age: 39
FROM: Cork
JOB PO Gunner
HOBBIES: Sports.
COMMENTS: A great experience to cross the equator on
an Irish Naval Vessel. Great to see the sights of South America, and
to meet some wonderful people like some of the members of the Old
Christians RFC who survived the horrific plane crash in the Andes.
CAPTAIN: This is Brendan’s last patrol on LE Eithne
for the next few years at least. During my time he has carried out his
duties, and on occasions those of the coxswain and bosun to a very
high standard. He is a gentleman who I will miss – thanks Brendan
for all your support..
NAME: L/SEA Noel Dunne
Age: 36
FROM: Cork
JOB: Leading Gunner
HOBBIES: Sports and in particular Rugby.
COMMENTS: The highlight of the deployment for me was
the day we spent at Old Christians Rugby Club. It was a moving
experience to meet listen and talk to some of the survivors of the
Andes plane crash made famous by the film Alive. It was a pleasure to
help under privileged children at parties on board, and help them to
have a good time.
CAPTAIN: Noel is an outstanding NCO and a diver. His
leadership and conduct has been an example to the rest of the branch.
His good spirits and attitude through out the trip has been great for
the morale of all branches.
NAME: L/SEA Courtney Gibbons
Age: 28
FROM: Dublin
JOB: Safety NCO
HOBBIES: Diving, Music.
COMMENTS: I found the trip very enlightening, It gave
me a chance to experience new cultures and to see how other people
live. The highlight for me would be the Santana Concert in Rio
CAPTAIN: Courtney is always in good form, cheerful
and good natured – his personality rubs off on all those around him
– a great asset.
NAME: L/Sea Gordan Cummins
Age: 33
FROM: Waterford
JOB: Bosun’s Mate
HOBBIES: Horse Riding and Diving
COMMENTS: It was a great experience to travel to
South America with the Navy, and something to be proud of in the
future. The statue of Christ the Redeemer was truly a magnificent
CAPTAIN: Gordan, another diver is always cheerful an
old friend from my first command LE Orla.
NAME: A/Sea Robert Wallace
Age: 27
FROM: Cork
JOB: Jag Cox’n
HOBBIES: Sailing and Soccer
COMMENTS: Certainly the most eventful and satisfying
deployment that I have been assigned to. For me Rio De Janeiro stood
out the most. It was a true scenic phenomenon. A real sense of
achievement was felt after a very worthwhile humanitarian task which
\I was involved with in Fortaleza.
CAPTAIN: Robert is our most experienced seaman
onboard, and this has reflected in his performance when he was
elevated to ic of a steaming watch for the duration of the deployment.
This is his last patrol as he will commence training as a Non
Commisioned Officer on return to Ireland best of luck Rob.
NAME: A/Sea Adam Purcell
Age: 25
FROM: Cork
JOB: Jag Cox’n
COMMENTS: Travelling to South America with some of
your closest friends is something some people only dream about. from
the ceremony when we left the Naval Base to the crossing of the
Equator, and the reception received on our arrival in Argentina, it
was all incredible. For me though the absolute highlight of the trip
was the visit to the Old Christians RFC in Montevideo, having seen the
film (Alive) a few years back I was aware of the story behind their
plight, and then meeting a real life hero was definitely the highlight
of my trip.
CAPTAIN: Again Adam is one of the more experienced
seamen onboard. He is a highly skilled Jag Cox’x and this was proven
the day he landed the divers onboard the navigational hazard (i.e.
orange buoy) in difficult conditions.
NAME: A/SEA Niall Carney
Age: 27
FROM: Mayo
JOB: Jag Cox’n
HOBBIES: Reading and swimming
COMMENTS: It was a most enjoyable voyage; everyone
worked hard and pulled together to make things go well. It was great
to work with disadvantAged children, and to make a
difference in their lives, and they were so grateful for what little
gifts and toys etc that they received from us. It was a great honour
to represent Ireland abroad. Hopefully there will be a ship in
Argentina for the 150th anniversary of Admiral Brown’s death.
Overall it was a great trip and fantastic experience, and I would like
to do it again.
CAPTAIN: Niall is a townie of mine – so he is
great! Always reliable and a hard worker. He is an experienced and
highly capable part of the Bofors Crew, and an excellent Jag Cox’n.
NAME: A/Sea Jenny Blackwell
Age: 22
FROM: West Meath
JOB: Jag Cox’n
HOBBIES: Horse Riding
COMMENTS: The trip to Argentina was the furthest I
had ever been from Ireland. I was both anxious but very excited. I was
worried about many things i.e. weather, being confined in a ship for
so long and most of all our welcome. But I could not have been
prepared for the welcome I received. Getting to know a great crew,
enjoying the dart tournaments, quiz’s etc, and the visit to Rio and
its amazing views. The beautiful children who I will never forget.
CAPTAIN: Jenny is one of the long standing members of
the seaman’s division onboard. She is diligent and conscientious and
always cheerful and smiling. She is also a Jag Cox’n and gunner of
NAME: A/Sea Aidan Hithchens
Age: 21
FROM: Tipperary
JOB: Guns Crews
HOBBIES: Sports in particular Hurling and soccer
COMMENTS: Before I left for South America I thought
the trip was going to be exciting, but this was something special. The
sunshine, the atmosphere, the friendly people and the spectacular
views of all the countries we visited. I was lucky to be on duty the
day the members of the Argentine Special Olympics personnel came
onboard, they enjoyed the day so much and we enjoyed having them.
