Sd Kfz 251/1 |
mittlere Schützenpanzerwagen (Wurfahmen 40).
Crew : 6 / Armament Two MG34 or 42. Plus 6-Wurfrahmen 40. 5 28cm Sprengranate (HE round).One 32cm Flammgranate (incendiary round).After the campaign in France in 1940 J.Gast KG.Berlin were ordered to develop a projector for the Wurfgerät 40 which would be fitted on the m SPW.The resulting vehicle could be traversed by the driver and elevation of +5° to +40° could be sent on each projector frame.Firing took 10 seconds and gave the 3rd Panzerpionier Zug heavy bombardment capability up to 1.9km for Sprengranate and 2.2km for Flammgranate. | |
Sd Kfz 251/1 |
mittlere Schützenpanzerwagen (IR) 'Falke' | |
Sd Kfz 251/4 |
mittlere Schützenpanzerwagen (IG) Gerät 904
Weight 8.75 tons / Crew : 7 / Armament One 7.92mm MG34 with 1,100 rounds of ammo. Ammunition carrier and tractor for the 75mm lelG18.This vehicle was replaced by the Sd Kfz 251/9 with its self-propelled 75mm gun in 1942.120 rounds of ammunition were carried. | |
Sd Kfz 251/5 |
mittlere Schützenpanzerwagen (PI) FuG8 + FuG5. |
Sd Kfz 251/7 |
Ausf C mittlere Pionierpanzerwagen.
Weight: 8.07 tons / Crew : 7/8 / Armament Two MG34 or 42 One 7.92mm Pz B39.Special carriers fitted with racks to carry small assault bridges , mines and other heavy equipment of the Panzerpionier company (gp).When issued to the HQ Company these vehicles were fitted with a FuG5.Other designation was Gerät 907. | |
Sd Kfz 251/8 |
mittlere Krankenpanzerwagen Gerät 908 | |
Sd Kfz 251/9 |
mittlere Schützenpanzerwagen (75mm) Gerät 909
Weight 8.53 tons / Crew : 3 / Armament One 75mm KwK37 (L/24).Traverse 12° left 12° right.Elevation -10° to +12°. Plus 2 MG34 or 42. / Ammunition 2010 rounds for the MG's plus 52 rounds for the 75mm KwK37. Designed to provide more flexible support for the Heavy Armour Infantry Company (gp).In March 1942 Büssing-NAG were ordered to develop an armored superstructure to mount the old 75mm KwK redundant since the un-gunning of the Pz Kpfw IV with the KwK40 (L/43).In June 1942 two prototypes were sent to Russia for field tests and as a result an order for 150 units was placed in the same month.In 1944 a new design of mounting was introduced which could be fitted on a number of vehicles with major modification.The 75mm was redesignated K51 (Sf) when fitted in the new mounting.The unofficial name sometimes used for this vehicle was 'Stummel' (stump). | |
Sd Kfz 251/10 |
mittlere Schützenpanzerwagen (37mm Pak) Gerät 910
Weight 8.02 tons / Crew : 5 / Armament One 37mm PaK35/36 (L/45) . One MG34 or 42 . One 7.92mm PzB39 / Ammunition 168 rounds for the Pak , 1,100 for the MG and 40 for the PzB. From 1940 the Sd Kfz 251/10 was issued as the Zugführerwagen to platoon leaders so as to provide some heavy support.Minor variations existed in the arrangement of the 37mm PaK shield. |