The Aldworths
Irish family of Aldworths came from Stanlake Berkshire. They settled in Co Cork
in and around the time of Queen Elizabeth. Richard Aldworth received a grant for
part of the land around the Earl of Desmond near Mallow.
Richard was an honourable subject of the Queen and served in her army.
had two sons William and Richard. Richard was knighted and appointed
provost Marshal of the English Army in Munster.
He was given the lands of the McAuliffes of Clanawley.
He died without children in 1629 and is buried in Trinity Church,
nephew Richard (son of William) inherited the Manor of Newmarket.
He was knighted and married Martha Travers.
He served in the Army as Captain Major and later as Colonel during 1641
– 1652. He
spent five months in a Dublin prison.
In 1675 he captained a troop of Charles 11.
son Boyle died in 1697 while crossing to England. It was he who inherited
the Estate. By Billy Allen |