
Light Tank Mark IVB


Crew : 3
Engine power : 88 hp
Combat weight :4,900 kg (10,804 lb)
Max speed : road , 56 km/h (34.78 mph)
Length : 3.95 m (12.96 ft)
Range : 200 km (124.2 miles)
Width : 2.05 M (6.75 ft)
Main gun : 0.50-inch(12.7 mm)
Height : 2.22 m (7.28 ft)
Armour : 4 mm (0.16 in) to 14 mm (0.55 in)

The Light Tank IVB was the most numerous of a series of British Light Tanks which began in 1931.The Light Tank Mark I was a development of earlier experimental designs which could be traced back to the series of Carden-Loyd tankettes.Early Light Tanks marks had 2-man crews,increased to three with the Mark V.Armament was limited to one 0.50 inch(12.7 mm)and one 0.303 inch(7.7 mm)machine gun on the Mark VIB-aMark VIC had one 15 mm(0.59 in)and one 7.92 mm(0.31 in)machine gun but was produced in limited numbers olny.Armoured protection was very limited but the Light Tanks were agile and fairly reliable.

The Light Tanks were sent to France in 1940.When the Germans attacked in May they proved of limited combat value even in a reconnaissance role.Their standard armament was no match for the German tanks.Most in France were either destroyed in action or simply abandoned.The same harsh lessons were re-learned in North Africa and during operations in the Lebanon in 1941 although against the Italians in 1940 the speed of the Light Tanks did prove useful.After 1942 the Light Tanks were withdrawn as soon as possible and replaced by Stuarts.A few Light Tanks of various marks were still being used for training as late as 1943.