Another highlight in Buenos Aires was the visit to the hospital for
sick children. It was fortunate that we were in a position to give
some of these needy children some toys and other gifts donated by
children and organizations back at home in a more well off position.
It is a trip that I will never forget.
CAPTAIN: Aidan had completed his time onboard L.E
Eithne and put in an application to remain onboard for the deployment.
He is a pleasant and easy going young man. I will miss his gentle
NAME: A/Sea Niamh Crowley
Age: 20
FROM: Cork
JOB: Gunner’s Mate
HOBBIES: Reading, Kickboxing.
COMMENTS: It was an experience. Very enjoyable all
the way. Night Life was brilliant everywhere!! Sights and shopping
were great in Rio. The craic on the Ship was brilliant, Great Trip.
CAPTAIN: An outstanding young seaman. She is hard
working and enthusiastic no matter what the task is, and she has
proven to be an excellent Gunners Mate.
NAME: O/SEA Robert McCarthy
Age: 19
FROM: Cork
JOB: Guns Crews
HOBBIES: Hurling
COMMENTS: Coming to the end of my recruit training, I
heard of L.E Eithne’s deployment to South America, I was then posted
for this once in a lifetime trip. I met loads of friends on the trip
and it gave me a great opportunity to learn my trade as a seaman. One
of the most enjoyable parts of the trip was being able to help the
under privileged children of South America. This was a once in
lifetime trip and I’m glad that I will always be able to say that I
was part of the Best Little Flagship in the World, on the biggest
little deployment ever!
CAPTAIN: Robert is a young seaman who enjoyed the
deployment, and the experience will stand to him. He has cutting sense
of humour and is a great asset to the ship
NAME: O/Sea Niall Cremin
Age: 20
FROM: Limerick
JOB: Guns Crews
HOBBIES: Hurling
COMMENTS: My favourite moment of the trip was knowing
that I was the first Limerick man, to cross the Equator on an Irish
Naval Ship. One of the highlights of the trip was being part of the
boats crew when we sank the Orange Buoy (Navigational Hazard). Meeting
new people and trying to learn a small bit of their languAge.
It makes me feel like I made a difference on the trip, and L.E
Eithne’s history
CAPTAIN: Niall is a young man who will benefit from
the experience of the deployment. He is on the first step of what will
be a very fruitful career in the Naval Service.
NAME: A/SEA Robert Buckley
Age: 25
FROM: Cork
JOB: Guns Crews
COMMENTS: I have just under five years service done,
and I have to say that volunteering for this trip has been the best
decision and highlight of my career to date. The highlights included
crossing the Equator Ceremony. The people I met that work with under
privileged children, the beaches of Fortaleza, and the day the CO
called me in to tell me that my mother called the Gerry Ryan show RTE,
to speak to the Skipper to ask if I was ok.
CAPTAIN: Robert is experienced seaman who volunteered
for the deployment. He has been a steady and mature member of the
seaman’s division. Sadly he will be leaving us when the ship goes
NAME: A/SEA Lee Coughlan
Age: 25
FROM: Cork
JOBS: Guns Crews
HOBBIES: Kickboxing.
COMMENTS: The highlight for the trip for me was the
nightlife, the beaches and the best thing of all was when we had the
sick and homeless kids onboard. It was great to see the look on their
faces when we gave them toys.
CAPTAIN: Lee is an experienced Seaman, a very
diligent and hard worker and is an asset to any ships company. I am
sorry to see that Lee will soon leave the Navy but I am happy to say
he will open a Pub in the West Of Ireland!
NAME: O/Sea Fergal McDonagh
Age: 19
FROM: Dublin
JOBS: Guns Crews
COMMENTS: My highlights for the South American
Deployment were Argentina and the nights out. Going to the biggest and
the best clubs was brilliant. Banging out the tunes was animal. Rio De
Janeiro and taking a trip up to the Christ the Redeemer Statue with
its spectacular views was a once in lifetime opportunity and well
worth it. All together I thought the trip was excellent.
CAPTAIN: Fergal joined the ship prior to the
deployment, as a young seaman, but has proven to be very eager and
enthusiastic, an excellent addition to the ship’s company.
NAME: L/SEA Rachael Collopy
Age: 25
FROM: Limerick
HOBBIES: Writing and speaking Spanish.
COMMENTS: The Sea itself was the greatest highlight
for me (the waters the weather and the skies). Between Haulbowline
Buenos Aires, Rio and back again, we experienced every type of weather
from Force 9 gales to a sweltering 36 degrees, to perfect days when
the water surface was like a pane of glass. Just a warm breeze blue
each morning and evening there was a different sunrise and sunset to
enjoy in every color imaginable, and the night sky’s were the
clearest and most beautiful you will ever see. So we saw all the
southern sky’s had to offer, constellations and even Venus,
something us Northern Hemisphereans will never see again, and mores
the pity.
CAPTAIN: Rachel has joined the ships company prior to
the deployment as a member of the Naval Reserve. Her fluency in
Spanish has been an invaluable asset to the ship during the duration
of the trip – Rachel thanks for all your help.
NAME: A/SEA Helen Meredith
Age: 20
FROM: Cork
HOBBIES: Reading
COMMENTS: I could never have anticipated the
experience that I have had on this deployment to South America. from
playing darts with my fellow crew members and friends in the hangar to
seeing some of the most famous and amazing sights in the world. This
trip was truly an experience of a lifetime.
CAPTAIN: Helen again is a member of the Naval
Reserve, she has proven to be a credit to the NSR. She has carried out
any task assigned to her brilliantly and her passed experience onboard
has benefited her on the deployment.