Directions from Clifden

The map below shows the road from Clifden. The house is about 8 miles from Clifden & can be reached either through Claddaghduff or Cleggan. Take the Westport road from Clifden (turn right at the Church on approaching Clifden from the Galway road)

By Claddaduff: Take the "Claddaduff" signpost about 1.5 miles out of Clifden on the Westport road. Turn right at Claddaduff (just before Sweeney's Grocery/Pub) and right again at the end of this short bog road. The house is the second on your right. The drive is shared with two chalets and a gate to a farm.

By Cleggan: Follow the Westport road until you reach the turn for Cleggan. At this junction the Westport road turns sharply to the right and the Cleggan road goes straight ahead. Drive straight through Cleggan. About 2 miles beyond Cleggan there is a road to the right signposted as Rossadilisk. Go past this and there is a sharpish turn to the left. The house is just around the corner. The drive is shared with two chalets and a gate to a farm.The drive is shared with two chalets and a gate to a farm.

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