
Matilda Mark III


Crew : 4
Engine power : 2 x 190 hp
Combat weight :26,950 kg (59,424 lb)
Max speed : road , 24 km/h (14.90 mph)
Length : 5.61 m (18.42 ft)
Range : 255 km (158.36 miles)
Width : 2.59 M (8.50 ft)
Main gun : 2-pounder(40 mm)
Height : 2.51 m (8.25 ft)
Armour : 20 mm (0.79 in) to 78 mm (3.07 in)

The A12 or Infantry Tank Mark II followed the Matilda I.The first was delivered in 1938 but old-fashioned manufacturing techniques meant that each tank had to be built by skilled craftsmen.Olny a few were in service by 1940.Soon known simply as Matilda,the new infantry tank was a great seccess.Unlike other British tanks,it was well armored and reliable,mainly due to the use of commercial components(such as two AEC bus engines)wherever possible.Its armour was proof against most German anti-tank weapons of the early war years,but the Matilda was very slow(only 24 km/h(14.9 mph)on roads)even after the original AEC engines had been replaced by Leyland units on the Mark IIA.
The small turret ring diameter prevented it carrying anything more powerful then the 2-pounder(40 mm)gun.By the time production ceased in 1943,2,987 had been built.After sterling service in North Africa most had already been withdrawn and diverted to special purpose roles including mine flail tanks,Canal Defence Lights to produce artificial moonlight and assault bridges.The Australians produced a flame-thrower version,called the'Frog'.Many Matildas were donated to the Soviet Union